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 Feb 2020 Paulina
Hamza Ali
 Feb 2020 Paulina
Hamza Ali
Everlasting madness,
distinctive chaos,
yet I still crave you more.
 Jan 2020 Paulina
I always thought we were the perfect match.
But matches are meant
                                   to ignite
                                         and burn out.
 Jan 2020 Paulina
Anna Akhmatova
So many stones have been thrown at me,
That I'm not frightened of them anymore,
And the pit has become a solid tower,
Tall among tall towers.
I thank the builders,
May care and sadness pass them by.
From here I'll see the sunrise earlier,
Here the sun's last ray rejoices.
And into the windows of my room
The northern breezes often fly.
And from my hand a dove eats grains of wheat...
As for my unfinished page,
The Muse's tawny hand, divinely calm
And delicate, will finish it.
 Jan 2020 Paulina
Hannah Field
Your absence has gone through me like thread through a needle.
Everything I do is stitched with a color.

 Jan 2020 Paulina
The Fog
 Jan 2020 Paulina
It's the days when you don’t cry,
But you don’t smile either.

It’s the days when you’re quieter than usual,
And people notice.

It’s the days when you aren’t quite thinking about anything.

But if someone asked you what was wrong,
You wouldn’t know where to start.
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