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You are the words I speak
The pause in between
Where I linger for a while

You are the thoughts I seek
The inspiration from within
Where I submerge denial

You are my heartbeat at its peak
The blood rush through ravine
Where all is cleansed of vile

You are the irrationality I tweak
The insanity that was forseen
Where I lose myself and smile

You are the glow that leaks
The inner beauty that they all mean
Where it paints all I see mile by mile
Shared on Hello Poetry on February 9, 2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
I was happy being a mountain range
Admired by those wishing to explore
One day I caught sight of quite a beauty
This mountain range made me eager
To explore peaks and run down slopes
Feel every dip and groove of rough terrain
And find my way through every cave
I want these plates beneath me to quake
So that my range can be with your range
Let me be the snow that covers you whole
To feel myself melt in your warmth
Say you'll have me and give into desire
Allow my prints on your wonderful earth
For the future explorers to envy
Maybe then my yearning for you will cease
Or maybe I'll stay exploring forever
Shared on Hello Poetry on February 16, 2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
Children of the Moon!
Abandon your worn shoes
And frolic freely, barefoot
In Her midnight light;

Let down your lovely locks
And bare your ashen skin
To allow Her celestial lips
Kiss your collar bones;

Let Her blanket of shadows
Drape over your shoulders,
While She crowns you with
A headdress of night diamonds.
Nighttime is when the battered souls unveil themselves
and the Moon welcomes them with open arms.

Wrote this while listening to
Bravado by Lorde on loop.
 Feb 2016 Guled Hanad Omar
As a ginger, I'm inclined to say fox. I've always had an affinity for those cunning, red canines.

But if it's just for a day then perhaps something a bit more adventurous. I suppose I would choose to be a cheetah.

Fastest land animal in the world, agile, and speckled.

Nobody messes with a cheetah. Not because they’re so hulking or intimidating— just more fascinating than terrifying.

We travelled to South Africa once, my family and I. As a tribe we chased wild creatures down with cameras in jeeps in a raucous yet hushed thrill.  

The cheetah was one of the few animals that eluded us. Perhaps having never seen one up close is partially what draws me to them.  

Mysterious, as well as evasive, with an "I don't give a ****" attitude.

They only eat every so often because catching food is such a feat. When they do hunt however, it's one of the most spectacular things in the natural world.

It's why places that sell tv's show footage of cheetahs running in slow motion over and over on a dizzying loop; demonstrating how clear the pixels are in the plasmas. It's mesmerizing.

Their feet move too fast and fly over the dirt, honed in on whatever poor gazelle or kudu they're after. If you're a cheetah that is your body, your thin bones, your rapid heart and beating paws that make you move in such a blur.

To be a cheetah for a day is feeling and knowing the difference between machine and muscle. Humans have found ways to fly, and people regularly move faster than a top speed of 75mph.

But how sublime it would be!
To be solely and purely responsible for that unparalleled speed just for one day.
For years I blamed me
I blamed me for what you did to me
Since I didn't kick and scream
We had to be a team.
Since I didn't shed a tear
I wasn't in fear.
Since I didn't run and tell
It wasn't really hell.
Since my mouth wasn't taped
I wasn't really *****.

But now I blame you
For what you felt the need to do
Because I didn't need to kick or bite
or really put up that much of a fight
I didn't need to run
or say I wasn't having fun
I didn't need to flail
or go and spread the tale
I didn't need to ball
or even cause a brawl
Because I said no
That's all you had to know
That what you did was wrong.
What you should have known all along
Many years ago I was involved in a situation where I didn't fight back. I didn't attack. But I am still the victim. People today still do not understand that NO MEANS NO.
 Feb 2016 Guled Hanad Omar
What have I been waiting for? Though I have lots of insecurities, I should know better than to say I’m not good enough. I have been through enough to know that I have what it takes to be where I want to be… so what’s stopping me? Is it fear, or just lack of hope or confidence? There could be plenty of things that hold me back, but why do I let them? Countless amounts of questions unanswered so far and I regret to think, they may never be truly answered.  If that is the case, I will start now and I won’t let anything stop me. I will break that wall of fear. I will hope for the sun and bask in the rain and I will lift my head high when feeling my lowest.
I can’t give up now, I haven’t even started.

— The End —