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I'm finally moving on,

At one point you were my world, beautiful and full of wonders.

But now you're becoming more of a memory.

I'll never forget you and the things I've done.

But now I can say I'm moving on.
Put me six feet under
Away from all the noise
Where no one will hurt me again
she is not the kind of girl
that deserves to be left out in the cold...
she is not the kind of girl
that deserves to be taken for granted....

yet she'll set herself alight to keep someone else warm.
yet she'll allow herself to be forgotten, just to see someone else smile.

she is not the kind of girl that deserves to be treated this way.
maybe she'll get what she really deserves some day.
 Sep 2015 The Broken Poet
I am an earthquake. I shake up other people's lives and shatter their worlds. I swallow everything of theirs in greed, stealing every moment of their day in my selfish demands.

But he still chases me, records me down, keeps account of me and tells me that my destruction is beautiful, it's what makes me. He says he wants to keep on watching me, hoping to save me one day.

Somehow I feel like protecting him from myself. Somehow I want to destroy him.

Or maybe I can destroy myself first. That would destroy him.
I barely know you,
Yet my words just spill out with no filter.
I want you to just see me,
Without a mask and a little off kilter.

Crushes are weird.
You gorgeous *******.
I like you.
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