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909 · 3d
Quiet affection:
Beneath the sky
So wide and blue
Dreams take flight
Both old and new
In quiet moments
Whispers flow
Where only the
Heart and stars
Will know
Loving you,
A silent ache
A path I know
I shouldn't take
The lines are drawn
The rules are clear
Yet I still wish you were here
A heart that beats
But cannot speak
Longing for a love it
Cannot seek
So I will keep
This flame inside
A secret that the
Stars will hide...
190 · 1d
Fading disguise
Smiling for the screen,
my disguise held tight.
Hiding cracks
beneath the light.
Inside, I break,
worn and bare.
A fragile truth
too hard to share.
Drowned in the tide
of distant stares,
A sea of strangers,
The real me crumbles
beneath the weight,
A soul adrift,
Resigned to fate.
102 · 3d
Nature's embrace:
Rustling leaves,
where flowers bloom,
Some will flourish,
others meet their doom.
In the forest, you stand alone,
As nights cold grip
Tightens on your bones
Even in the pitch black sky
The trees shone with laughter
Pure and bright
Flowers bloom in
Radiant hues
Beneath the mornings
Gentle dews
The earth,full of
Wonder,wide and vast
Is a reminder that beauty
Like nature would
Forever last
Who needs sleep?
Not me.
When silence
Cuts deeper than
Any other knife.
My thoughts
Are pounding
Twisting and turning.
The weight I carry
Unseen ,untold
Grows heavy
In the midnight cold.
The restless fire in me
Too big to hold,
Keeps me awake
Till I shake.
Who needs sleep?
Not me.
Not now .
Tracing the lines
On my thighs
That no one shall
To silence the pain
That I keep deep within .
Even in the dark
I know it's clear,
The path I walk is
Paved with fear.
Who needs sleep ?
"ME!"I scream ,
Gasping as I
Let my mind run
The tree burst
with life,its
emerald leaves
aglow, birds
fluttered through
branches, moving to and fro.  
Flowers bloomed brightly
at its sturdy base,  
Adding a splash of colour
to nature’s quiet grace.
But alas all peace has to end
As dark clouds gathered
The wind began to bend...
72 · 2d
All alone
Alone in shadows,
no friends in sight.
The world feels distant,
cold and unkind.
No laughter shared,
no voices near,
Just quiet echoes
I barely hear.
Faces pass,
but none look back,
I’m lost in shades of
endless black.
No hands to hold,
no joy to share,
Just empty spaces,
cold as air.
43 · 2d
Masked smiles
Smiling for the screen,
a mask I wear.
I hide a truth laid bare.
Lost in the tide
of countless eyes,
A crowded world
Blind to my cries.
The real me,
hidden from the frame,
A soul unseen,
though I look the same.
Each book is
A portal to another
World,where dragons
Take flight and heroes
Fight.lost in tales,we
Drift away,to a realm we
Wish we could stay.
In each page,new tales
Unfold.From ancient lands
To dystopian worlds.
A whisper calls from
Realms afar,opening the minds
Own doors.And when the
final page draws near,
A wish appears so bright
and clear.To turn the
pages fresh and new
And dive once more
into the light.
to read anew
with open eyes and feel
the thrill of each surprise.
Though stories end,
the wish remains,
To start again,
unbound by chains,
To feel the joy, the rush,
the excitement
As if I’m reading for the
very first time.
30 · 3d
Peer pressure:
The results are in
The bar set high
A race with peers
Beneath the sky
Their faces,
Their grades,
Loom over me
Weighing me down
Until I break
Their expectations
Too much to take
I'll find my way
I'll try my best
To outdo the rest
But it's never enough
As I always have
A new exam to face...

— The End —