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I had this epiphany today-
Toxicity still flows in my veins,
I inherited it from you.
I didn't think I still had it in me -
But I still search for you,
Unknowingly, unintentionally
In everyone I meet,
Whether in physical resemblance
Or emotional negligence.
I seem to be unable to break free
Of this vicious cycle.
It is true
No one will ever break me
The way you did,
But still
I would rather not repeat history.
 Dec 2023 Edmund black
I’m scared as f*ck
to want you.

But here
I am,

Still wanting you
I’ve been
searching for
You and
longing to find
A special girl
Just like you
dreams and hopes
Everything I need
so infinitely far away
and yet so intimately
in my arms you are today.
My True Love 💘😘💘
 Dec 2023 Edmund black
pain turned into insight
scorn into soft pity, yet
curious how fever dreams
of desire remain the same
after so long, still pulling
from the same well
I want to look as empty as I feel
 Dec 2023 Edmund black
the scent of incense
hangs heavy in the air
the constant murmer of voices
comes crashing like waves
but your eyes meet mine
and the faces disappear
the voices die,
all that remains
is an unspoken invitation
from my lips
willing yours to kiss them
and yours happily
meet their request
leaving our love tasting
like oranges
tenderly plucked
from moonlight lips.
Seeing the soft red silk
White green yellow hues
The arrangement
It touched my heart
I nearly cried
I never saw anything this beautiful
And spoke so elegantly
Except you
Inspired by a friend's reaction to a Bouquet
I want to be stuck right here with you
our hearts glued never dream of falling
you my parachute this absolute our connection
written in stone not the rosetta but more
astute. We feel the same I smell it on your
perfume the way you look at me when
we were alone in a room for this reason alone
I will atone in servitude be resolute the aura
you exude is elegant in elegance down to your glossed
lips prevalent

Before us, we felt gagged and unable to breathe
now each other's oxygen our worlds boxed in
staying with you is a blessing a love still progressing
wanna stay even if the weather sway creates a cyclone
without affection, We will break through and let each other in
only together we will make the the world spin you and I
a hurricane for the right reasons.
Stay while we soar on aphrodite wings through seasons
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