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Jan 17 · 782
Your Beautiful Sunsets
Edmund black Jan 17
People say that
Real men don’t cry
       Then why am crying?
   I never knew
    The true meaning
      Of a poem
Jan 16 · 827
Do not Blame The Stars
Edmund black Jan 16
In a world where
All the beautiful things exists
It takes a beautiful mind
And a strong willpower
For a soul to love unconditionally
Jan 13 · 1.5k
Edmund black Jan 13
People say that
A soulmate is the one,
That thing that makes you feel alive

If true,

I think  I’m in love with coffee ☕️
I just love the way it smells and the way it tastes
For sure we’re meant for each other ;)
Jan 11 · 380
Falling For You
Edmund black Jan 11
I keep my poetry
                         On  the edge of my tongue            

            Like dew on the edge of a leaf
                       After the rain

                     Patiently waiting
                                with exquisite beauty
                                     ­ To


                  ­                           A


           ­                                        L
                    Where I would like to believe
                         You'll be waiting patiently like grass

                                                                ­                            On a happy spring morning
                                            For me to land.
Jan 9 · 271
When You’re A Poet
Edmund black Jan 9
When language is lost
When words nowhere to be found
When now you’re gone too
Baby I swear
it’s like a slow death
Upon my mind.
Jan 8 · 292
A Moment Of Prayer
Edmund black Jan 8
A new day , a wish
A bold whisper to the sky
All I seek is you.
A woman
A poem
A blank page
Waiting to be filled.
Jan 6 · 525
Mark Me As Yours
Edmund black Jan 6
I admired you from afar
Up close,
I fell in love with your soul
That moment,
This uncontrollable feeling
This heartbeat
These butterflies
One desire
This chaos of our world
This love between first and last
This memory of our time
Our first kiss
Our  first touch
Our first intimacy
And our last promises
One thing for sure
Loving you is the first and last wish
The greatest gift I could ever ask for,
One desire to be yours for eternity.

Can you say these words?

Can you still feel me in your heart
Every time it beats.
Jan 3 · 147
Pages Of You
Edmund black Jan 3
Let’s be real here.
Real men don’t fall for looks
Baby I’d rather fall for your words
I heard sometimes, it could last a lifetime
Baby tend my nest with your words !!!
Jan 2 · 186
Mirror Twenty four
Edmund black Jan 2
The year has faded
But you are still my favorite
memory, I swear
#note  to self, # self care # self love , # selfishness # self first
Dec 2023 · 560
I Know A few Poets And
Edmund black Dec 2023
The greatest poets I know,
Are those who bleeds
Their Emotional pain
To give rise to their
Emotional inspirations
In the abyss of the ugliest things
I know all around the universe

And I say to myself, what a wonderful life.
Merry Christmas and Appreciation week to all ❤️🌹
Dec 2023 · 163
Don’t Wake Me Up
Edmund black Dec 2023
I dreamt of you
Every time
I closed my eyes
Every time
The sun smiled
Every time
A flower bloomed
You were such
A beautiful dream
But sadly I’ve learnt  that
A  dream too often
Is most beautiful
When it remains a dream
Dec 2023 · 180
I have nothing
Edmund black Dec 2023
But I'll try
To find something
Out of you

I will make you
Fall for me
I will catch you
Like feelings and butterflies
Till we both go crazy

So  I  have
Your love
Your thoughts.
Your beauty and scars

As rewards
Your smile
Your sadness
Your laughter
Like the sun
And the moon
Peaches and cream
Your shadow too

If I must
Then I shall,
And will seek
All the quiet nights
Where passion rise
Sweet delights Ice cream
And chocolate too

