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DJQuill Feb 16
A payphone,
Paid for with time and energy
All my change I spend on you
Released from the caller's heart
An already safed contact,
Feeling like an anonymous number,
Ignored like spammers
"Call me back" left on voicemail
Hanging loose from the box
Still waiting-
more days to come
DJQuill Jan 28
A blood-coated weapon
As sharp and deadly as words
Forged for protection
Used against and stolen
By fear

An unbreakable shield
Protected and enchanted by words
Forged for protection
Used against fear
Borrowed from the heart

Battle followed by many thoughts
Only a growing shield
As quick and steady as bamboo in the forest
Can protect from sharpness
The cold and threatening force
The fear
  Jan 13 DJQuill
To master my reality
I give it my all
To be one with nature
I obey natural laws
To experience this life
Of such pleasures and pain
To run in this race
Where winning is vain
To live like a fool
So eternally wise
To be loved unconditionally
Beyond my demise
All of these things
I hold in my heart
Creatively shaping
My collection of art
Traveler 🧳Tim
DJQuill Jan 13
Sometimes my mind feels like an ocean
A tremendous motion,
That can sink nations

My thoughts on the other hand
Speak like a small pond
A peaceful collected body
A city of harmony and greenery

Sometimes my actions are unpredictable
Movements to achieve a checkmate,
Yet let me lose the game as well

My legs are earthquakes
A stick that can‘t bear the weight of the ceiling

Meanwhile my hands are waves
Creating words that speak more than books

I‘m chaos and order
A song that makes you cry with joy and frustrate you at the same time
Is this ok for you?
DJQuill Jan 8
The darkness will not catch me,
Repeatedly crying a fountain for help
Feeling his breath behind my fears
I won’t give up

Chasing me mid-day under the bright sun,
A reaper sharpens a scythe, coated with rusted blood-
Belonging to lapsed soldiers
The darkness will not catch me

Fallen angels carry broken weapons,
A sign of lost and mistakes
A grudge against their own being, therefore-
I won’t give up

Sunshine will carry me, a newborn in a cruel world
A flooded place, tired swimmers in the ocean
The darkness will not catch me
I won’t give up
DJQuill Jan 8
Light that betrays us
A flickering lantern that misleads me into darkness
A stabbing pain that gives me joy
A lasting ink that marks my skin
An outcast of society, painted in black and lost in forgiveness-
A leader of the broken
DJQuill Jan 8
Water runs calmly
A garden within chaos
Grass still grow greener
A memory of my time in Kyoto
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