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FunSlower Sep 2021
Wishing a very Happy Birthday
To the sweetest girl I’ve ever known.
My muse, my soulmate, my best friend.
Just for a moment would you loan me
An ear to show you I’m glad you know me.

I could give you every gift under the sun
And remind you every minute of every day,
You’re The One!

But nothing I say or do will ever be enough
To share my gratitude for your love.
To show you, no stars burn so brightly
As your eyes in mine, Dearest Dove.

The first time I saw you, stunned as you twirled,
It was plain to see, You’re The Gift To The World!

Kristin Bianca Garcia - I Love You ❤️💙💛
For my favourite teacher
And most beautiful friend.
Thank you for bringing me
Excitement without end.
FunSlower Sep 2021
“Who kicks a friend when they’re down?”
Not all queens can be found in a crown.
Not all kings will watch their men drown.

“Your mind is so strong.”
Your serenity serenades me.
The sweetest siren I’ve ever known.

“Look how much you’ve grown.”
At least once a day my mind is blown,
By the wise words that flow
through the kindness you’ve shown.

“Look how far you’ve come.”
Thank you for being my compass to reality.
Thank you for our parallelism in duality.
If he someday slips away
To the darkest night beyond the lightest day,
Remember he was always happiest this way
And if the choice was his, well, here he’d stay.
FunSlower Sep 2021
I was riled as I learned an unknown burn.
You smiled as I unturned a new-found yearn.
There’s something so succinct in earning truth,
After what felt like an eternity learning.
Proof that a familiar swirl in an unfamiliar scene
Can bring a million new ways to view your days.

It’s serene, this feeling. Really!
And with it, a chance to lift.
The choice to change one life.
An invitation to chime in time with another.
Perfect imperfection. Resolved discordance.
Binding impermanent reflections in permanence.
An end to what felt like an endless race.
A new beginning; your rawest reckoning.
The featherweight phoenix ever beckoning.
Don’t hide your face. Don’t chase your ghost.
For betterment, you meant it.
In innocence, you sent it.
Feel comfort in knowing
Your rivers are flowing.
The barest bones
Bear the warmest tones.
FunSlower Aug 2021
We laughed aloud through the longest winter.
Simultaneously signing a solstice of solitude.
1 love allowed kindling to form from 2 splinters.
So we’ll set life alight, away from the multitude.

Through you, a new divinity enters me.
An entity of empathy left no room for entropy.
You know, the shower drips for me now too.
And it’s always when I think of you!

Atypical accolade attends a familiar cascade.
But it wont always be that way.
As sure as the sun will set tonight,
My bright light will shine for you tomorrow.

Retract with me. Refract with me.
Her fluorescence attracted me.
Illuminating the only pathway
I’ve ever hoped to see.
An overflowing heart
Sowing seeds and sewing stitches.
Flowing lightning through my dark,
Showing all of life’s riches.
FunSlower Aug 2021
Trudging through space in time.
Some memories remembered.
Some memories forgotten.
Something about this place was always rotten.

Watch over me as I wash the years away.
Wittingly vulnerable, as the fairest figment of the
Fragment that made me who I am today.

To wake with renewed resolve is a dream;
A shift in sensations awakened awareness.
I’ve never felt so complete as now, in all fairness.

For better, not worse, I’ve broken my curse.
But I’m the first to admit I’m still growing.
So thank you for endlessly showing me why
You are the reason I’m glowing.

Fear no further. I’m yours, with fervour.
It takes so long
To master peace.
To go from mess
To masterpiece.
FunSlower Aug 2021
A faded memory flayed.
Layers peeled back unveiling
Frayed old strings for a symphony of sympathy.

A suffocated cacophony, he says. Let it be.

A jaded sentinel slayed.
Players reeled back, unfailing.
Prayed for wings, but found empty of empathy.

The scintillating epiphany she shares set it free.

I swore I’d never be the victim.
But I have been the whole time.
Those words are wiser than wisdom.
Her eyes grow wider with mine.
A notion inspiring devotion divine.
An ocean of new truths all spoken in rhyme.
My Dryad’s mydriasis is something sublime.
Eleven is the natural number
As the Elven King has seen.
Seven is the nurtured number
Of the fabled Elven Queen.
FunSlower Aug 2021
10 times in 10 years is nowhere near enough.
Though these sounds I’ve found,
They’re quite renowned.
They call me on my bluff.

I could call him humble gleaner,
With a will to stand in quicksand.
He knows I get the shakes.
But a minute with him and I’m ready to swim.
He knows I’ve got what it takes.
I should call her Thumbelina,
With the fastest hands in the land.
She’s there with me when I wake.
Through whimsical words and unwavering plans,
We can laugh at every mistake.

Embrace this place. Self pity is never pretty.
He’s so calming, she’s so witty.
So pick up your feet and own their city.
There’s nowhere to hide.
Swallow that pride.
Recall their wise words.
It’s high time to glide.
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