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 Dec 2023 Edmund black
he often reached too far
and sometimes lost his balance
but he always caught himself
like it was his greatest talent

but this time it feels different
like he's let go for too long
his recovery is slow
within, he feels withdrawn

the world will keep on spinning
even when he's gone
the important man he thought was
really wasn't all that strong

so he slides into darkness
he won't be missed at all
his broken heart is still
his oblivion has called
Nine hit eight,
Eight hit seven,
Seven hit six,
Six hit five,
Five hit four,
Four hit three,
Three hit two,
Two hit one.
Zero was frightened,
One is going to hit me hard,
So it huddled with fear in a corner,
Waiting to be hit by one.
Instead one came and sat beside zero,
Zero became ten,
Stronger than all the rest.
Help ,
Don't hit.
He takes a second to step aside
He takes a moment to see his lie
And he decides to take a turn this time
But really, he doesn’t know if it’s for the worst
If it’ll be his demise, if it’s just his curse, at work

No one has really known his mind
And no one’s ever seen his eyes
And no one ever thinks behind
Not quite like he’s questioned why
But for them, it’s his own mind’s pride

He wants to close his eyes
But he can feel it in the prize
He can feel it in his tries
So will you step aside
To at least let him try
Your eyes
Don’t speak the same.
They lay fallen,
Unable to look my way.

Your kiss
Was once passionate and sublime.
But your lips ,
As cold as ice,
Lay lazily on mine.

Your movement,
So rushed.
Our fingers barely touch.

For you caress my cheek,
One last time.

As I cry into your hand,
You stand away from mine.
This poem is about falling out of love with someone , the harsh pain of it and the effect it has. If you can relate to this, I hear you and you will get through this!
Don't just get wet,
Let rain seep into your bones,
And every cell,
Let it swell your heart with joy,
Let your soul dance to its rhythm,
Drip drop, drip drop,
Pitter patter, pitter patter
Discard your raincoats,
Let go of your umbrellas,
Dance in the rain,
Feel the silver drops caress you,
Kiss you,
Feel them tap on your head,
Hear the rain sing you a love song.
As you dance hug every drop close to you.
 Dec 2023 Edmund black
It's the season to wrap
the things that we are doing
and a chance glance to the back
Feel every accomplishment as a badge
And all the learnings coming along the way.

It's my poetry wrap
filling pages with words
With December blooming,
the secrets keep unfolding,
Its the spirit that lives and breathes
that it is a time to sit back and relax.

We've overdone ourselves
It's another wrap!
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