Love so true
And brew with
Tequila and wine

Now I have
From nothing
To something
Of you
Mind and soul

Exactly everything
My heart ever desired
Edmund black Dec 2023
I write to paint a picture
of my dream today
Just in case my dreams
Doesn’t exist tomorrow.
Every letter
Is a piece of my spirit.
Every word
Is a prayer to be
Without escaping
From myself
While escaping
Within myself
The road that follows,
Is bliss
Sometimes I wonder if we are living a dream. If the life we’re living is actually real or if we are asleep believing that the dream is life.
Perhaps that explains why some do not want to wake today
Dec 2023 · 933
You Don’t Know My Name
Edmund black Dec 2023
I’m so in love with your words
Perhaps with your smile
Or is it your eyes
I get lost into?
You don’t
Even know
My name.
Dec 2023 · 570
Are We Talking 🖊️
Edmund black Dec 2023
She brags about how
  She loves when I write
              and whispers my poetry
    in her ears, simply because my
    PEN IS

   bigger than yours.
#morning humor.
Dec 2023 · 85
Say Yes Without Restraint
Edmund black Dec 2023
I’m certainly
Too desperate
To be greedy
Too scared
Not to want to hold you forever
I’ve been waiting for too long
Not  to know, you’re what my heart desire
I’ve been misinformed for too long
Not to know that you’re exactly
The explanation to my heart desires
I’ve dreamed of the stars for too long
Not to want you to be forever
I’ve been homeless for too long
Not to want to live in your heart forever
A fire for the night and a blanket of you
Baby all I want for christmas, is to be yours.
Dec 2023 · 163
A Sunday Without You
Edmund black Dec 2023
In your absence
I get tired of being
Anything at all
I get wounded
by my own selfish
desires to be,
I imagine myself
Falling on purpose
Tearing’ up my heart
Into a million pieces
Just to wait and see
if you would come
And pick me up,
As always said
You would
If so ever I fall
So we, you and I
Could drift away
Onto a brighter sky
Without a trace of clouds.
Nov 2023 · 80
Today Is Yours
Edmund black Nov 2023
People don’t even
Believe in themselves
Don’t get too hurt if
They don’t believe in you

             Good morning
                      beautiful people,
                            ­ Give whatever
                                Hurt you have a hug and
                                     Create a great day :)
Nov 2023 · 2.2k
Love Always Leaves A scar
Edmund black Nov 2023
I learned love isn’t always beautiful
Love will cut like a samurai sword
Like a ninja warrior in broad daylight,
It will hurt and may scar you for life.
It's not true that love shouldn't ever hurt,
The hurting just shouldn't be in vain.
Hurt in vain, is suffering.
And who the f….has time for that?
Nov 2023 · 153
Here We Go Again
Edmund black Nov 2023
Listen to this message
With an open mind
Because I never preach
Nor do I ever been a politician

Listen to this message
With an open mind
If your eyes are covered
Ever so gently
With the lace of deception

If we forget history
Avoid it
If we fail to teach it
Refuse to learn from it
Our present is doomed
If we misconstrue history
Our future is ruined

Wrong is wrong
The truth does not change
And a friend who will not
show you your own sicknesses,
When you’re being duped
Is your enemy.
Nov 2023 · 200
Edmund black Nov 2023
Despite it all, I’m thankful I’m willing to do what it takes to move on with our lives. I’m thankful that I can move past the pain and remember that I’m here for a reason. I’m thankful for the little signs from beyond that help me keep putting one foot in front of another when it feels like I can’t move. I’m thankful for all my angels, both seen and unseen. Through it all, I’m blessed. It all works together for the greatest good. I pray I never forget that.
Nov 2023 · 102
Edmund black Nov 2023
Like a flower,
A corpse
In the scorching heat
Of summer
Clipping wings
Off bones
Sweet bourbons
kisses goodbye
Felt like
A Summery slow death
If I must admit
Running from cruelty feelings
Only to jumped
Into autumn misery
Perfect weather
If you’re a vulture
The kind of love
you only dream of in storms
False excitement,
All ten fingers
Caressing Rosaries
Not a second later only to be
Struck  by flowing stones
As her kiss showed its teeth
Crushed out of air
Only to get high on spanish fly
Written in Haitian cursives
The language of death
These Silly rabbits,
These fu* heartbreakers
They have never learnt,
Forevermore forgotten
Feathers do grow back
There isn’t a single day
I’m not eying the blue sky
Of love,  no matter the weather
Gosh ,
I’m always misunderstood
Nov 2023 · 455
Poetic Justice
Edmund black Nov 2023
No, we’re not strangers
No, we’re not wild animals
Breathing in human form
Find where we are all connected
There, awaits the peace in us

