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26.4k · Nov 2014
I Am (Dark)
I am the stranger outside
Watching you in the shower
The monster under your bed
When you're trying to sleep

I am the stalker in the shadows
When you're walking in the street
The fear on the dark corners
You know I'm waiting there

I am the nightmare at night
Those forbidden thoughts in your head
You try to make yourself resist
But you're a prisoner of my will

I am the coming *******
As you fall to your submission
The surrendering to completion
At last, you face exactly who I am
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
24.4k · Oct 2009
When The Darkness Comes
When the darkness comes.

I will be waiting for it.

With my eyes open wide.

With my soul still pure.

And with my soul still intact.

I will fight with pride.

With no going back.

I will try not to fall.

I will stand my ground.

Never bow down my head.

Let the darkness engulf me.

For my lady's light glows.

Her love gives me strength.

Against the impossible odds.

Showing me the way.
22.6k · Mar 2016
Imagination Of Domination
The silence of desire
Hidden in quiet moans
Of those secret passions
Going unheard tonight

Fingers delicately exploring
Places of invisible needs
Pretence of a silent stranger
Imagination of *******

Breathing growing faster
Anticipation of his touch
Releasing the waterfall
Inside her wanted dreams
Copyright © Chris Smith 2016
19.6k · Apr 2016
The Fury
Don't think to control me
I dare you, think again
You want a gentle lover?
I'm sorry, I am the fury

Never attempt to tame me
Because my flames will burn
I'll strip away at your soul
Careful for what you yearn

I'm no gentleman from books
This beast will tear you apart
This lust can never be stopped
Because it will take you, hard

If you're looking for sweet love
I apologise, that's not what I give
For my punishment will be harsh
I'll give you a lesson, on how to live

Don't think to control me
I dare you, think again
You want a gentle lover?
I'm sorry, I am the fury
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
15.5k · Feb 2016
Undress my lover, fair
Naked, standing there
Destiny of desire for you
Ready for what we will do
Every touch is ecstasy
Sensually setting free
****** need, explored tonight
Endless lust until day light
Darling, I love you undressed
Copyright © Chris Smith 2016
15.2k · Jan 2016
The Lover
Let me take you
Use your body tonight
As I will ******
And hold you tight

Hands exploring each other
Finding your wet desire
Tonight, be my lover
Setting your soul on fire

Bite marks across your skin
Bite marks across your thighs
Surrender to this lust and sin
I want to hear your sighs

Feel me now as I enter
Having you in every way
Ravaging your moist centre
Inside you in savage play

You flow like a waterfall
As I ****** so very deep
Exploding, giving you my all
Holding you now, as we sleep
Copyright © Chris Smith 2016
11.5k · Oct 2009
Poetry comes from the soul

Reflects what is inside

It can only ever state

Can not defend what died

Words are what we will give

Who listens to what we say

We will always try to share

New meaning every day

This world is a big place

So many are in the mix

When it is already broken

No one is able to fix

So poets will all unite as one

With so many words to share

All of us will always glow

See our soul in there
11.4k · Mar 2010
Celtic Beauty
Sadness touches the lines on her face.
A face that was once smooth with grace.
Age came visiting and left the trace,
Now she is searching to find her place.

Beauty did once belong to her,
She believed it would last forever.
But time has marked her like the weather,
She is now lost amongst the wild heather.

Once they used to call her the Celtic Queen.
For many her beauty was always seen,
Now faded like an actress on the silent screen.
She is wondering why life seems like a scene.

She sometime wishes that she could die,
Because for her faded beauty she will cry.
If to be beautiful again she would try,
Beauty has left her and she ponders why.

