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Nada Jan 2021
every broken bit of my heart belongs to you
Nada Sep 2020
break out
break free
break through
break me
Nada Jan 2021
pressing shuffle on your playlist
hoping one day it will hurt less
Nada Oct 2019
I love you
seems like i hate you I know
but I do
I just don’t know how to show
Nada Jul 2020
it grows, you pluck it
it keeps coming back
you spray pestizides
it withers yet it doesn‘t die
you give your best to **** it
remove it from your life
your garden of flowers
focus on getting rid of it
so much you don‘t realize
you’re killing a beautiful plant
a plant with loving strength  
fighting for the right to live
a life of acceptance and peace
for everyone who feels unwanted, you‘re beautiful <3
Nada Oct 2019
long hair intertwined
hands holding tight
sheets slide
eyes so bright
bodies slowly glide
turn on the light
please don’t hide
our special night
you by my side
this love feels right
bride and bride
Nada Oct 2019
in a world like this
what does it take
to make you his?
dance and shake?
be pretty and kiss?
always be awake?
be quiet, never hiss?
but for god’s sake
do you have to be like this?
do you have to be fake?
with a mindset like this
you’ll end up with a heartache
and never find bliss
so for god’s sake
please be yours not his
Nada Feb 2020
eines Tages sind wir weg
irgendwo sorgenlos und frei
frei ganz ohne Leid und Schreck
sag mir weißt du schon wo?
Vorstadthaus oder Leben im Dreck?
Glücklich werden wir sein
wir zwei in unserem fernen Versteck
Nada Apr 2020
what if one day we run
just run and never stop
never stop until we live
live our lifes togther
until they become one
one life we live together
and be so **** happy
you and me far away
and maybe it‘s forever
Nada Aug 2020
figure out the distance
overcome the difference
swear we´ll make it
promise we´ll get there
please keep your persistence
‘till we live in peaceful existence
Nada Nov 2019
another day
another night
crying till we’re fine
tomorrow we‘ll be alright
Nada Oct 2019
you say you love me
but i‘m suffering from melancholy
so tell me, why can’t you see?
feels like I’m drowning in the sea
you keep calling me lovely
yet you‘ll never love me for me
because i‘ll never be
never be who you want me to be
Nada Jul 2020
It‘s raining today
i wish you could see
we‘ll cuddle up in blankets
please watch it rain with me
Nada Aug 2020
my ‘No’ was my lock
and the key was mine
but you became a thief
by stealing the keys
violently breaking in
and taking my peace
Nada Jan 2021
in the depths of unsurance we suffer painfully  
the debate on what is best and what is not eats us up alive
crawls through our veins in every last corner of our body  
causing endless torture making us question our own being
Nada Mar 2020
feel the love tonight
bright yet vulnerable
hold each other tight
and when it’s over
remember me right
‘cause maybe it was
true love at first sight
Nada Sep 2020
love isn‘t always easy
sometimes it gets hard
and when it does, be careful
may not mean you‘re better apart
Nada Nov 2019
not alive
not dead
not happy
not sad
not good
not bad
just empty
& that’s that
Nada Nov 2019
kalte Nacht
dunkles Licht
keine Macht
blinde Sicht
niemand lacht
düsteres Gesicht
verlorene Schlacht
ein Herz das bricht
sag es nicht
trauriges Gedicht
Nada Sep 2021
that day
I felt something

it felt off

since I thought
my heart was locked
#love #inlove #feelings
Nada Jun 2021
I told you we won’t work
yet now when I’m crying
and noises feel like knives
and light feels like needles
and I’m craving those pills
all I want is your safe arms
warp them around my heart
please make it feel less numb
Nada Nov 2019
you broke me
you stole my dignity
you on top
my body on the floor
my mind somewhere else
my whisper begging you to stop
your hand pulling me down
your laugh in my ear
your happy eyes as I flop
I didn‘t want it and you knew
I tried to flee
I felt like my body was a shop
See what you did?
See what you made me do?
See how you gave me a shock?
The shock that almost killed me
The pain you caused
The clock, can‘t turn back the clock
Nada Jul 2020
I love poetry
reading poems
writing poems
yet I have now words to describe you
your smile
your voice
your everything
so beautiful no poem could ever describe

— The End —