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 Jul 2018 Leah graves
His tainted hands
Stained my soul
And created scars
Made invisible
A broken story,
Old as time,
You’ve dreamed to live
As I had longed to die.
 May 2018 Leah graves
My head is filled with voices
Each have something to say
Telling me to make different choices
Each wants to get their way

I am trapped in a box of confusion
Inhaling water of a million oceans
My broken parts have suffered complete immersion
My heart has dealt with a thousand erosions

The voices chew through my nerves
Like acid
Their tone of voice swerves
Their faces placid

I have a gift for pretending
Keeping this smile on my face
As if my world was not ending
Even though that is the case
 May 2018 Leah graves
Nicole Ann
There's no such thing as forever
if anything there's always a never
Tell me what do you think?
you can't even open up to me
without dousing yourself away on a couple of drinks
Tell me it's me that you need
Tell me that it's me keeping you up on your feet
you shrug it off and just stated how we couldn't be
But I know we could do better
Am I that naive?
maybe blinded by the bliss and the pleasure
you whisper in my ear that you wanted to be apart of me
even when all you ever do is walk all over me
one more drink & you're drowning
you can hear my heart pounding
you're lost into delusion
I find myself lost in your eyes
falling for you with your reckless heart
and you only love me just for one night
I've always have,
and ever will
be stuck on forever
if anything
you remind me that it'll always be never
I don’t get angry easily
I don’t explode in rage
I do keep it pent up
Forgive me if I lose myself

I don’t dislike anyone
I don’t have bad intention
I do feel animosity in me
Forgive me if I hurt you or myself
 Mar 2018 Leah graves
I am so perfect
That's what you said
But one day I wake
You suddenly left

I want us to last long
Tell me what I did wrong
But you wanna be alone
So who am I to say No

Yes I did everything
To keep us working
Thought you did same thing
That's what I'm thinking

Now that you are gone
I guess now I am done
Done with one sided love
The love I always have
 Mar 2018 Leah graves
C E Ford
one day,
it’s all
going to happen
to you.

You’ll wake up one morning
and skin your knee
for the
very first time.

You’ll jump
into your best friend’s
in the middle
of winter
just to feel the

You’ll fall asleep
in someone’s
on cheap *****
that sticks
to your fingers
like pancake syrup,
and burns
like the hell
you’ll feel
the first time
you realize
he doesn’t love you

Your life
will be full
temper tantrums
from not getting your way
at 5
and age 25.

But baby girl,
if you’re lucky,
and since you’re
your mother’s daughter,
you will be,
your life will be bursting
at the seams
with all the stars
and peanut butter cups
your little body
can hold.

Maybe you’ll
grow up
and save
the world.

you’ll slam
your car door
when you leave
and break my

Or maybe you’ll be
like me,
awake at all hours
writing down words
for someone
who doesn’t yet

But no matter
which path
you choose,
know that
I’ll always
be at the end of it
waiting for you
with sweets
and bandaids
in hand.
I’m not sure if I particularly want kids.

But if I’m lucky enough to be chosen as a momma, this one is for you, my love.
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