But if she opened her eyes to see,
That in my eyes she is always beauty.
Time come to us as it has to be.
My Celtic Queen always is beautiful to me.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
11.3k · May 2014
447: Spanking
Sensual pain like no other
Practiced on a submissive lover
As the hand slaps fast
Naked flesh hit at last
***** agony belongs to you
In your mind, doing what you do
Naughty thoughts connect somehow
Good girl I will call you now
Copyright 2014
11.0k · Oct 2015
You Don't Know Me
Hello, don't hang up
I know you don't know me
But I believe I know you
I know your dreams
I know your desires
Of the darkest seduction
From a strangers voice
Of how I would use you
But strict with kindness
Punish you with lusts
Lusts yet unknown to you
Lusts to ravish your body
To please you in many ways
All the ways you dream of
Would you dare to know me?
Would you dare return my call?
Don't be afraid of the dark
All you need do is step inside
All you need do is use the phone
Dial my number, I dare you
Copyright © Chris Smith 2014
10.3k · Jun 2015
507: Obsession
Oh, give your body now to me
Blessing it with extreme ecstasy
Setting free what you hold inside
Each desire, each need you hide
****** craving to my hard touch
Sensual needing, wanting too much
Inner thoughts of a fetish like mind
Obsession of both, one of a kind
Now uncontrollable bodies together
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
8.7k · Aug 2014
462: Submission
Sensually surrenders to me
Utter submission set free
Bonded to my will
Made to satisfy my thrill
In dominance I must live
Satisfaction she will give
Slave to my carnal desire
Innocent to my burning fire
Obey the punishment above
Naked for our darkest love
Copyright Chris Smith 2013
8.6k · Jan 2016
David Bowie
Did you see the stars
As they shone on you
Vivid like a thousand scars
Inside the darkest blue
Did you see the hero

But that hero was you
Onward for people feel
When music becomes true
In the end you're never gone
Eternally remembered in a song
Copyright © Chris Smith 2016
7.6k · Oct 2009
Would You
Would you tell me how you feel

Would you touch me and be real

Would you move your hand below

Would you move it nice and slow

Would you go down and lick

Would you let your tongue flick

Would you swallow it whole

Would you taste it flow

Would you want to be on top

Would you move and never stop

Would you feel me deep inside

Would you let me come and slide

Would you want us to overload

Would you allow me to explode

Would you let me stay in there

Would you, would you dare
6.5k · Sep 2010
294: Words Against Terrorism
We stand against you, no matter what religion we are
You will never divide us against each other
We will be strong because we fight against evil
You are the nemesis of the souls of humanity
We will rise up and we will stand together
You can not knock us down, we never will fall
We are Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Pagans....we are the World
You can NEVER win.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
6.1k · Dec 2010
350: South Korea
Seoul is a beautiful city
Often alive in ancient simplicity
Ulsan, Gangwon and other places
Take you to a land, nature traces
Hyeonchung-il, remembering that day

Kindred souls passed on their way
Over the sea is this special land
Reaching out to take you by the hand
Even though this ocean is far apart
All this land will greet you with its' heart
copyright Chris Smith 2010
5.5k · Nov 2009
43: Dark Desire
Give in to your dark desire

Tell me want you want

How does your body ache

Trembling at my touch

I want you to show me

Exactly want you want to do

I need just to know

You feel this way

The same as me

Give in to dark desire

copyright Chris Smith 2005
5.4k · Oct 2010
327: Sky Lantern
I'm going to light a sky lantern
And send it up in the night sky
And watch as it burns so bright
Floating above, just like a star
It will be my memory of you
A friend I have come to love
A man I respect completely
For now and forever, a brother
A comrade in words and poetry
My bright star in the night sky
5.3k · Feb 2011
380: The End Of A Circle
Going around and around

Will love finally be found?

