It was sad you know,
But maybe do you think it had to go?
Who knows,
Maybe things would’ve been different
If we hadn’t taken all those missteps, and made all those mistakes
I think we just didn’t truly know each other
Before it was too late
Neither of us really trusted,
It was always a debate
Of ‘do you really love me?’
And ‘is this real or is this fake?’
Because didn’t we both say in the beginning it felt too good to be true
Hearts wide open
Overflowing with love anew
This gift seemed to fall into our laps— after years of hoping
Maybe our fears of it being an illusion made it so
Or maybe we’re two messed up people who ******* it up,
Maybe we’ll never know
I’m just not ready to give it up
But I told him to go
I showed my fangs and roared my fiercest roar
And then, silence
I didn’t hear from him no more
I can’t tell you where’s he’s gone
Just disconnected from me
I understand I went wrong,
But so did he.