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Aug 2020 · 352
Selfish Rants
Four Aug 2020
Here I am sitting,
Wondering and wandering through my mind,
The life I want and could have had,
If only this pandemic did not arrived.

Im feeling sad deep inside,
Of not being satisfied of the life I have,
I am not here to get roasted,
Though I know I deserved it.

I know I am fortunate from most others,
I know I am acting so insensitive,
I have choose to be optimistic almost all the time,
But I choose to be honest just this time.
Let it out sometimes and be "selfish" to make yourself somehow feel good during this difficult times.
Four Aug 2020
Im longing for something I havent experienced,
It makes me feel heavy that I cant have it.

But in an instant I am angry,
Of things I have and people around me interfere.

And then I sight something nasty,
Quickly I thought disgusting.

Sad, angry, disgust what else,
Confused of what I am really feeling,
But sure it is not good and healthy.
Emotionally hightened, crying inside
May 2020 · 120
Four May 2020
Why is it so hard to appreciate what we have,
Why is the idea of comparing have to exist,
When it only cause us the jealous feeling,
And be left with heavy and frustrated feelings.
May 2020 · 182
Unclear Future
Four May 2020
I sit here feeling tired from cycling,
An activity we all be needing in this time of quarantine.
Seeing nature feed my soul.
Now I rest with light and positive energy that fills me whole.
But reading the news, the idea of unclear future struck me again to the bone.
Instantly I felt heavy, questions like when will this end? haunt me.
Plans have been distracted and progress has been delayed.
For some people its hard to adapt to this new normal.
That their only idea of solution with all these commotion, is be able to get back from the life they used to have.
What I'm currently feeling.Idk.
May 2020 · 260
Four May 2020
I know poems does not have to be rhyme, but I am rhyming mine.

It is just a preference that everyone has the right,
But rhyme or not rhyme a poem is poem when author recites.

Some are composed deep, imaginative or metaphoric,
Some are written simple, nonfigurative or realistic.

However it is wrote,
However it is composed,
Your gift of writing deserved to be exposed.

Let the words just flow,
Let your pen and paper do its work,
Someone might need and enjoy it folk,
So continue on, for you're doing great work.

Never stop creating for there are people waiting, appreciating and needing,
You are part of the community that will keep artistry living.

Yes, you heard it right,
you are an artist, just if you keep it alive,
If you read this, received this pat on the shoulder, for you from mine.
You're blessed with this talent share them to world. Never stop creating and celebrating artistry. 😉
May 2020 · 222
Unexplainable Love
Four May 2020
Looking at them made me smile,
They don't even have to try.
Knowing they're comfortable makes me feel good,
For it's a proof that I am doing good.

Why are they so cute, even when they don't move,
Their laying position is enough to set my heart in positive mood.

My love for them is over the top,
I could not even understand.
How could I love so hard,
A creature that could not even tell "I love you" back.
I am looking right now at my two lovely dogs they are laying looking so comfortable and cute, they are such a baby haha. I love them so much, I can't even explain 😂 I guess it's the power that only animals can have. Just love. ❤
May 2020 · 321
Same but Different
Four May 2020
We are put in the same battle terrain but our situations are different.

Food, water, clothes, shelter, entertainment and money are the things you got plenty, but I haven't got that many.

You know certain with your resources, how long you will last with this battle we have, but for me everyday it is like "will it be my last?".
In this world were change is constant, today you are preveledge but in a blink of an eye you can be otherwise. Always consider and respect other people's perspective, be kind and if you can give, give, cause it is true that it's better to give than to received.
May 2020 · 452
One's Greatest Thing
Four May 2020
An ordinary river is continuously flowing,
Where different water species are roaming,
But none of them are really surviving,
They stay for a while and later end up dying.
Until one day a master came in,
Everyday he is deeply staring,
He noticed a fish that is not dying nor moving,
That made the river realize the fish is not leaving,
Together, the river and the fish began blooming,
People started recognizing, visiting and appreciating,
From then on both the river and the fish live to be seizing.
There are lots of ideas in our minds, that's making us do and try lots of things but it tend to be end up failing everytime. I believe we all have that one great thing which will lead us to the path where we will live significantly. If we once find it, embrace and focused on developing it and enjoy the previledges it comes with.

— The End —