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 Nov 2014 Pigeon
when you say "no" and he says "please" SAY IT LOUDER
when you say "drive me home" and he says "five minutes" SAY IT AGAIN
when you say "no" and he says "just once" LEAVE
when you say "no" and he says "nobody has to know" SAY GO **** YOURSELF
when you say "no" and he says "but i bought you dinner" GET OUT OF THE CAR
when you say "no" and he says "yes" SAY NO


 Oct 2014 Pigeon
Looking up at the stars, I know quite well
That, for all they care, I can go to hell,
But on earth indifference is the least
We have to dread from man or beast.

How should we like it were stars to burn
With a passion for us we could not return?
If equal affection cannot be,
Let the more loving one be me.

Admirer as I think I am
Of stars that do not give a ****,
I cannot, now I see them, say
I missed one terribly all day.

Were all stars to disappear or die,
I should learn to look at an empty sky
And feel its total dark sublime,
Though this might take me a little time.
this is not mine.  i think it is excellent
 Oct 2014 Pigeon
To All:
 Oct 2014 Pigeon
I  want to wrap you up in a blanket burrito
Sit you in front of a roaring bonfire
And remind you of how amazing you are
To everyone struggling right now

I see you
You see me
And it is true both we exist

You love me
I love you
And it is true both we exist

One day you saw me
At least one day I also saw you

One day you felt me
At least one day I also felt you

One day I saw your beauty
at least one day you felt that I was in your mind
we felt that we loved each other
even you can believe it
cause still I'm loving you

Yet you never see the god
and me too,
but we both believe in god
The believe,
the most mystic invention on the planet earth ever
yet the gentlemen never can see under the microscope

Too many thoughts in our life
but we can't exceed the thought of death
always we feel a threat of death
when we grew older to oldest
and we carry it till our death

It is true that we see the death
and its pain that we have gained
when someone's closet moves to the past
but we can't lose his existence in our mind
and in the existence of our soul

I see the death,
the mystic beauty rises up to its spiritual height
and I say, it is true that is more than the truth,
the existence of death

Though still we exist on earth
yet we can't see any event that will be happened after death
but most of us believe in after death
there is a life,
the unlimited life
where we both will meet again
either we will exist in heaven or hell
Ah! The ultimate existence

It is true that we all have a fear of death,
the very dear fear,
moves us very near
to the god
the god,
space less-
existence less-
but an ultimate divine existence of god
so that we believe in spiritual existence of god-

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
Existence of life, death, after death and the god that we believe..........
 Oct 2014 Pigeon
Gwen Johnson
There are women against feminism
And I really don't get that
Feminism is about equal rights for men and women
And without that
I would spend my life suffering through the remark
"Get back to the kitchen"
Because it wouldn't be my place to deny that
And little girls would grow up
With their purpose in life to be
To look pretty
And have children
Without feminists
I would grow up and never get the chance to vote
Without feminism
It wouldn't matter if I had an education
As long as I looked good enough to get a husband
Isn't there something wrong with that
And feminism is around today
Because some men still look at women as objects
Because women can't dress nice
Without a male seeing it as an invitation
Because women who have *** are *****
But guys who have *** are praised
Because women get paid less than men
Feminism still exists because so does inequality
And men don't think I'm blaming you
I'm blaming the society
That uses a woman's body to sell anything from burgers
To perfumes
I'm blaming the society
That constantly photoshops women
I'm blaming the society
That blames the victim
I'm blaming the society  
That makes women believe feminism is wrong
 Oct 2014 Pigeon
 Oct 2014 Pigeon
In a drug and alcohol induced haze,
You were finally able to cry.
But I'm left with a trailing question:
You never cry in front of me.
It's like an unspoken rule.
Are you scared of who you're becoming?
Are you scared of what you've become?
I am.
It's like I've lost you completely.
Yeah, things go back to normal when we're together,
   but who are you when I'm not looking?
I'm worried about you.
I'm worried that you're losing yourself to the black dog
   and that I won't be able to rescue you this time.
When I said you could come to me with anything,
   I meant it whole heartedly.
You are still my first love, the only boy I've ever waited for.
*I'm still here.
It's been a while.
Extremely worried about my friend and wishing I could help...

