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  Jan 2018 Eloi
When people ask me about my first love,
I remember the smell of melted crayons.
Not your smile, your golden skin, or the way your face would wrinkle in deep thought.
But about the carelessness of a child in your backseat,
And how with help from the sun,
your car was forever perfumed by a melted, purple Crayola.
I grew to love this scent.
It's an odd thing to even say aloud now.
However, it's permanently imprinted in my mind.
Over summers spent in your car and nights staring into your eyes,
I grew infatuated with this waxy, sweet aroma that filled the air between us.
It became your cologne that stayed with my clothes while you were away,
My comfort when you were near.
It was never sickening or invasive,
But desired and wanted.
So when people ask me about my first love,
I tell them about this boy who always smelled of crayons and how much I miss him.
  Jan 2018 Eloi
Lora Lee
In the floodgates
                of forever
                    I see you standing,
                 arms out, so ready
    the multiple layers
of silky delicious
       that we have created
                           until now
     swirling about us,
a storm of veils
beckoning like sea waifs
     and I am opening up
like never before
       my heart practically
                 out of my chest
                               until it is
                       flying forth,
                        a mythical
             winged creature,
prehistoric birdling
and you,
      with  your strong arms
your third eyelight
turned on
              catch it
                          hold it
                   nuzzle it
            until the rest of me
can reach you
   bursting forward
        through swathes
           of time
           turbulence a mere
and we meld
and merge like oceans
     hearts lit up
in electrical surge
time and place not existing
We are the sea.
We are the Earth.
We are the desert velvet
We are the wonder
in the hallways
of our arteries
We are the bloodflow
of the universe within us
We reign the
ever changing existence
that keeps us whole
allowing room to breathe
to bloom in mystical
                   wild gardens
                yet binding
through realms
of our light's
endless expansion
our souls embracing
as we dream future visions
upon our tongues
and as I gaze upon you
our eyes a magnet
you ignite my glow,
the king of my citadel
festooned with
for your
Eloi Jan 2018
I’m stuck in this loop
Of relentless
Memories of you
And I could sleep for six weeks
And still be drowsy when I speak.

I can’t seem to snap out of this groundhog dream,
It’s wearing me down,
Tied to the ground.
I swear I never used to have these bags under my eyes,
It’s just they darken with each one of your lies.

I don’t mean to be rude when I
say you were an *******,
But you have to understand that you left me so alone

My mind is racing constantly
Trying to figure reasons that you might’ve left me
But it’s so tiring and I just can’t sleep
I wish I’d killed myself last week
I think of that now too,
By the way,
Again since you left,
It’s been on my chest,
I just can’t keep up with my ***** mind
Because In everything it’s you I try to find.

My irises have lightened since you left,
And my once emerald gems are now stolen and theft.

Sleep well tonight,
My honey and child,
I’ll be awake,
Thinking of you,
Dreaming of you,
Missing you

So let me alone now to lay and think,
In this dark room,
On this cold night,
With another alcoholic drink.
  Dec 2017 Eloi
hit your child
get hit back
leave their skin red
i'll leave your skin black

keep your hands off
bodies that aren't yours
hit them again
and we're going to war

******* and your fist
it's wrong what you've done
there are no excuses
not even one

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