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B D Caissie Nov 2019
Lift up my spirit
Let it soar above the clouds
Carry me away

B D Caissie Nov 2019
Staring at the trees
Count the fallen leaves
Shivers from the breeze
While departing summer grieves
B D Caissie Nov 2019
I find solitude in the silence of the woods,
where sounds are absorbed by snowflakes
as they fall quietly to the earth.

Profound silence is only deafening to
those who aren't listening. For me it
provides a kind of peace and calm.

If only this moment could be captured in a
snow globe, for then I would take it everywhere
I go and gaze upon it's falling snow.
B D Caissie Nov 2019
When faced with turbulent seasons
I weather the storm like a paladin knight

Constantly searching for my holy grail
So I may quench my thirst for happiness

Lost in a shadowed forest of poor choices
Yearning guidance from my round table

Drawing my sword I ****** forth my quill
Shield raised guarding my fragile heart

I pray my fate is not yet written in stone
For I've not yet vanquished life's dragons

  Nov 2019 B D Caissie
Hear the forests cry.
The leaves who tell their own rhymes.
Only to forget.
A Haiku is:
Be three lines of five syllables, seven syllables, and five syllables.
Contain a nature or seasonal reference.
Be in the present tense (swims rather than swam).
Be subtle and observational.
Contain some sort of twist in the third line.
Not worry about rhyming.
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