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  Dec 2017 MeKenna
Anon C
I don't understand why you just left me
You left me behind and never looked back
Was I not your little girl, your baby
You cared more for repulsive things like crack

Now you're gone, now I'll never have a chance
To see the face that cared for me so long
Memories fading, I want to enhance
The times we used to have which are now gone

Mom, why did you let the devil lead you
Walk so willingly with him side by side
Life could have been better, you knew 'twas true
Instead you chose wrong, to my face you lied

I always had one last flicker of hope
That was stolen, by one last hit of dope
  Dec 2017 MeKenna
When you tried to give me a compliment I always turn the cheek
Batting it away like it doesn't belong to me

That my hair is too frizzy for you to like it
My eyes too blue for your brown

My legs are elegant but they are marked with my disappointment
The purple and the blue will never go away
Yes, the bruises will slowly heal but by the time one problem is resolved another sapling and will slowly take root and show it's colors

You say my heart is made to heal
But I can't find it
It's buried so deep I can't hear it keeping time to my life song
It's crushed under all my self downs and worries
In that hollow it grows
Like a new bud
And one day it will turn into a flower

My response to your comment is lost on my tongue
It is somewhere tucked inside my conscience
Playing hide and seek with the directions on how to talk to boys and how to give an oral report without turning red
And I'm the seeker

You tell me I'm beautiful
But I can't hear you
The voices taunting me inside my head are too loud for your soft voice
Arguing about which way right
When I find my answer it seems as if the time has already left

You are already heading off in the other direction
Leaving me stumbling over my daydreams and expectations
Trying to get a grasp on what's ethical

I always forget to say thank you
It's sort of a bad habit
I'm always too worried about what will happen if I say something wrong
If I'll turn you away

I want you to know that I want you to stay
Stay close and hug me when I need it
So I can help you through your hardships
And carry each other's hopes and dreams upon our shoulders

You will be the soldier of my heart
Guarding the gates for all of the knights in shining armor that aren't noble enough to be my Prince Charming
Sorry I know it's not complete. It's a work in progress and I would like some feedback. Thanks!
  Dec 2017 MeKenna
Aylin Soto-Aleman
My mother is...

A superhero with no powers,
A knight with no armor,
A queen with no kingdom,
A gift with no ribbons,
A star with no award.

My mother is...

A tiger with stripes,
A life giver,
A home,
A friend,
A hug,
A kiss,
A frown,
A smile.

My mother is...


My mother is...

My reason for existence,
My inspiration,
My motivation,
& God's creation.

Happy Mothers Day!
  Dec 2017 MeKenna
Aesthete Flower
To the deadbeat I hate to call my father,
I can’t say I hate you, for I would be hating myself.
You walked out of my life when I was four,
Yet came back a decade later asking me to ignore what you put me through,
Asking me to put the past on the highest shelf
Of my metaphorical closet.
I did as you asked, thinking this time around things would be different.
For a year I was overjoyed, you put me before yourself
But as the saying goes, what goes up must come down,
And your façade began to crumble.
Slowly but surely my calls went to voicemail,
My texts were never received,
Our plans rain checked for another day that never came.
I told you it was okay.
I was afraid telling you my feelings would make you runaway.
My anger was taken out on the woman that you hurt
My anger was taken out on the woman you cheated on and abused.
All the horrible things I wanted to say to you, I said to her instead.
My mother, the only parent I truly have, began to call you too.
Everyday, her and I would fight, trying to figure out what to do.
Well I’ve decided I’ve had enough.
You are not a man.
You are unfit to be a father.
You choose your own happiness over mine.
You say I asked for a lot-
When all I wanted was to catch up.
Ten years is a large gap.
I know I’ll see you at family gatherings,
I know I’ll have to deal with you eventually.
But I refuse to be fooled by you again.
You are a coward.
You have three daughters that need their father.
Two of them refer to their step-dad as their only dad.
I unfortunately do not have that luxury for my step father is a lot like you.
They say ignorance is bliss, but that is not the case.
You’ve hurt me too many times and there is no one to blame but myself.
I let you back in.
I listened to your lies.
From now on, I will not hide this problem on that metaphorical shelf.
You are the issue.
I am done with you.
I cannot hate you, as I said before.
Half of me is you.
But half of me is my mother.
The half that is kind and strong and knows when to move on.
I know you’ll want to be a part of my life again, but you’ll be too late.
I thought I needed my father, but I have enough people in my life to fill that role.
You are irrelevant to me.
I do not need you now.
I will not need you later.
  Dec 2017 MeKenna
Fresh Prince
Everything you've gone through brings me to tears,
I'm thankful I've had you for all these years...
You're my rock, you're my stone,
You're the light of my life, and the reason I come home...
You're so strong, and your wrath is mighty,
That's why I know you don't take my crap lightly...
But, even through all the bad times,
You still  love me, and I know you're all mine...
I'm sorry for everything I did wrong,
So I'm making it up to you by saying happy Mother's Day in this song...
So thank you for everything you've done,
I love you so much mom and I'm proud to be your son...
  Dec 2017 MeKenna
What is left to say,
at the end of the day?
Loneliness left to spare,
or words that contaminate air?

Why am I always caught chasing clouds?
Caught off guard not holding ground,
weakness the center of attention shall oppose.

I stay away,
since my apologies I often pay.
I never understood your intentions,
through your walls I can't see clear.

I never will say a word,
for my mind is always blurred.
And although my speech always slurred,
you were also quite absurd.

Abuse isn't always easy to accept.
Especially if it's not to expect.
Whether verbal or physical,
the bond is atypical.
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