Looking for life out there

Seeking for it somewhere

So on and on I will go

Back and forth, to and fro

Feet aching, never stopping

Always window shopping

I'm looking for the end of a circle

It keeps on being never ending

I'm looking for the end of a circle

I feel like things are transcending

Looking up, then I'm looking down

I'm the king who has lost his crown

Sometimes mad, maybe sometimes sane

Trying to make sense, trying to explain

If you look for which you seek

You never can find the words to speak

I am here and you are over there

Dreaming that we can be somewhere

I'm looking for the end of a circle

It keeps on being never ending

I'm looking for the end of a circle

I feel like things are transcending

copyright Chris Smith 2011
5.2k · Mar 2015
490: I'm Human
I think they laugh at me
Maybe because I'm strange
Could I be a somebody
Or is that a bit deranged

Can't they see I'm the same
I bleed just like they do
They treat me as if I'm lame
Ignoring me is their rule

So are you picking on the disabled
Thinking we're not fit to work
Because you wonder if I'm able
To be like everyone else who work

I never asked to be this way
I try to forget that horrid past
Not thinking of that terrible day
I wish that memory faded fast

I'm human, I am not someone lower
I'm human, stop knocking me down
I'm human, so I might be slower
I'm human, now put away that frown
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
5.1k · Jul 2010
247: Angela (Acrostic)
Angel, protect me my friend
Now with thy open wings you tend
Giving the grace of purity of heart
Ever there with truth never far apart
Let me thank thee, for all that you do
Angel that lights up this world, so true
copyright Chris smith 2010
5.0k · Apr 2014
Squirrel Dog
A squirrel dog in a tree
Looked down at me
"I'm half a Chihuahua"
"So how are ya"

I was too shocked to walk
I never knew dogs could talk
"I'm fine, thank you"
"What do you do?"

"Not much" the squirrel dog said
"Hang around here before bed"
"We dogs really have brains"
"Hiding in trees when it rains"

I wondered if I had gone mad
Was this some passing fad?
"How do I know you're real?"
"What's the real deal?"

"Well, I'm as real as can be"
"it's the squirrel in me"
"Now I have to run away"
"So I'll wish you a good day"
Copyright Chris Smith 2012
4.9k · Sep 2012
409: Will You Love Him
For no reason he starts screaming
Then begins to hit you
Shouting for no given purpose
He will begin to bite himself

It is then as nothing happened
He plays with an electronic game
Something then will disrupt him
So begins punching himself in the head

He will not wait his turn
Even when others are already speaking
So starts to bite himself once more
Shouting out threatening behaviour

You can never try to tell him off
It will only make him worse
He believes he is only allowed to shout
He will never understand what you say

The throwing of things will then commence
Showing you outrage and anger
Comes up and shouts in your face
Followed by slapping and hitting you

Then it will all suddenly stop
Begins talking nicely to you
Talking non-stop about his cars
He will then put them all in a line

Come and ask for a cuddle
Not even remember what just happened
For an hour or two he talks politely
You dare not try to change the subject

Never try to break his routine
For he will start swearing at you
Everything will start all over again
Because he will never understand change

He even hates his baby sister
Because he needs all the attention
He has no understanding of sharing
Or how to ever show fair play

He is locked away in his own world
Expects everyone to know what he is thinking
He can not even dress himself
But he has a perfect photographic memory

Others will never come to realise
They will only think the worst of him
They call him names behind his back
All because he is a little different

Autistic children may be a challenge
But remember, they are still children
All they need is understanding
So, will you love him?

copyright Chris Smith 2012
For children with Autism/Asperger's Syndrome
If only we could understand autism a bit more
4.8k · May 2010
Never Ever
Never ever
Make her cry

Never ever
Ask her why

Never ever
Just fade away

Never ever
Try to stray

Never ever
Fail to miss

Never ever
Forget to kiss

Never ever
Hit her face

Never ever
A drunkard disgrace

Never ever
Stop loving her

Never ever
Stop being together

Never ever
Tell her lies

Never ever
Blind her eyes

Never ever
Do these things

For ever
Misery it brings
copyright Chris Smith 2010
4.6k · Nov 2009
Wheelchair Blues
Here I am, leg in plaster

