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 Jun 2016 s u r r e a l
Pretty hair, pretty eyes, pretty face with pretty lies.
No one knows the pain,
They say us as young ones can't experience pain,
But they don't know,
Everyday is a struggle,
Shedding invisible tears,
Well at least those i can't hold back anymore.

It's hard enough already living life without knowing who you are,
But even harder lying to yourself about it.
I swear one day i will cry without stopping,
Or maybe it's too late for that now.

Everyday i come around friends,
Smiling, it's a fixed expression.
I go home and sing the pain away or make a poem,
Without talking about the pain.

                                                         ­                                 Jonesy  ©
We were lying naked in bed, covered in sweat
From feet to head.
The ******* we shared
Was far beyond compare.
Our bodies had become as one
In a fast rhythmical beat
Sending waves of passion
Ever so sweet.
Like the sky meeting the ocean
And you can’t see where one begins
And the other one ends.
For we became lovers
After becoming friends.
We was exhausted, and our minds
Became as blank as can be.
But our souls was released
And our hearts set free.
We never knew how beautiful
******* could be
Till I found you, and you found me.
It had created a passion deep inside
A passion that we couldn’t hide.
And as I laid on top of you
I knew just what I had to do.
I kissed your lips once again
As I caressed your face
I felt you tighten your warm embrace.
If I wanted to be inside of you
Then I would have to marry you
For we was meant to be
Living together eternally.

louis rams
Your nectar
Please cool me down with your nectar
My passion for you is burning
It's so intense I can feel the flame radiating from my body
Do you feel it? Do you feel me?
I want you with all my being
I can't hold back any longer
The fernace in my chest is about to explode
You know I want you
That I'm hungry for you
Why won't you just take me
Give me what's mine
A scorpio must have what he wants
But in that case I guess you are all ready
The way you tease me
It exhilarates me
I love it
Drives me to the brink of insanity
Till you finally show me mercy
Oh thank you love
Thank you for cooling me down
With your sweet sweet nectar

night pours water
from a jug,

the earth is softened by
the tears of the rain.


i dream, the dark
unravels its flowers,

ghosts whistle and hum.


we pocketed stars and honey
moons, unwrapped summer seas
our love more tender than dream,
our love the night’s caverns
of black inks, timeless and
filled with dark golds.  


you wrap your legs
around mine and we sink forever,
sink like the sway of a tide
emboldened with love.
 Jun 2016 s u r r e a l
Don't the storms rage for awhile
Before falling back into the sky?
The terror and hope of living
The way we force a meaning

Doesn't my heart still beat
In a cavity disguised by skin?
The fear of what is love
And how we feel it

I would say
I will remember you
But I can't......
To remember is to try and hold on,
To forget

I cannot forget

Don't the clouds still speak your name
When I look to the sky for peace?
And all the blues reach deeper hues
And color means more to me

Doesn't my mind still form images
That paper can't contain?
No stenciling hand of man
Can shape such beauty

I would say I will remember you
But I cannot forget
I will always love you......
I showed my scars
And you showed your heart

It was the only truth I've ever known
I remember Love
a melding complete and fine
intimacy both ******
a union fulfilling~Divine

defining my forever
understood magic shared
held each day with tenderness
knowing how much We cared

I remember being satisfied
feeling soft, deep down deep
believing You and Me
described the meaning complete

knew what defined forever
understood magic shared
held each day with tenderness
knowing how much We cared

yes I remember Love
feeling soft, deep down deep
A melding perfect and fine
defining my forever
a union, fulfilling ~Divine


Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
Soft Deep Down Deep
One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what the other person has to say.
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