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 Nov 2018 Luke
Carolina Reaper
 Nov 2018 Luke
In the night
I find myself
Insane, profane
As if bred
From flame
 Oct 2018 Luke
Alexander Foe
 Oct 2018 Luke
Alexander Foe
My insides are hollow
My outside is a face

I used to be alive
Now I'm the dead

A green crown I wore
I used to rule the land

But t'was stolen from the hand
That places sweet sentiments
Right inside my head
Happy H.!
 Oct 2018 Luke
Salmabanu Hatim
As I sat under the starlit sky,
I recalled the  wonderful times we had.
I reminiscenced about us to the moon,
I found happiness when the wind whispered  I was in your thoughts all the time.
 Oct 2018 Luke
Salmabanu Hatim
The day I said,"I do."
I was done.
I lost my Bachelor's forever,
She gained her Master's.
My father-in-law was happiest,
His burden was halved.
She roars,
I whine.
I am the head,
She spins me on her neck.
I wear pants,
She control's  the zipper.
I work, she relaxes,
She cooks of her choice,
I eat.
She shops,I pay,
We argue,
She has the last say.
She has the remote,
I am on silence.
I forgot her birthday once,
NEVER  again.
She is the sweetest at the end of every month,
She gets the pay check,
I get all her attention.
I  once, commented on her figure,
I could not see her for few days,
My eyes would not open,
I had ended up in the hospital.
Marriage is the transfer of male child from mother to wife.
 Oct 2018 Luke
 Oct 2018 Luke
Talk is cheap
But your lips were expensive
I might as well get
My money’s worth
 Oct 2018 Luke
Nik Bland
 Oct 2018 Luke
Nik Bland
I’m slowly losing hope in you
Possibly in humanity
And I might need to rethink my views
Or maybe my sanity
I’ve tried, applied, cried, and died
With more of the first in between the others
I build up visions and am finding they lied
And I’m left wond’ring if I’ll recover
I’m slowly losing hope in you
I’ve not falling, but it hurts to stand
As life steadily beats me black in blue
With my beating heart in your hands
And I’m tired. And I’m scared.
And I’m lacking from too many investments
And in waiting for you to be there
I’m succumbing to the elements

I’m slowly losing hope in you
Like shedding one tear each day
And as much as I want to leave you behind
I don’t want you to go away
It’s a syndrome, it’s a sickness
You’re my ailment and my cure
I am caught in this self placed thickness
With visions so obscured
And I am buried in 6 feet deep
Yet I can’t find the ground
The value’s there, the price is steep
And I fall to it without a sound
I’m slowly losing hope in you
I have not wandered, I have not strayed
Amidst the fervent treasonous cues
That cause the pouring of fermented rage

And I love you
But I’ll lose you
And I’ll suffer through and through
With soul and heart churning
First clenched up and burning
And my screaming for a simple cue
But I’ll stand there amidst tears, my love
Without a hint or a whisper of what to do
And you can see I’m fighting with all I’m made of
I haven’t lost hope...

...but I’m starting to...
Love *****... sometimes... most times... but there a few moments it adds up...
 Oct 2018 Luke
so okay poems
she always
felt less and

her hair
her makeup
her smile
made her shallow.
 Oct 2018 Luke
so okay poems
she carries
her sorrow
like a sack
of rocks.

all she wanted
was love.
 Oct 2018 Luke
Jasmine dryer
whats the point of love
to give yourself to someone?
in hopes to have them back?
to give them everything?

tell me, you people getting paid to do this?
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