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 Feb 2020 Paulina
Jayantee Khare

a history, untold
a mystery to unfold
an eternal search
a perpetual urge
too ethereal to achieve
too surreal to believe
a desire, remaining unfulfilled
an epic, still being quilled
a moment stilled
in the veins, it instilled
O my beloved!
you're a dream too grand to be realised
a scheme, too ambitious to be materialised....

Love letter...happy valentine's day
 Feb 2020 Paulina
 Feb 2020 Paulina
Love's only weakness
Is also its greatest strength:
It defies reason

My thoughts on Valentine’s Day
 Feb 2020 Paulina
Donall Dempsey

I like to say
your name

when you're
not here

turn you
into sound

conjure you out of
thin air

so that you appear
before me

dressed in sound

memory sketching in
the rest of you

as if sound
was just an outline

and love
colours you in

adding the voice last
so I can hear you say.

"Hello you..!"
and there you are

as present
as present

can be.

I like to say
your name

when you're
not there.
 Feb 2020 Paulina
Pilar Orozco
 Feb 2020 Paulina
Pilar Orozco
Look at me pretending I don’t like you
and i was the enchantment waiting to find you...

when i was a daughter of siam i cried so beautifully at night for my husband's love when i was asleep that i became his favourite wife and he promised to love me forever.
 Feb 2020 Paulina
Ava Weiland
when you stay
because you are afraid of losing what you had
you do not lose
the past
you lose
the future.

be brave.
 Feb 2020 Paulina
the beautiful way in which you offer up the world to me
makes me want to take it simply so i can give it back to you.
everything always
 Feb 2020 Paulina
Coraline Hatter
candles light up her room
it smells like herbs
and flowers

fall is her favorite season
she enjoys the rain
while dancing trough the woods

she's one with nature and the sun
but in love with the moon
everyone's terrified of her
 Feb 2020 Paulina
reaching you
 Feb 2020 Paulina
i look at the moon
to know i’m not alone
i seek for the stars
to claim what’s ours
to the wind i whisper
words i never once utter
                    — z.g.
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