Nurse with a needle, after me

Forgot the brake, can't go faster

Now all I get is woe and misery


I got those wheelchair blues

Suffering those wheelchair blues

Hear my wheelchair blues

I'm singing those wheelchair blues

Rushing to get that elevator again

Going quick and my hands are sore

I'm just too slow, because then

I end up crashing into the closed door


I got those wheelchair blues

Suffering those wheelchair blues

Hear my wheelchair blues

I'm singing those wheelchair blues

Showing off and think I'm clever

Should have taken my painkiller pill

You won't stop and wish I never

My fault for trying to go down hill


I got those wheelchair blues

Suffering those wheelchair blues

Hear my wheelchair blues

I'm singing those wheelchair blues

At last I can get out of the chair

But things will never be the same

Because now it just ain't fair

They've given me a Zimmer Frame


I got those wheelchair blues

Suffering those wheelchair blues

Hear my wheelchair blues

I'm singing those wheelchair blues

I got those wheelchair blues

Suffering those wheelchair blues

Hear my wheelchair blues

I'm singing those wheelchair blues

copyright Chris Smith
4.5k · Sep 2010
305: Edgar Allan Poe
Evil comes, reaching and creeping
Darkness leaving you, shivering and weeping
Grey shadows fall, they bring doom
All around, trapping you in the room
Ready to claim you, as you scream

And you realise that this is no dream
Life almost deserts you, you're left alone
Lonely thoughts are chilling you to the bone
Almost as the nightmare starts becoming true
Now you feel the horror striking out at you

Panic begins stabbing inside your head
Out there come those you believed long dead
Endless laughter comes from a solitary raven
copyright Chris Smith 2010
4.3k · Nov 2010
339: Devil Angel
You can pretend to be good
But I want you to be bad
When you pretend like you should
We make love so hard

Your body moves with me
Innocent no more, it's taken away
My hands explore your body
Because we know we want it this way

Devil Angel, I give it to you
Having you all through the night
So much pleasure in what you do
Devil Angel, you feel so right

Open your wings and let me in
I want you to grip me tight
Welcome to these moments of sin
I want to feel your bite

You scream and you sigh
I can feel the sensation as you flow
Inside your soul, I feel you fly
Having you now, because I need you so

Devil Angel, I give it to you
Having you all through the night
So much pleasure in what you do
Devil Angel, you feel so right
copyright Chris Smith 2009
4.3k · Apr 2016
In sign o' the times
Was when doves cried
As the purple rain fell
Copyright © Chris Smith 2016
4.2k · Jan 2010
Saint Dwynwen
She loved her special prince
Her soul belonged to Maelon
But her father would not allow it so
For she had been promised to wed another

She prayed to her God to forget her true love
And an Angel came down to visit her
Granting a sweet potion to erase his memory
So that she could forget him forever

But it also meant that Maelon would be trapped
To be encased within a block of ice
Then her God decided to grant Dwynwen three wishes
And she knew for what she had to do

She wished for Maelon to be thawed and saved
She wished for the hopes and the dreams
Be granted for all of the true lovers
But the third wish, she would never marry

She formed her convent on Llandwyn
This is where she stayed, until Death took her
The remains of her church can still be seen
She will always be our patron saint of lovers

5th Century saint ... copyright Chris Smith 2010
4.2k · Jul 2010
234: I Am Batman
I patrol in my backyard
Cruising im my pedal car
I can see the Joker
Well, it's really a toy clown
Locked safely away in the toy shed

I am looking for Two Face
A teddybear that my dog ripped
So my Mum sewed up his face
But now he is out there, free
I must track him down

I search for him in the kitchen
There I spot the Scarecrow
It is a puppet, long and thin
I must stop in my search now
So I can tackle with my foe

I put the Scarecrow behind bars
My search continues, relentless
I see Two Face hiding in the lounge
I now creep up, slowly behind him
I pounce, the battle is long, but I win

That scarred teddybear is put away
Where he won't harm anymore toys
My Batcave awaits, up in my bedroom
I am sleepy, my eyes are feeling tired
I am Batman, even I must sleep
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Meeting in a hotel room
Both of us shy at first
Then the taste of your kiss
The sweetness of your lips
Then the dancing of our tongues

