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 Feb 2018 Brother Jimmy
grief doesn't just get up and walk away one day
she sits in the corner and will haunt your home
and will keep you awake at night
and grin over your shoulder in the mirror
and make you trip over air in public
and squeeze and squeeze on your heart until blood
flows over her knuckles and sits patiently at her feet
grief is a cruel mistress and a life sentence
 Feb 2018 Brother Jimmy
I’m happy
(I’m depressed)

I love myself
(I hate myself)

I can’t wait to live my life
(I can’t wait to die)

I am lucky to have my friends
(why do they even like me?)

I have a family who loves me
(and I continue to disappoint them)

I am an excellent student
(I can’t focus in school)

I want to travel the world
(will I even live to do that?)

I’m fine
(I’m not fine)

I’m perfectly okay
(please help me)
The rabbit hole she goes.

Inner demons and sorrows
Lurk and fester
An open wound
On one’s soul
So deeply hidden
So dark in nature
They remain submerged
But for the incessant taboo beat
That chokes the air she breathes
The only relief is
Deep in the rabbit hole.

Kelly Rose
© January 19, 2018
Dew gravitates from the wild blue yonder
To kiss her lover, grass—but when sun’s rays
Come, dew indignantly to skies doth soar,
But to her lover doth return always.
And the waves madly rush in ecstasy
To their lover, shores—but when gravity
Calls, waves indignantly ebb to the sea,
But dost return in perpetuity—
Then, a soul of mine so entwined with thine,
To wing to rose veiled banks of paradise;
But along the way thine decamped from mine,
On yonder beyond where the sun doth rise.

"But, if sea waves and dew of skies above
To their lovers return, why not thee, love?"

©**Kikodinho Edward Alexandros. Jumeirah, Dubai. 03rd.09.2017
#Attempt at a Shakespearean sonnet.
Once at a halcyon sea thee dare glance,
And you'll see her smiling vivaciously
To render eyes of thine into a trance
By lullabies crooned rhythmically.
And if thee dare saunter by the shoreline
Upon a shingly beach in a brisk breeze,
Kissed by glassy waves you'll feel so fine,
For in mist of joy shalt thy worries freeze;
Yet if thee stroll by a fine golden day
With heaven's eye fairly raining her light,
It'll betoken joy to forever stay
Like of a bird upon her maiden flight.

In sweet delight it'll thus dawn upon thee,
For nothing smiles than a halcyon sea.

#Attempt at a Shakespearean sonnet

**Kikodinho Edward Alexandros. 7th.Dec.2017. Jumeirah, Dubai.
On feasting about a murmuring limpid sea that was a vast brilliant blue mill-pond whilst at Atlantis Hotel in Dubai by the terrace yesteryear on a golden May day, upon the back of my palm there I jotted a faint line "Whispers Of A Halcyon Sea"... Faint, for I really didn't know what to write next but since yon day, fires of my muse about the sea errupted...'Tis once on a fine sweltering day when I decided to visit the edge where waves kiss the shore...Fact that I know not how to swim, I remembered some indelible words of sheer wisdom: "TILL TO SWIM YOU ARE ABLE, SIT CLOSE TO THE TABLE...Loll" by the ancient sage, LEWIS CAROLL".... hence there by the table, that's when I knew what to write. Lest thou art a sea lover, hope thou hast enjoyed my musing about the sea. Thanks for reading. God bless ye, dear friends.
And how could I ever pen a sonnet?
So cried a lad's voice tinged in despair
At his mother who smiled in a Bonnet.
Dear child, 'tis as easy as flys birds of air:
First, always think about the poem's theme,
And let it echoe throughout three qautrains,
Like as a sweet dream in thy mind doth chime.
Always write freely as falls Summer rains,
Each line in iambic pentameter,
Ressolve the poem's theme by the couplet,
A tough but easy rule thou must remember,
For that pays off thou must never forget.
   Now go pick up thy quill, poetry ink,
   Let thy hand in a Well of sonnets sink.

#Shakespearean sonnet
#Hints of penning a Shakespearean sonnet.

*Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Jumeirah, Dubai, 1st Jan 2018.
Dedicated to so dear a friend—"Kim Johanna Baker."
Dear Kim, though well I know thou art aware of the rules of a shakespearean sonnet, just wanted to add some infinitesmal ash of garnish... for after much pondering, i thought myriads of Bards who dwell  'neath clouds of curiosity on penning a Shakespearean Sonnet might find it a gem.
Thank thee for reading! Hope thou hast enjoyed such a gift from a lowly Bard. Please allow me take use of this golden happenstance to once again wish thee a blissful new year pervaded with timeless joy none canst ever destroy. And hey, just cant wait feasting about a sonnet penned by thee.
Not snowy seraphs of heaven above
Nor lustrous gems by heaven's stonking wall,
Shall outshine the eternal mark of love
Thou blazoned upon the skin of my soul.
Though midst my wake and dreaming hours I know,
Heaven's meanest pier is of burnished gold,
And celestial shores chatoyant than snow,
But all not as bright as the mark I hold.
For when fickle time in layers of life
Shalt shroud me, and away I must then run
To meet the judge of souls, lest lasting grief
Were my soul's fate, I mean to burn and burn,
   The fragrance of thy love could still linger
   Freshly upon my soul's fading ember.

