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445 · Feb 2019
Ella Etchison Feb 2019
The first time he touched your fingertips, you felt electricity shoot through your veins and you wrote it off as static
But now, with him between your lips, staring up into his eyes which are staring down at your body, you realize that he is your electricity
With every ****** he surges you
With every command you feel your mind break
The first time you landed on your knees before him, you gazed dazily as your whole empire collapsed
Now the same fingertips that shocked yours slip inside of you, electrocuting you awake
He ***** as if he is a straight descendent from Zeuss sent to Earth to give you a taste of thunder
His lightning makes you tremble and you can't imagine what your body felt like before he made you scream
You live for his hands grazing over your hot skin as you squirm for his touch
His electrifying touch that makes you call for the gods
Even though you know that the only entity you could ever bow down to is the one who arches your back with every movement
You call to your God, he comes to you with every inch of his being
You feel him deep inside of you, breaking you free from your inhibitions
He holds you down by your throat as your body succumbs to him
His body engulfs yours
You burst from the deepest crevice of your soul
And as you lie there, weak
Feeling the after shocks of the best electroshock therapy of your life
Reminiscing on his fingertips
You realize the piece of you that was missing
Is whispering storms between your thighs as he shocks your heart to life
403 · Feb 2019
The Black Circus
Ella Etchison Feb 2019
Exotic tightrope walker
Trying to balance on your attacks
Failing to grasp
Why she keeps tumbling to the hard ground
A flexible contortionist
Twisting into a pretzel to please your desires
Apparently not flexible enough
You're greedy-- never content
Unfortunately not a reincarnation of Houdini
She can't escape your chains that bind her
You're the crazed ringleader
Words your whip leaving welts
Open invisible wounds
She can't seem to heal
In your circus she struggles
Clowns resembling death
Dance around her, throwing her down
You sat her on the dunk tank
Full of acid disguised as water
Hit the button dropping her
She can't resurface
Drowning in the acid that is you
Trying to tame the tiger
Never to realize it-- you
Can't be tamed
Always to be the gorgeous star
To your ongoing, fatal, black circus.
258 · Feb 2019
Snow Angel
Ella Etchison Feb 2019
Crystals tumble down encompassing me
Clusters getting trapped in my spiderweb hair
Snow tottering from the sky feels numbing
But somehow, I'm warm as a teapot
Juvenile thoughts in my head
I plunge into the snow
Flail my arms and legs about...
Standing back up, I gaze at my angel
I crash onto it as I notice its unique features
You can't discern my feminine figure
Or how short I am
My angel is taller, wider than I
He appears to be bald in the middle of his head
His jacket has the faint smell of your Marlboro Smooths...
I made a snow angel today, or so I thought.
But when I stared at him, my fathers soft blue eyes peered back.
246 · Feb 2019
Ella Etchison Feb 2019
He came for me last night
Dressed in his best black
He asked if I was ready
I nodded yes, and he proceeded to take my soul
Leaving only this empty shell of a body
I am a girl, dissolved.
232 · Feb 2019
Ella Etchison Feb 2019
Breathe in
Your coffee every morning
Breathe out
The nightmares of last night
Your cat brushing against your leg
His apologetic lies
Welcome in
The clarity of brisk air on your walk to work
Throw out
Her unwanted baggage
A new day, the sun, the birds, what lies ahead... independence-- you're not alone.
Push away
Everything which ruins your evening, paranoia, grief, the unknown...
The stars are yours to hold
Your life belongs to you again
Breathe, accept, welcome, embrace.
223 · Feb 2019
One Sentence Suicide Note
Ella Etchison Feb 2019
This butterfly finally opened her wings, and fled her painful cocoon.
202 · Feb 2019
Ella Etchison Feb 2019
He had hardened gray eyes like the sky in the winter in the middle of a blizzard
So frigid... they matched his ice personality
And I wanted to feel his frost throughout every inch of my being
I got lost in his storm, not wanting to find my way out
I love how it engulfs me at night
When I'm in his element everything is so easy, like breathing
But he makes breathing difficult because he takes my breath away when he smiles in my direction
But even his grin was cold like the heat went out in his body and his breath sent chills down my back and I felt my spine come undone the first time he unzipped my dress.
He kissed snowflakes into my collarbone
Scratched icicles in my thighs
But Winter came...
And left within a few short months
And just like winter, he was my favorite season
When he fell like snow in my arms I ran his hair through my fingertips and tried to transfer my warmth through his follicles
I wanted so badly to be his snow angel
I wanted to bloom like a Crocus on his heart
I wanted to be a part of him
But Winter wanted to be apart from me
So he thawed and evaporated, leaving me with Spring
Spring is so warm and beautiful, but it's so difficult to embrace her vibrant colors and clarity
When I'm most used to the mirages of Winters cold gray eyes.
170 · Feb 2019
Ella Etchison Feb 2019
He was tall, brooding
Built like a brick house, bulky
This man had tattoo sleeves up and down his arms
He rarely ever smiled, and his dark hair was always a tousled mess
But nevertheless, even though I was frightened
I mustered enough courage to mutter a small "hi" that would make a mouse seem loud
This man, this booming giant of a man
Gave me a small soft smile that felt of lava on my teddy bear heart
This monstrous, gentle man then swooped me into his arms in one fair sweep
And planted a daffodil on my lips
From the top of the world I read his tattoos, his stories
Understanding grew a field of daisies in my mind
This man started spring in my body and my soul bloomed
This insidious, ominous, nimble man gave me just a taste of true happiness...
Then went away just as fast as he appeared
Ever since he sauntered off with a promise of someday
I've been taking extra long in the bath, willing myself to breathe in water
I've been playing Russian Roulette, tempting him to appear again
But he keeps pushing me away whispering, "not yet"
So now I wait patiently for Spring to come.

— The End —