You move your hand slowly down
Stroking and teasing me through my jeans
My hands cupping your ******* now
Feeling them react through your top
We allow this passion to take us

We strip each other, unable to wait
Then you push me onto the bed
Straddling and teasing me with want
Rubbing me against your wet desire
Before taking me inside you

Riding on top, slowly at first
Before building up to release
Taking me faster, making me go deeper
And I cherish the fullness of your *******
Your ******* ripe for me to taste

Pulling you down to my aching body
Lifting my knees to fully enter you
Passionate kisses as I move inside
Feeling you push with each stroke
Screaming out for your need to flow

Then moving you onto your back
And like animals, we give in to this lust
Your legs wrapped around me, tight
Squeezing me  as you surrender
Your passion flooding as I pound faster

I can feel myself ready, prepared to erupt
And I ****** deeper still, filling you with me
My seed explodes inside your well of delight
Then we collapse into each others arms
Content to be with each other, until we begin again
copyright Chris Smith 2010
When passion comes calling

Your heart is felt, falling

You believe your actions are just

Is this love or is this lust?

Your desire trembles too much

You lose control, as such

Your passion you can not trust

Is this love or is this lust?

In the heat, your bodies collide

Together you feel them slide

You do what your bodies must

Is this love or is this lust?

Make love fast then do it slow

Together your desires flow

You feel those emotions bust

Is this love or is this lust?

She takes your want all night

These cravings you can not fight

Even taking the satisfaction in the dust

Is this love or is this lust?
4.1k · Dec 2009
The Lost Elf
One day the skies opened up with snow
And one lost elf did not know where to go
He kept going in circles, around and around
But the skies kept putting more snow on the ground

He found himself in a Winter forest, dark and deep
He thought he heard the dead trees start to creep
He imaged eyes gazing like a terrifying light
Or was it the reflection where everything was white

The poor little elf was starting to get very cold
He wish he had stayed home, like he had been told
As more snow fell he began to shiver and shake
So scared that snow monsters might come awake

Suddenly a sound made the poor elf start to yell
He had heard a ringing, a sound of a bell
Then he saw a jolly fat man dressed in white and red
With reindeers that pulled him sitting on a sled

He offered the elf to come and sit by his side
Then they shot up into the sky, it was a special ride
The jolly fat man took the elf home to his mother
He was so happy when he shared the story with his brother

So every year he leaves mince pies and a drop of red wine
Something special for the jolly fat man to dine
He now stays in when it snows, whenever he can
And the once lost elf always remembers that jolly fat man

copyright Chris Smith 22nd December 2009

Merry Christmas to all on Hello Poetry
4.1k · Dec 2009
Follow Your Rainbow
When life is beginning to go bad

And all your troubles seem to flow

All things happening make you sad

Follow your rainbow, follow your rainbow

When others are being so cruel

And you can not find someone to know

No one there to speak to you

Follow your rainbow, follow your rainbow

And when the times seem so tough

And you feel sad tears start to grow

Feel like you have had enough

Follow your rainbow, follow your rainbow

Follow your rainbow until you reach the end

Follow your rainbow and then you will see

Follow your rainbow to meet your friend

Follow your rainbow right to me

copyright Chris Smith 2008
4.0k · Apr 2014
441: Fade Away
Plastic wires inside my brain
Drastic thoughts still remain
Concrete jungle, no escape
Complete in dream scape

Workers doing endless jobs
Shirkers being called slobs
Scope is far out of range
Hope is someone strange

When time started to run out
Then phantoms silently shout
Never will they be heard
Whether it should be absurd

Playing the same old game
Praying nobody is to blame
Elastic fades away the grain
Plastic wires inside my brain
Copyright Chris Smith 2012
4.0k · Jan 2010
Every Woman
Every woman deserves a chance