Let There Be Peace On Earth
Edmund black Nov 2023
Today I had the day free, I decided to jump in my car and drive up to
Maryland to pick something up. The drive was therapeutic. It's been a tough week and I needed to clear my mind. I started back around 7:30 but by 8:30 I was sleepy and there was a thunderstorm brewing.

I decided it was time to stop and get coffee and something to eat. As I walked in the diner, said hello to an elderly woman sitting in the booth across from me. She said hello back and we struck up a conversation.

We talked or rather she talked and I listened. She told me about her husband and how he had passed away and I kinda reminded her of him when he was a lot younger lol She beamed with love and affection ....even if sad that he was gone. Her heart was beautiful as a flower.

We joked about a few things and then she got up to leave. She said, "Young man, thank you for listening to this old lady. You are very sweet, please tell your mother that she did well.

I assured her I enjoyed the conversation and asked her to be safe going home.

Twenty minutes later, I went to pay my bill and was told, " mom took care of it...she's sweet like that, I was told”

I teared up as I got back in my car. You never know how lonely people are and how much just caring enough to listen will mean to them.

Life is short.... Don't squander any chance to be Kind.
Nov 2023 · 189
Edmund black Nov 2023
I give more love
Than I have to give
Like I have God in me

I showed too much hatred
Towards people I supposed to love
Like I have the devil in me

My mind won’t stop burning
Throughout the day
Like I have the sun in me

I just can’t stop shining
For others to see better
Like I’m married to the moon

I’m just too generous
With my everything and everything
Like I have an angel in me

This life is just too much for me to bear
Like I have too much vulnerability in me

