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Broken Arpeggio Sep 2017
Silence is deafening
My thoughts can no longer hide in the seams
The shadows have voices that are beckoning
I am stuck in a world of in-betweens

Darkness befriends the elusive
While honesty is embraced by the light
I created a maze of reclusiveness
The windings my approachable-self wants to fight

This type of existence is confining
The needing a breakthrough, but afraid of breaking free
I permitted my solitary life to define me
Instead of letting all the peering eyes see

The ebb and flow of being receptive
By allowing What Will Be...To Be
It is free-thinking from a different perspective
A stark contrast to the lonely life of ME
Broken Arpeggio Sep 2017
Dear God...
I hate to be bothersome
However, I could use a bit of clarity down here
Trying to assimilate your will has become
   quite cumbersome
So, are there exceptions to the rules you
   meant for us to adhere?
"Hate the sin but not the sinner",
Was ingrained within an impressionable
Depraved acts forced my soul to splinter
Leaving painful shards that shook my faith
And allowed darkness to stand at my side
If loathing cannot happen and forgiveness is a
I fear my heart is amiss
For it is seething with pain and disgust
A fate sealed by an excruciating kiss
I want to hate the few that tortured my
Detest the cruelty within their adolescent
To forgive them is something I have no
   interest in needing
Seeking only the solace from my weariness to
Please do your bidding,
If enlightenment is the key
Take me from blindness to sight
Stop me foreboding over doing the forbidden
Releasing the anguish in order to heal and
Healing, as it is in recovery, is not a linear process. For a perfectionist, this is HELL! There are many ups and downs, twists and turns, good days and extremely ****** ones...Allowing yourself to feel and accept ALL OF IT, without judgment is part of the process!
Broken Arpeggio Aug 2017
I am wading through some murky waters
That I have yet to understand
With sludge so thick and deep enough
It keeps me from dry land

Still, I try to power through
While keeping you all informed
Though this barrage of wanting to know
Is leaving me quite scorned

All I hear is "you have run out of patience"
And "surely I understand"
Well No, I do not, I am always compliant
Especially to a brutish hand

Throughout the years I have kept in line
And played the dutiful role
But shaking hands with Father Time
Permitted my mind to **** my soul

At times the struggle is so intense
That I cannot catch my breath
I strain and gasp to choke it down
Knowing you expect nothing less

By pulling rank, you shut me down
And add weight to my fear and doubt
You fail to see that I am grown
A mother who has earned her clout

Assumptions can be cruel you see
We both have made our share
I hope my voice of honesty
Helps us to finally clear the air

You are an added link in a long chain
That is weathered but still intact
Now, I am asking out of respect of that bond,
Let us please breathe before we act
Always doing what's expected can create more damage within...

Is it really worth it?
Broken Arpeggio Aug 2017
Am I Lost...?

Amid a complicated swirl of tangled
The mind cannot comprehend nor decipher
the mutterings from within

It takes stern candor from an outside voice
To break through the woven web of
confusion and angst

Offering, the faint flicker of hope, enough
oxygen to remain burning in the dark

Or Am I Found...?
I think...Somewhere in between! It can be hard not relying on your "gut" when doing just that, is all you've ever known. Healing from within takes patience and self-trust will return. Acceptance is the key...
Broken Arpeggio Aug 2017
Opposing points of view
Trapped within the same mind
One, hardened by experiences
The other, fragile and forgotten with time

Fear consumes both perspectives
In many different ways
Manifesting an actualized identity
That rules without dismay

No thought is ever cohesive
Which burdens the wayward soul
Creating a perfect storm
For angst to spin out of control

Internal rifts knock you sideways
Catching the senses completely off guard
Realizing irreparable destruction is at hand
Unless true-self takes a unifying charge
Stopping the inner tug-of-war is the key to harmony and balance within... As for myself, it's still a work in progress!
Broken Arpeggio Aug 2017
Vile innocence times three
Tore me down to my knees
That left a gaping hole in my soul
Of varying degrees

Caught off guard
And confused
I experienced violence in bloom
While they reveled the brutality of victory

Time stood still, as they got their fill
Of tagging in and out of the game
Beaten and bare, my voice never found air
Knowing my life was forever changed

While my dignity was stripped
I prayed death would be quick
Leaving the unbearable pain and suffering behind

The gravity of which is unknown
To the abyss, I made sure it was thrown
Never to surface again and see the light of day

Regrettably, the dark secrets we keep
Do start to seep
And engulf every crack and crevice of a waning mind

So, my battle rages on
To find meaning in a life that's long gone
And make peace with the afflictions of Dark
Simply put...Many times, bad **** happens to decent people! Dealing with the fallout is a treacherous road; however, there is hope and healing if one is willing to travel it!
Broken Arpeggio Aug 2017
What if I needed
For you to simply glance my way..?
Would it validate my existence?
Make the invisibility cloak start to

What if it was essential
To communicate your thoughts and
Would it make me less mechanical
And find a way to allow the tears?

What if it was vital
To not dash and dine behind closed
I wonder if that adjustment
Makes for serene and calming shores?

What if letting go of the toxic
Is an integral part of growth?
Does that lead to a sense of
Not being afraid of the things

What if touch was necessary?
A hug to make it all go away...
Would the craving for what was lost
Be an obscurity that was never in the

What if ALL the "What If's"
Bring light to just one truth?
Would I welcome in the contentment
Had I been nurtured in feeling loved
by you..?
The "What If's" are within all of us. Finding a way to move forward despite them is true healing...

My hard fought journey has just begun!
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