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 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
Emily Raso
Breaking blood boiling point
spilling over your coffee table.
If I scream from inside will it echo in your shadows.
Crept between the foundations of each wall,
blooming over hand-grenade fights exploding in the corner.
Bask in it all, the sweat forms columns I want to run through but your structures are high.
Break a brick, smash and hit. squeeze hands,
catch a glimpse,
filter the frame.
Paint it black just to start over again.
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
If I could
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
If I could
I would let some people go, convince them I'm contagious and that I'm no good,
Some other people, I will walk out on, call them to meet,
but don't show up
If I could
I would paint my face *****, erasing my features, resembling a liar or a beggar.
I would then walk about invisible. I would cry a lot, everywhere unbothered.
Next, I would walk between borders, crossing lines, entering and exiting territories.
I would do that,
If I could
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
Ellie Phant
His smirk erupts into a robust guffaw.
I hear a laugh that could save the world,
a catalyst for an astounding explosion within me.
My heart gushes with a kind of pleasure
that few have ever known.
My cheeks, feeling as if they’ve caught fire,
turn rosy and inflate to their fullest.
As my smile extends from ear to ear,
my entire body radiates endless warmth,
emanating what can only be described
as the purest love,
unconditional and eternal,
throughout the Universe and spreading across all space and time.
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
Satsih Verma
Standing alone
in darkness of stairwell
searching light.

You were not immortal
I had lost my speech
in my pain's birth.

Why it had to
happen, altering the genes
of unborn progeny?

I miss my divine
peace. You say nothing.
Space between nights shrinks.

We were scared.
Sun was hiding. I re-send
my prayer. Never pick
the meaning.
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
Satsih Verma
Moon was playing
with a skylark. I give
a whistle. He ducks behind
the palm.

This was your figment
of imagination. You had
said, bring the last sound
of the forest.

I was the giver.
I am the taker.

An immaculate kiss
of the flame will decide
the destiny of bullet.

There was no distance
between the lips and
the hiss of the venomous snake.
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
your insult
stoked my core



 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
I grief the nights before
To you was it just a lore
To be taken,
My worst nightmare
Is for those who care
To just stare
Just waiting for me to tire.
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