Every woman needs some romance

Every woman has some love to give

Every woman wants a life to live

Every woman is living a secret wish

Every woman wants a slow kiss

Every woman can give so much

Every woman wants to feel a touch

Every woman has a dream to share

Every woman just wants to care

Every woman should not be alone

Every woman must have a heart to own

Every woman wants to be a mother

Every woman desires to be a lover

Every woman will give you her heart

Every woman waits for love to start

copyright Chris Smith 2004
3.8k · May 2010
Mushroom Coffee
I drank a cup of mushroom coffee
With a friend, now long forgotten
We watched the walls change colour
From red to orange and to yellow
We laughed at the spider with too many eyes

I thought I saw my friend, fixing his van
But in reality, he had wandered upstairs
So I watched the TV and then it spoke
The voice seemed to be talking just to me
And then mister sandman fluttered nearby

My friend decided he wanted to take a walk
I agreed and I knew it was time to go home
And where I was amazed at technicoloured butterflies
My friend jumped away in alarm from the giant frogs
And I never drank a cup of mushroom coffee again
copyright Chris Smith
3.8k · Jul 2015
The Friendly Troll
Once upon a time ago
He wanted to be friends
People saw him as a Troll
That's not where the story ends

For he was so beautiful inside
People only saw the outer skin
His love for life, he did hide
Hiding away from everything

One day, a little blind girl came his way
Became his friend, she told him stories
She visited the Troll every single day
Told of heroes and their victory glories

But the villagers came looking to ****
A friendly Troll who only loved life
Chased him far over the hill
With torches, clubs and a knife

But the little blind girl was in trouble
A wall of rocks began to slide
The Troll rescued her from the rubble
Gave his life for her and he died

Now as the friendly Troll, he is remembered
Never would he cause you any harm
Forever, as a hero, he will be remembered
The friendly Troll with beautiful charm
Copyright © Chris Smith 2008
3.7k · Feb 2010
Always An Angel To Me
She helped kiss away my tears

Comforted my pain with sympathy

She took away my fears

She is an angel to me

Over me, she looks down

I feel that she still does care

Watches me, no matter which town

I will always know she is there

She lives on in my heart

My wonderful, Scottish nan

Long ago to Heaven she did depart

She helped to shape this man

All the things she ever did

Was help open my eyes to see

I am always her little grand-kid

And she is always an angel to me


Dedi­cated to my grandmother (Violet Eason Smith) who died in 1992.
copyright Chris Smith 2000
3.6k · Feb 2010
The Vampire Pigeons
Come and hide from them tonight
They come for your blood, keep out of sight
They coming looking for victims, seeking a neck
They will find you and feed when they peck

The vampire pigeons are going coo coo coo
The vampire pigeons are coming after you

Oh no, be so quiet, because they are here
I can see them bobbing and I feel fear
Blood red feathers and they show their crest
They are here to feed then escape to the nest

The vampire pigeons are going coo coo coo
The vampire pigeons are coming after you

What can we do? there is no where to go
Can anything ever stop this evil foe
But at last we are safe, I never thought of that
They are fleeing, they are running from the cat

The vampire pigeons are going coo coo coo
The vampire pigeons are coming after you
copyright Chris Smith 2009
3.5k · Feb 2010
The Wicked (Boustrophedon)
The wicked never rest
Tset eht ssap yeht fi
For they scream this night
Thgis morf edih yeht dna
They come to close your eyes
Seirc rieht era esruc a
They come for you, be assured
Drawer ruoy eb llahs htaed rof
The wicked will come at last
Tsac eb lliw lleps rieht dna
You can not run if you try
Eid si od won nac uoy lla
Htims Sirhc
3.4k · Sep 2010
304: Sleepy Head
Come along sleepy head
It's now time for bed

You're yawning still
So up the wooden hill

You stayed up late
So dream land does await

Clean your teeth, comb your hair
Little one, your bed is there

So come along, sleepy head
Just now, in your bed
copyright Chris Smith 2010
3.4k · May 2010
Darkest sensations
Melting with my lovers touch
Tasting sweeter still.
copyright Chris Smith
3.4k · Dec 2009
Ode To An Alcoholic
He says this is the last drink