I need to remind myself that
I am only a man……Just breathe
Nov 2023 · 177
I’m Like You
Edmund black Nov 2023
I’m like
all the mothers
I’m like
all the fathers
I’m  like
all the sisters
I’m like
all the brothers
I’m like
all the souls
And yet it seems like i’m stuck
in a dream or perhaps a nightmare of
For jews and for muslims
For  rich and for poor
For gay and for straight
For red and for blue
For black and for white
in this sleep
of catastrophe  
Where are we?
Where are our hearts?
These tears of sadness
rolling down my cheeks
it’s so insane to keep wondering
If  this is as good as it gets for us?
Who are you, who are we?
Where are we going from here ?
Tell me why are we so blind to see
That the ones that we’re hurting
Are you and me.
Nov 2023 · 169
Edmund black Nov 2023
My mind’s so quiet
On this magical ride
I bleed no longer
For me to see
My mind no longer
My means of sight
I let faith unfolding
like flowers in light
My new find joy
Without the noise
For all to hear
Feeling new everyday
Releasing old pain
Of what used to be
My mind’s so quiet
On this magical ride
Without fear or despair
Please don’t wait for me
To  bleed any longer
For I only traveled within
Aug 2023 · 2.0k
Excuse My French
Edmund black Aug 2023
Gimme your charm
Gimme me your lips
Gimme your love
Gimme your fire
Gimme your hell
Gimme your stroke
Gimme your passion
Gimme your secrets
Gimme your desires
Gimme your poison
Gimme your all
And with your all
I’ll grow you
A garden of moi
Aug 2023 · 319
I Want To Be
Edmund black Aug 2023
I want to be your        
favourite poem
like the one
That becomes
In your memory
That you find
Yourself constantly
Day dreaming
On cloud nine for
Your greatest escape,
A clash between
Illusion and cravings
Drifting away
As thunder striking
Stars exploding
Earth shattering
As our world align
Mouth full of us
Dripping lips
like honey
on a biscuit
Intoxicating thoughts
Drunken eyes
A word at a time
Nothing else matters
Only you and me
like Bonnie and Clyde
Your forever lasting poem
Opened gate of
A yearning desire
In a forever fleeting world
Aug 2023 · 276
The Wet
Edmund black Aug 2023
It’s summer outside
and it’s hot
Its been awhile
since I felt it on my body
and it been on my mind lately
This taste that I am craving
and it’s all over my tongue
I want to taste it
I want it on my skin again
I want to tease it
let it see me in my full glory
I want to feel it on my face
let it wine on me so ever nicely
I want to taunt it  with my mind
Let it trace all the terrain
of my masculinity
I want to please it so good
I want it to please me too
I want it to know its never alone
And i’m not afraid of it, ever
I want to feel it all over my chest
I want to drink it down my throat
A thing that is so beautiful, so pure
And isn’t afraid to feel me back
This stormy weather,
I want it all to myself,
this hurricane ,
this rain, falling on my head.
I feel so free so liberated by it
I’m in in love with this rainy day
Let it rain!!!
Aug 2023 · 228
Value Yourself
Edmund black Aug 2023
I will always
quietly disappear
From where
I’m not valued
No muss
No fuss
No begging
No words
No tears
No Ma’am
No Sir
For I would never
Reduce my value
By indulging those
who do not communicate
          value to me
               Value never begs
Nor makes noise
        It simply
I Am King ;)
Aug 2023 · 576
Edmund black Aug 2023
You’re here

of us

Now I’m here
feeling your presence

Where are you now?
Jul 2023 · 252
Edmund black Jul 2023
                    my pain
Jul 2023 · 256
Are We Really Free
Edmund black Jul 2023
How will change
Will ever come
Without purpose
How will purpose
Ever be realized
Without strategy
How will strategy
Will ever impact
Without endurance
I’ve watched the
Indignation and
Rhetoric concerning
The rampant injustice
Facing many in the world
Wane in the past
In the past
In the past
In the past
In the past
In the past
I’ve worked
In many places
Where the injustice
Is so horrifying
That there are no words
To qualify it
I’ve seen people
Bear up under
Horrific persecution
Even to death to affect
Change and hope
For freedom
Do our tv really
control the level
Of our conviction
Do the powers that
Be really have that
Kind of sway over
Our passion
By all means have
The purpose of true
freedom for all
But please I beg you
Have the strategy and
Do not diminish
The purpose by flailing
About with no directions
Having purpose and strategy
Understanding we’re against
A system that has controlled
Indoctrinated And victimized
For Well over a century
It won’t be easily overthrown
You must have endurance
Let your hearts swell with
Freedom and don’t stop
Until we realized that
We are free but we ain’t free at all.
Jul 2023 · 419
Chasing Life
Edmund black Jul 2023
I begin as if
I were ending
And a little buzz of
Rhythm and blues
While enjoying my
Tennessee moonshine
What greater life
hath no soul than this.
Jul 2023 · 123
Hold on
Edmund black Jul 2023
Nothing you can say
Could ever convinced me
Of what you’re

I know that man
I know the man too well,

No matter
The level of devastation
He might feel
Or loss that seems
To know no end
Criticism could never
Bring him down

Just like praises
Could never
Elevate him higher
For the value of his worth
Cannot be tied
To how others feel
About him

He finds motivation
within himself
Within his true reality

He knows who he is
He knows he shines bright
Lanterns no longer needed
Nor the beautiful  fire bugs
That he adores daily

Light is within him
He has trade his life
Of shadows for a life
That shines bright

