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Willow Branche Jul 2014
Lost in a world that no one understands,
Not even the one that's holding my hands.
Even though he's there,
He'll never know,
All of the pain,
I do not show.
My sister I love the most of all,
But I'm afraid if I ask her,
We'll both take the fall.
I'm happy here,
Like never before,
But there's still that demon,
Pounding my door,
I'm afraid I might,
Just give it a key,
Cause if I do,
It'll never leave.
Willow Branche Jul 2014
So many stitches, so many wounds, so many knives hidden in my room. So many fingers pressed on her hips, it was HER that made me like This. How could something be as powerful as true loves first kiss? I couldn't believe it. How could I deserve this pain and punishment all at once? The marks on my body were from two hearts. Somedays I thought I was lucky to be that man's kid... But really I was lucky to have found HER. I'm getting more than for what I asked, but I knew that the love would never last. I left her on the way that day and never kissed her again. Until the next time my wife, my girl, my friend.
A poem for my first girl.
Willow Branche Jul 2014
May from the ashes, he will rise,
May he breathe the air of life,
Wake from your eternal slumber,
Sacred one from the dead,
He will walk among the living,
And see out of his dust-filled eyes,
Smell the beauty of his wife,
And forever live again with her,
He will cry and feel the pain,
With from the flames he has come,
And Hell's gates will close behind him,
As for his friend, and for his enemy,
*In Pace Resquiscat
A prayer for my father.
Willow Branche Jul 2014
Nothing can heal a broken heart.
Not a bandaid,
Not pulling it farther apart.
From the mended pieces,
Stitched up already,
10, 20, when did I lose count?
Neosporin, Solarcane,
I only wish it were the same.
Willow Branche Jul 2014
The punishment of knowing how to put it into words...

I wish I was mute,
Forever silent.
I wish I was blind,
Forever in the dark.
I wish I was deaf,
Forever without sound.
I wish I was alone,
Deaf, dumb, and blind,
So I couldn't hear the screams,
Inside of my head.
And I can't see the tears running down my face.
And I can't scream the words "I HATE YOU" back.
And I wouldn't be "important" to any of my "friends"...
Who probably are fake, just like me.
A doll dressed up with ribbons and bows,
This is ME and I hate it.
This is my punishment,
Knowing how
To put this
Willow Branche Jul 2014
Being happy, being sad, is there a difference between good and bad? Where do we go after we die? Do the sinners pay? Will the families cry? The love affairs that cause you pain, when you are the one to blame, silenced by the hard words of no more than a child, mother, father, the love is mild, and icy winds take under your wings, I will go to meet the king, stay in his words, under his arms, I know he'll never do me harm, the nights I have endured your pain, by playing along in your stupid game. All that happens weighs me down, tight around my shoulder blades that keep me steady, arms gone from loss of blood, may I be set to rest, maybe I should, after the pain and misery and death.

This is mine, my own fault, and not your time, so don't pretend to know how it feels to do the time, to make a deal, with the devil himself, he keeps your heart in a jar on the shelf, with his scythe he will carve your heart until it's too small to keep. It hurts to know you're sad and dark but I remember our time at the park, the day we kissed and the time you said goodbye. I'll always cry, for you and me, how happy we could be, living in the eternity of death. I miss you. Being happy, being sad. Really... Is there a difference? Do they even exist? This is my time, my rhyme, my eternal misery.
Not sure what I was on when I wrote these rants.
Willow Branche Jul 2014
The pride of death is so blissfully taken away because of a sad funeral, "The Black Parade". And it's true pride is never seen how the dead go on to live their dream. How the gates of heaven or the gates of hell may open we'll never know, until we have the pride in death to show, and stopping the madness if death being sad. It's a new life into the good or into the bad, the raging fires or the clear blue skies will not show for the despised in others hearts. We will never be apart. Let the record show that today I will live again, and be seen in the true, the pride of death. Taken away from the dead and given to the living, so that halos can be given to those that apply, and the wings torn off of angels who die and oh how they cry... We're all gunna die eventually. We just have to believe in the PRIDE OF DEATH.

So give it back.
Idk what the **** I was smoking when I wrote this down.
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