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 May 2014 Curtis
Victoria Ruth
It’s like a broken glass you see
You smashed it on the floor
Shattered in a million pieces
A broken glass nothing more

You can try to fix it
With strong tape or even glue
But the cracks you’ll always see
No matter what you do

It won’t hold any water
Nothing inside it to fulfill
Because you have broken the glass
And that took a certain skill

Because it wasn’t an accident
You meant to break it
Just like you broke me
And the pieces will never fit

The glass is broken forever
Walking away just won’t do
Because even if you leave
The damage was done by you.

I am the broken glass
You shattered on the floor
Shattered in a million pieces
A broken glass nothing more.
Shattered like broken glass...
Walking away won't fix it...or me
 May 2014 Curtis
Julia O'Neary
I sit down to write a poem,
actually write, not type.
Because pencil against paper is
satisfying. It's warm, not cold,
not like keys on a laptop, or worse
a touch screen, that's not touch.
Because I want to feel,
everything, but I haven't yet.
I sit down to write a poem,
I got nothing.
 May 2014 Curtis
kaitlyn anderson
i am powerful
i am a crashing wave
i am a conqueror.
 May 2014 Curtis
there are ways but the way is uncharted;
there are names but not nature in words:
nameless indeed is the source of creation but things have a mother and she has a name.

the secret awaits  for the insight of eyes unclouded by longing;
those who are bound by desire see only the outward container.

these two come paired but distinct by their names.
of all things profound, say that their pairing is deepest, the gate to the root of the world.

-Poem by Lao Tzu
from the book, The Way of Life
 May 2014 Curtis
 May 2014 Curtis
If you're a popper, I'm a bomber
If you're a romp & runner
I'm boomerang & banger

If You're a hot in the sacker
I'm a leather Queen, *** Smacker

But, seriously, En Scene, Cut, Shows Over, Curtain Call

Not one of these Scenarios Describes Anything appealing

Nor Aligned with my Temple of Love, This is Holy Sanctuary,

This is Holistic Prayer, the Ectomorph in Ecstasy.

Body Electric, Full Sense *******
My Mystical ******* is my Body's Prayer to God
Inspired by my unawareness of some CEREMONY OF THE ANHK.
 May 2014 Curtis
Sierra Carleton
I was naive
I admit it.

But when I was with him
A sweet aroma would surround
And encapsulate us.

As I sit here typing now
All I can taste is a bittersweet memory
Dancing on my tongue.

And I swallow it whole
As I do my pride
Whenever he's around.
 May 2014 Curtis
Love** is my religion.
In order to appreciate all religions, I cannot be biased or follow any particular one. Because of that, I live my life for love and sharing that love with everyone around me.
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