Ever since
He’s been
Burning hotter
Shining brighter
Within his own light
Jul 2023 · 4.2k
Undress My Mind
Edmund black Jul 2023
Undr€ss m¥ m1nd
1f      U      c4n
          r34d      thls
u    r34lly   n33d
t0   g3t   A   Br€4< /<
fR0/\/\  Ur  t/~\0ut$
1 /</\/0\/\/ 1 d0.
Words words words words words
words words words words words
Words words words words words
words words words words words
Words words words words words
words words words words words
Words words words words words
words words words words words
glutaminylphenylalanylvalylphenylalanyllencylserylseryl- valyltryptophylalanylaspartylprolylisolencylglutamyl- lencyllencylasparaginylvalylcysteinylthreonylserylseryl- lencylglycylasparaginylglutaminylphenylalanylglutami- nylthreonylglutaminylglutaminylalanylarginylthreo- nylthreonylglutaminylvalylglutaminylglutaminylpheny- lalanylserylglutaminylvalyltryptophyllysylprolylphenyla- lanylprolylglutaminylserylthreonylvalylarginylphenylala- nylprolylglycylaspartylvalyltyrosyllysylvalyltyrosylargin- yltyrosylasparaginylalanylvalyllencylaspartylprolyllencyli-
Words words words words words
words words words words words
Words words words words words
words words words words words
Words words words words words
words words words words words
Words words words words words
words words words words words
solencylthreonylalanyllencyllencylglycylthreonylphenyla- lanylaspartylthreonylarginglasparaginglarginylisolencyli- solencylglutamylvalylglutamylasparaginylglutaminylglu- taminylserylprolylthreonylthreonylalanylglutamylthreo- nyllency laspartylalany/threonylarginglarginylvalylaspar- tylaspartylalanylthreonylvalylalanylisolencylarginylsery- lalanylasparaginylisolencylasparaginyllencylvalylasparagi- nylglutamyllencylvalylarginylglycylthreonylglycyllencyl- tyrosylasparaginylglutaminylasparaginylthreonylphenyla- lang yglutamylserylmethionylserylglycyllencylvalyltrypto
sometimes I don’t even understand.
I need a break from my thoughts.
Jul 2023 · 129
Good For Nothing
Edmund black Jul 2023
This thing called life
what a crazy b*
it takes things
so dear
to your heart
it gives things
so dear
to your heart
it then grows
so f

right on front
of your eyes
and suddenly
without reasons
you will outgrow
all the b* s*
you thought
you loved
and you’ll fall hard
like hail in heaven
with the heart you thought
wasn’t made for you and
clearly you didn’t care to have
Your good for nothing, suddenly ..Me
Jul 2023 · 3.2k
Rhythm Of The Night 🎵
Edmund black Jul 2023
Your poetry
Speaks of forever
While the answer
Keenly showing in your eyes.

Sunshine of my mind and soul,
You are such a beautiful,
Beautiful liar

It was the unwritten rhythm
Of your heartbeats,
That gave you away.
I would be fooled, if wasn’t music 🎶
Jul 2023 · 764
Spoke In Error
Edmund black Jul 2023
Baby I want you so much
But I spoke in error
From having looked too long
Upon the wishing stars
Baby I love you so much
Jul 2023 · 209
i, a prayer
Edmund black Jul 2023
i am beautiful.

i am kind.

i am a good soul.

i am kissing my scars.

i am happy.

i am not excusing bad behavior.

i am not accepting foul treatment.

i am ridding myself
of all people and all things toxic

i know my worth.

i am valuable.

i am excited about the possibilities.

i choose courage.

i choose positive thinking.

i choose adaptability.

i choose compassion.

i choose gratitude.

i choose love.

i choose humility.

i choose encouragement.

i choose wellness.

i choose healing.

i choose God.

i am moving forward
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Jul 2023 · 775
Striving In Poetry
Edmund black Jul 2023
They say that
Poetry is overrated

They say it’s nothing more
Than a string of letters
Simply arrange
To form a message

