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the momentum of revealing the weapon

was slowed
at the knock heard from the door

was slowed
as antioch was conjured
by your voice
as you entered the room deliberately

was slowed
to a stop
because you appeared
and the would-be thief fled

c. 2023 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Antioch means “to resist”. It was also a city in Turkey established by one of Alexander the Great’s generals.
she have skinny leg
an’ knockin’ knees
she be cray-cray an’ loud
she defen’ her right to be
she drownin’ in chems ‘n’ high as a kite
she walk ever’where when she floatin’
she so ol’ she temptin’ fate
how she ain’ died is a mir’cle
Gawd mus’ reely love dat womun
‘zall I kin figger

c. 2023 Roberta Compton Rainwater
I put the fast brake to the
Revved up the fuel injected
Sent backfires of unspent fuel out the tailpipe
The angst of my engines just waiting for the red light of her hair to turn to green
Looking out
he took that step
and risked it all

Faith to act
as his belay
one last piton
in the wall

Descent set free
in motion
a true heart
to guide him down

For love of life
and moments gone
belief once lost

(The New Room: December, 2023)
 Dec 2023 Edmund black
It's just that
i'd like someone to
write for me
just once
i'd like to be the object of affection
i'd like for someone to find
that beauty my mother keeps telling me
i have inside
i'm not complaining
but you see
i'd just like to be the
and not the poet
for once
I can be the villain that you need me to be
If that's what it takes for you to once again truly be happy
Then that's what's important to me, that's what I want to see
If I can't be that for you then I've failed miserably...

Oh the stupidity

I can play the bad guy, that comes pretty easy
To think love would find me, that in itself was awfully silly
I don't even have the love from my own friggin' family
...apparently no thanks to me...
But to bring you to the reality that it's time to leave me...
...that came all too naturally

Oh the humanity

 Dec 2023 Edmund black
 Dec 2023 Edmund black
I sold my soul to poetry
And never looked back
But now every relationship
Is a writing prompt
Every trauma, a metaphor
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