#Iambic pentameter
#Shakespearean sonnet

Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Jumeirah, Dubai, 14th.Jan.2018.
After reading what is arguably the loveliest poem ever written by man, Sonnet 116 "Let Me Not To The Marriage Of True Minds" by the ancient wise, The Bard Of Avon, William Shakespeare, from such naked truth to transcend in perpetuum, there I drew the inspiration to pen one nighly akin unto his that depicts how far love canst travel hence the sonnet above.

Secondly, long hast I penned poetry unto friends, unto many others, but none unto my parents not until I penned two unto my father not so many moons ago after his death. Verily, it doth hurt knowing I canst never recite him one though from the two I penned, I'll have one engraved upon his sepulchre upon going home.

So, now that I did such a great mistake I canst never forgive of my self, the Sonnet above is wholeheartedly dedicated to the lady who gave birth to me 25 years ago. Honestly, this lady I'm proud to call MOTHER hath been a PHENOMENAL WOMAN unto me in a myriad of ways mere WORDS CAN'T, upon going home I'll have this sonnet with a snap of her and me inscribed...and I'll have it well recited unto her in my local language, something I'm working upon as I've never penned one in my mother tongue, but I dost pray unto He who dwelleth atop effulgent yonder stars to render me ethereal wisdom such that I may capture the images as depicted for her to fully know how much I truly LOVE Her.

Lastly, if thou hast someone whom thou dost revere that way, the Sonnet above sails thy way as well.

Thank ye for reading, dear friends. God bless ye.
 Feb 2018 Brother Jimmy
If I could have you for a night
I’d stop the dawn from bringing light
I’d make the stars stay out and play
And make the moon hold back the day

If I could have you in my arms
I’d unleash my southern charms
I’d unlock every fantasy
And be all that you want of me

If I could have you in my bed
With sweet seduction you’d be fed
I’d give you treats and pleasured sighs
And let you taste of sugared thighs

I’d make you glutton of this feast
Your every whim would be released
I’d let you do just what you will
And let your body ******* thrill

I’d bind you up, and make you crave
And tease your sights and make you slave
Then I would let you conquer me
And stake your claim of victory

I’d bathe your body, lick you dry
In covered dreams I’d let you lie
Then gently I would make you wake
My hungry love to satiate

I’d dance before you, undulate
You’d reach for me, I’d hesitate
I’d belly dance before your eyes
Your harem girl, in veiled disguise

My sultan, I’d be bound to do
just everything you’d want me to
I’d let you take me one more time
In candle light, you'd be just mine

Each moment tasting of divine
My every kiss dipped in sublime
My every touch would bring delight
If I had you for just one night
 Feb 2018 Brother Jimmy
Behind the gauzy veil of dreams in early morning mist
I'm held by the shadows 'neath the moon, a dark somnambulist.

I strive to awaken and arise, yet it eludes my demands.
Like faith that leaves beleaguered souls adrift in shifting sands.

What do the shadows want with me in realms of weary dreams?
My brain draws near but my body is paralyzed, it seems.

Am I a treasure of a sweet caress? Or my light like a lover's kiss?
Is loneliness their punishment or is it more than this?

I relax and try to rise. The dream will not subside.
Specters hold me down inside spreading panic in my mind.

And so I go adrift again. In faith I hold on and on.
I'll find my way back into zen with the breaking of the dawn.
Anyone ever experience sleep paralysis?
 Feb 2018 Brother Jimmy
I think about him often
and on Father's Day, I dwell...
upon the things he gave to me
and taught me oh, so well.

I go back to those early years
when on my father's knee...
he'd give to me a special hug
and then he'd say to me:

" is what you make.
Don't look for special breaks.
Keep your chin up
when the world seems doomed,
for goodness sakes.

Always keep love in your heart.
on that you'll always count.
And when you do...well..
there's no obstacle you can't surmount.

You can be, all that you want
for you have that kind of power.
You're not as fragile, as it seems
though, I see you as a flower.

Do not be afraid to love
freely, with all your heart
I will protect you always
but you must also...
those times when we're apart

That day will come along
when my body falls apart.
And then, I must be moving on
but I'll remain forever...
within your heart!"

He left me in 2013
to go and be with God.
I knew he would someday
of course…
yet still, I find it odd...

that I can still recall his voice
from all those years ago.
And I'd just like to say that...
I listened, and I love him so!
Happy Father's Day!
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