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 Apr 2015 Blue Angel
 Apr 2015 Blue Angel
'Hey, Beautiful!'
That is how boys get attention;
Saying sweet cherry-topped words
Sounds romantic and endearing;
Words of praises
For those pretty faces;
But they don't plan to stick till the end
To them, love is just a game -
The first to fall loses;
When the game is over,
A new playmate is what they'll look for.
No offense to all the guys here. I am just writing my thoughts about those boys who think girls are just toys whom they can play with and dispose of anytime they got bored of playing. I think guys are not all like that, hopefully. :)
 Apr 2015 Blue Angel
Everyday for me is the same,
I don't know what to really say.
The world is not your oyster,
all I do is make bad choices.
I try and try to succeed,
but all I do is fail and misleed.
People just don't understand my situation,
they can see my anger and my frustration.
I pretend like like there's nothing wrong,
but really I was sad all along.
You feel like nobody really cares,
and when they ask you,you just fill up with tears.
You are stressed and depressed you don't know how to deal with it,
the world is tearing you apart bit by bit.
I can't get the words out of my mouth,
because I don't want then to know.
I can't help but hide my emotions,
because all I am feeling inside is broken.
I dream that I am swimming in an ocean,
were nobody can touch me and I have no emotion.
I feel like I just don't care,
I then feel on my cheek there's a tear.
I'm living in a lie,one that i created,
because this is just not me,and this person I hated.
Although today I am still alive,
I just hope that tomorrow I will survive.
This is real life,not just for me but for other people who are thinking about giving up.My word of advice is don't
  give up,after every fall rise up stronger,there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel,life is never sweet.Remember this.I hope this poem inspires some people out there.Thank you
 Apr 2015 Blue Angel
Sarah K
In the middle of the night
I am wide awake
Craving you
Wanting your love
Needing your love
I've been counting the days since you've been gone
My mind bubbling over with frantic thoughts
An itching under my skin I can't scratch
Sometimes the world seems to disappear
And I'll see you standing right in front of me
But then just as fast you are gone
Then I find myself in a completely different world again
Lying on the floor unable to pull myself up
Or even remember exactly where I am

                       Just one more touch....

                                                     ­                   Thats all I need...
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