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 Jun 2023 JDK
Slur pee
 Jun 2023 JDK
Slur pee
I dreamt a dream of you and me
Intertwined as one- no ends, blurred seams.
Only infinite beginnings;
Your soul seeped into my being,
A heavy, intense feeling sunken deep within me;
Your presence necessary like breathing.
If only life weren't so fleeting
Our love could blossom freely.

 Aug 2022 JDK
Pen Lux
 Aug 2022 JDK
Pen Lux
today there is time
a handful of options to choose from.
this restlessness has been dissolved
with people that help me to rest
so that this forgetfulness processed.

I found myself chugging down opinions
from people who speak with broken teeth,
finding clarity through curled toes in washed clothes,
roughed up shoes, and coconut stains.
june 2012
 Jul 2022 JDK
little lion
 Jul 2022 JDK
little lion
you are not obligated to do anything for anyone that makes you feel like less than yourself.
you owe them nothing
 Jul 2022 JDK
 Jul 2022 JDK
She keeps songs
locked away in boxes
like secrets.
She will take them out
like postcards
to help her remember
the feeling of
a different time,
a different person
by her side.
She likes the one
that makes her
eyes close
to see the lights.
She smiles at
the one that  
makes her stand
up on tiptoes,
the one that
helps her forget
she doesn’t know
what to do
with her hands.

The tune
will carry her.

Like it did
the times when
voices broke
like a heart.
When instruments’ strings
would snap
and hurt.
 Jul 2022 JDK
our lips will never meet
nor our fingers intertwine
and so bless my dreams
for indulging what's not mine
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