 Oct 2014 Pigeon
 Oct 2014 Pigeon
I want her back,
I want sweet Ana back.
Where did she go?
I was doing so well,
I followed all of her rules and
Gave myself to her
So why did she leave?
Did she get bored with me like
I know all of the others do?
Was I not enough?
I never am enough,
But surely Ana can help me again.
I am in need of her service
Please come back my sweet Ana.
But don't hurt me like the others.
 Oct 2014 Pigeon
I wonder why everyone can't just
flat-out, God-blessed, love each other-
freely, purely, and explosively-
why are some people allowed to hold hands on the street
and others must keep it in the privacy of their homes
some bodies must be hidden and others can be exposed
some kisses must be kept secret from those who love you the most
some heartbeats must happen outside of your own house
some moments cannot exist in the presence of others
and some lovers can only love a certain type of other lovers.
Why is it that I must be fearful in a group of people
that they can see my brainwaves and know what I am feeling
and that it would be dangerous if they knew?
Why must it be this way that I have to be in the vast minority
and that the chances of me finding someone to love is
minuscule and difficult; everyone is at a different stage regarding
my certain type of love, and it carries a baggage straight people don't have
it carries a complication, a heartbreaking rope of knots and pain and confusion
and 'do I even feel this way' because you have been taught that you shouldn't
and 'why isn't there straight pride' and 'just don't shove it down my throat'
these type of misunderstandings create this impossible disharmony
'stop queering the straights' 'oh so you're basically a lesbian'
no. I am not a lesbian- please stop classifying me and while you're at it,
please stop acting differently around me because you're scared I'm into you
chances are, I'm not. Please stop asking me why it's necessary for me to come out and say it,
its because every single other person, me included, is assumed to be straight,
and makes comments about dating boys and just boys and it's this eternal 'no ****'
and my own parents want me to bear children and it's part of me, okay?
It's me and it's my self expression and it isn't shoving it down your throat
I just want to know that I can still be completely me and still be completely loved,
that's all, that's why I have to say it out loud,
because it carries with it a kind of suffocation that builds and builds
because everything around you pushes you down and tears at your foundation
and when you finally say it, there's a pain that's gone that you know will never hurt again
but it will always sting, little daggers when your friends won't get quite
as close as they used to and your mom gives you different looks in public
or I am constantly misunderstood and misperceived and it's scary, it's
a scary world for us, it's a scary world for us, it's a scary world for us
and it will be that way until we speak loud enough that we are heard.
this started as a poem and ended as a rant.
I don't even want to define labels for myself because it makes people despise you even more, but I identify as a panromantic demisexual, which means that I fall in love with people regardless of gender but literally cannot experience ****** attraction until I have an emotional connection with someone. Please don't say 'me too' because that's probably not true. Most peoples' emotional connections just build on a previously existing or potential openness to ****** attraction. It's not like that for me. I don't understand and am repulsed by things like one night stands, celebrity crushes, and random 'hot' people on posters or in movies. The human body is aesthetically interesting but I absolutely don't want to touch it if I don't love you.

it ***** because all I'm  trying to do is figure out who I am exactly and people are like 'why are you even trying to have all these fancy labels this is so stupid you're either gay or straight chill'

please let me do what I want and find who I am

and be nice.

I only want to be open to loving anyone and I wish everyone else was too.
 Oct 2014 Pigeon
why must everyone tell each other what to do all the time
can we not coexist in love and peace
like we were meant to? can we not simply
work toward a goal, without mindless power play
or unnecessary roughness? we are human,
we are human, we are human, is all I hear, reasons
and excuses given for our misbehavior, our lies and harms;
it's only human nature! they cry as they steal and cheat
it must be human nature, says the violent criminal,
sadly, it is human nature, sighs the priest:
these are not good enough- this cannot be good enough
for if your heart calls you to love and you feel it then why haven't you?
every human's heart is made for and of
love, community, friendship, socialization-
that is what we are and that is what we need
we are clearly striving for good, we are clearly beautiful,
we are clearly searching for the truth
human nature cannot be evil if its most earnest desire is good.
yes, we are human- but we were made for better things.
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