But they couldn’t be more
The sky away from the truth

Because for
Us poets
Poetry is a lot more
Than a string of  letters
It is
Our escape
Our reasons to be

It guides us to another world
To escape our painful reality

It is a place where blind men see
Little girls joyride on butterflies

It is a place that tailored
To all our needs

Where poor men strives
All  souls are equal
Humanity’s  at its best

It is a place that elevate
Us poets
When we’re feeling down
Feeling lost

It is indeed our savior
In these desolate darkness
Of our hearts

It takes away our pain
Our nightmares

We rise
Through it
It’s where I feel like home to myself!
Jul 2023 · 133
Talk About It
Edmund black Jul 2023
Like a flower
To remember me
I love women
like these beautiful sunsets
In my dreams
I love women
like a classic automobile
Of my dreams
I love wonen
like a glass of water
In the scorching heat
Of summer
To quench my thirst
I love women
Like a poem to inspire
Helps me rise
I love women
Like a verse from the bible
To enlighten my soul
I love women
I love you more
When I know
You are just for me
Jun 2023 · 206
No One Will Ever Know
Edmund black Jun 2023
Poor little heart
Draped in blues
No one seems to cares
No one seems to notices
No one seems to knows that
You’re such a romantic poem
Draping in magical desires
Waiting to be read.
Jun 2023 · 195
To Be Mine
Edmund black Jun 2023
How I long for a world
Of magic

A craving
A desire to believe
in something,
Perhaps someone

To ignite a spark
Of something real
To feel, to hold, to love

Way beyond
My illusionary mind

Oh little midnight star ⭐️
How much I do crave
For this kind of magical world
To be mine
Jun 2023 · 409
Edmund black Jun 2023
              Go.                      Go
                     Go.              Go
                           Go.           Go
              Go.              Go
              Go.                  Go
              Go.               Go
          Go wherever love calls you.
Jun 2023 · 85
Ice cream Delight
Edmund black Jun 2023
Baby I am nothing and
I never had nothing
But I'll try
To find something
Of you
I will make you
Fall and
I will catch you
Like feelings and butterflies
Till we both go crazy
So  I  have
Your love
Your thoughts
Your sweats
Your beauty
Your ugly too
As rewards
Your smile
Your sadness
Your laughter
Like salt
And pepper
Peaches and cream
Your shadow too
Through the
Quieter nights
Where passion rise
Sweet delights
Ice cream and chocolate
Love so true
And brew
forevermore feels like
Tequila and wine
And goosebumps too lol
So real
I’m for real,
Now I have
From nothing
To something
Of you
Mind and soul
Once you’re mine
like minds
I will have everything
I need… of You (
Jun 2023 · 124
Edmund black Jun 2023
The happiest poets I know,
Are those who bleeds
Their Emotional abuse
To give rise to their
Emotional  intelligence
In the abyss of the ugliest of all

             And All
                          And All
                                         And All

             And All
                          And All
                                         And All

             And All
                          And All
                                         And All
And All
                          And All
                                         And All
Jun 2023 · 225
I Am Enough
Edmund black Jun 2023
Today I sit and reflect
I realized that
I am a small
fish in the pond

At the same time
I real-eyes

I am enough

I am enough just as I am
Even when my situation
suggest other wise

I am enough

I am enough when I make
My fare share of mistakes
for I am only a human

I am enough

I am enough even,
When others try to put me
in a box , because I don’t fit their ideals

I am enough

I am enough
Even when the cards stacks
All against me

I am enough

I am enough
For anyone
that dares to know me

I am enough
I am enough
I am enough.
Jun 2023 · 373
Words Are Useless
Edmund black Jun 2023
Who ever told you that
         Words are useless
            Has never truly
              Experience them
                 Dance around their minds
                    And feel them through
                        Their souls personally

                      ­           What’s left unsaid
                                     Has left unhealed
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