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750 · Feb 2019
Cruel Truth
Sonia Feb 2019
The light peaks through
Wanting to be recognized
Craving acceptance
Seeking acknowledgement

Because it’s the outside world that determines your fate
Are you exceptional or just another mistake

Damaged ***** wasted on life
Shut your mouth
Listen up
And play nice
344 · Feb 2019
What Life is About
Sonia Feb 2019
A drudge to life that’s all I am
Day in day out
Living the same boring plan
I need a vent, a spout
somewhere I can let this all out

I’m following the steps
Doing everything right
Why does it feel like there is no meaning to life

Is there anything more
Where is that serendipitous feeling of joy
It seems that there is a missing piece in this ploy

Seeking fulfillment and purpose
Why does g-d start out by hurting us

They say it prepares us
Then why doesn’t g-d just spare us

We strive
We’re deprived
We seek for more
But why and what is life even for

These thoughts go round and round
Just when I think I’m over them
They remind me I’m bound

Bound to time
Bound to life
Bound to something incomprehensible
Why do we have to even live by this principle

Sometimes I’m content
I don’t complain or vent
But then life stands still
And I wonder
do I need to take a pill

Make this all go away
Just one a day
I won’t wonder
I won’t wander
Not one single ponder

Give into the norm
The world is my stage
It’s where I perform

Put on my best face
Follow a steady pace
Day in day out
This is what life is about
339 · Dec 2019
Sonia Dec 2019
when I'm with you.
330 · Mar 2019
Sonia Mar 2019
Sometimes, I forget how to touch.
So close I can feel it
To grab out and steal it
I want to reach out
to clutch

Sometimes, I forget how to touch
My body begs  for the affection
broken , tired, seeking attention
I need someone to say it
To open their arms and tell me
I love you so much.

Sometimes, I forget to touch
I think that the wind can hold me
Wrap its arms around and engulf me
Someone, something
Please come show me
I crave it
I don’t know how else to say it
Sometimes, I forget what it feels like to be touched.
I based my poem off the line "Sometimes, I forget how to touch" from the poem Single Lines Looking Forward. or One Monostich Past 45 by Francine J. Harris
130 · Dec 2019
Sonia Dec 2019
My walls anchored to the ground
Standing tall and proud
Years of training yet
your optimism still pierced through
You possess this hope that inspires those around you
Easy to dismiss at first
To smile
To nod
To pretend
To let it be and not ****
but even the constant flow of water can make a dent in a rock
It was slow
And I can’t tell you when my walls turned to snow
But when they did you were there
They melted beneath your light
Providing me with a fresh breath of air
You shared with me your hope
I allowed new walls to grow
This time they had doors
Then reality struck
And the doors became locked
Boarded up
my walls stood strong once again
Not for me
But for you
To share what I possessed
That’s what I know best
Protecting you from my hope
Because where we go from here
I don’t know
111 · Dec 2019
Divine Providence
Sonia Dec 2019
Coincidence, I think not
It was meant to happen
G-d handed you your one shot

Every word, every action has its counter effect
who chooses to fulfill the master plan
is one who dares to bet

It could be simple, something taken for granted
It could be grand, and you still might not understand it

If we were to see the end to every beginning
The reason behind every moment
Do you think we would still be debating

Does G-d exist
And if he does, then why did he do this?
102 · Dec 2019
Sonia Dec 2019
when I'm without you.

— The End —