The very last bottle he will drain

For now, all he wants is to think

While he has senses that still remain

But tomorrow will just bring another day

Where a lonely life will cause only pain

Only one thing can ever take the sorrow away

He will turn to the ****** bottle once again

He has lost it all, lost his very will

He is cursed by the demon drink to follow

He just picks a bottle up to once more swill

He just puts it to his lips and ready to swallow

His life seems to be one long  horror show

He  ends up being in another drunken daze

He can never stop while the urges continue to grow

He is always trapped in his very own alcohol craze

His wife and family left him so very long ago

But he never looks to find anyones' pity

For this is the life he has come to know

One more lost alcoholic, lost in the city

copyright Chris Smith 2004
3.3k · Sep 2010
290: Pink Swan
He spotted the pink swan
Did the laughing hyena
As he giggled on the lawn
Because he had seen her
copyright Chris Smith 2010
3.2k · Oct 2014
470: Sweet Darkest Rose
Sweet darkest rose
A secret nobody knows
When night gives a glance
Be my moonlight dance

Sweet darkest mystery
With hidden beauty I see
As twilight begins her embrace
Let moonlight touch your face

Sweet darkest sprite
Dancing for my delight
I watch you and I know
By dawn you must go
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
3.2k · Mar 2010
I fancied something to eat
Something tasty and sweet
But what a mistake to make
When you are going to get toothache

Wanted a biscuit with my tea
But all I got was misery
As I got ready to munch
I felt a tooth go crunch

Now all I get is pain
So bad, it is hard to explain
No pain killers can help contain
This agony that is making me insane

So I paid the Dentist a fortune in money
Because toothache is not very funny
Fighting my fear of that drill
So I try to keep very still
copyright Chris Smith 1998-
3.2k · Oct 2010
328: Wolf In Sheeps Clothing
It hides, hoping not to be seen
Preys on the innocent life
No one can tell it has been
It cuts into you like a knife

Secrets are kept from you
What others fear to tell
You want to hear what is true
Because you have been to Hell

They make friends into enemies
Because no one likes to say
Finding out, the soul empties
The coldness never goes away

Why did they not tell you from the start
And keep what they knew to themselves
It would have stopped a knife to the heart
It would have released hidden jars from the shelves

The wolf would have been outted long ago
Then this shiver would not run down my spine
I feel like I was the last one to know
If only someone had given me the sign

So let us put an end to wars that never should be
Let that wolf in sheeps clothing be exposed
Join as we were before, a friend and ally
Let this knowledge you share be imposed

The truth needs to be heard, to be shared
Because the rest of us will listen, will hark
Let the ****** be seen, let it be scared
Shine light on that kept in the dark
copyright Chris Smith

The truth is out there, as a friend said.
3.1k · Dec 2009
Amid mushrooms the leprechaun creeps

At the end of rainbows he sleeps

He would hit you with a rock

If you try to steal his crock

A master of devilish trickery

He will play games with ye

Doth thou keep away from me gold

He will say so brash and bold

Catch him and hear him rant

Three wishes he will grant

But those wishes are like the mist

With each one comes a twist

Laughs at you, he is all dressed in green

Never generous, just twice as mean

For his hidden gold he will dig

Trick you and dance an Irish jig
3.1k · Aug 2012
406: The Atheist
At eighteen he could not believe
No one could change his mind
At christianity, he rolled his eyes
Buddism never made he think
Refused to become Wiccan
Never picked up the Bible
Nor tempted by the Koran
For years he was never swayed

No embracing any religion
When they said he'd go to Hell
Well, he never believed anyway
Not wanting to know any God
Laughed at thoughts of a Devil
Lived his life with his family
Even though his children
Grew up to have faith

Now an elderly man in hospital
Alone in a room and dying
A night so dark without stars
When a light shone in the window
He felt tears on his cheeks
Put his hands together
Then he whispered
"Please forgive me".

copyright Chris Smith 2012
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