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7d · 160
Burnt Out
I’m burnt out on love I’ve never known,
On writing feelings not my own.
I carve out passion with my pen,
But never feel it back again.

I craft the lines, I play the part,
But there’s no pulse behind this heart.
I’ve written dreams, I’ve forged desire,
Yet here I stand, without the fire.

I talk of love, of joy, of touch,
But none of it’s been mine—not much.
I pour out tenderness, pretend,
But every poem’s just pretend.

I’m sick of songs I’ve never sung,
Of love that only lives in tongue.
I stitch together words for show,
But it’s a hollow act, I know.

What’s love to me but someone else’s?
Their highs, their lows, their endless guesses.
I’ve written their bliss, their heartbreak too,
But none of it has felt like truth.

I’ve no muse waiting, no one’s arms,
No gentle warmth, no lasting charms.
I speak of love, but know it not,
And that’s the burn that I forgot.

The well is dry, the ink is thin
I can’t keep writing what’s not within.
I’m burnt out, lost, and all alone,
Tired of a love that’s never grown.

So let the paper stay untouched,
I’ve given love what love’s not touched.
No poems left to fake, to fake
It’s emptiness I can’t unmake.
Oct 8 · 145
Two Long Years
For two long years, his heart would race,
Each time he saw her gentle face.
He loved her with a quiet fire,
But she could never match his burning desire.

She smiled at him, a friend sincere,
But love’s sweet call she didn’t hear.
Her kindness soft, her laughter bright,
But never touched by passion’s light.

He waited, hoped, and dreamed in vain,
His longing mixed with growing pain.
For while he burned, she stayed the same
A friendship kind, but free of the flame.

And one cold night, the truth was clear
Her heart was far, though she was near.
She cherished him, but as a friend
Not love, not more, it had to end.

A love before had left its mark,
A shadow deep within her heart.
Though she held him close, she couldn’t say
The things he hoped would come someday.

Her heart was healing, still so scarred,
She wished to bridge the gap, but found it hard.
He watched her struggle, full of grace,
His longing clear upon his face.

But she could see, no matter how,
She couldn't give what love allows.
She wished for him the love he sought,
A bond that held the things she could not.

So with a sigh, she gently said,
“The love you seek is up ahead.”
And hoped that he would understand
Our paths as friends, but not hand in hand.

He let her go with quiet grace,
The longing fading from his face.
Though it stung, he didn’t grieve
His heart had space, and love could leave.

For somewhere out beyond the night,
A love was waiting, just as bright.
Someone whose heart would match his own,
Whose hands would warm when his were cold.

Yet in their hearts, a joy was found,
As they embraced on solid ground.
Not as lovers no, but still so near,
As loyal friends, for many a year

He knew when she had healed her scars,
A love would find her, bright as stars.
A love that holds, that won’t betray,
To light her path along the way.

For in his eyes, she knew he’d find
The one who holds him, heart and mind.
And while she couldn’t feel the same,
She’d watch him soar beyond this flame.

Though she never felt the way he dreamed,
They both found peace, or so it seemed
Supporters now, they’d cheer each day,
And shine for eachother in every way.
Oct 6 · 115
Can I be that?
Can I Be That?

Can I be the one who knows your mind,
The quiet corners where your thoughts unwind?
Who listens close, with no need to speak,
And holds you steady when you feel weak?

Can I be the one who never forgets,
The small, sacred moments where our souls connect?
Who remembers your favorite flowers in bloom,
And brings them to brighten the darkest room?

Can I be the one who keeps every vow,
Who lifts you up when life wears you down?
To sit and pray, to walk in grace,
To hold your hand in a tender embrace.

Can I be that? The one who sees,
All the beauty and strength within your dreams.
I'll be the promise that never will fade,
The heart that stays, unafraid.
Oct 5 · 118
Mirror Maze
In the hush of night, as shadows play,
A man drifts to sleep, where dreams hold sway.
In the realm of slumber, he finds his place,
A twisted world, a mirror maze.

Each pane reflects a life unknown,
Endless corridors where silence is grown.
But in the depths of this shimmering space,
He sees one face, the light of his grace.

Her laughter echoes through the reflecting halls,
A haunting melody that softly calls.
With every turn, her image glows,
Yet just beyond reach, where the shadow flows.

He reaches out, but the glass is cold,
A barrier strong, a story untold.
Her eyes, like stars, pull him near,
Yet the maze twists deeper, amplifying fear.

“Why can’t you see me?” he cries in despair,
As her smile flickers, a ghost in the air.
In every reflection, she dances away,
Taunting his heart as it starts to fray.

Each corner he turns, she slips from his grasp,
A phantom of longing, a fleeting clasp.
He sprints through the maze, heart pounding with might,
Chasing the vision that fades into night.

“Just one more step, I’ll find my way,”
He whispers to shadows that silently sway.
With determination, he fights through the haze,
Hoping to break free from this endless maze.

But as the reflections begin to distort,
Her figure shifts, a haunting retort.
“Find me, dear heart, in the light of the day,
For the mirror can’t hold what the heart can’t betray.”

Awakening sudden, he gasps in the night,
Realizing within the dream was a flicker of light.
With hope in his heart, he makes a new plan,
To bridge the divide and take hold of her hand.

For though the mirror maze held him tight,
The dream whispered truths, igniting his fight.
With courage ignited, he steps into day,
Determined to chase the shadow of doubt away.
Oct 5 · 207
Lighthouse Blues
The ocean hums a mournful tune,
Beneath a sky of midnight hue,
And in the dark, the lighthouse stands,
A lonely flame in endless blue.

Its beacon sweeps the endless tide,
A pulse of light through mist and gloom,
But no ship sails these waters now,
Just shadows that the waves consume.

The keeper, in his weathered coat,
Leans by the window, cold and still,
His only friend the distant fog,
His thoughts as wild as winter’s chill.

He hums a song the wind once sang,
A tune of sorrow, love, and loss,
While waves crash on the jagged rocks,
And echoes of the past are tossed.

The lighthouse hums its ancient blues,
A song for those who wander far,
For sailors lost to endless seas,
And dreams adrift beneath the stars.
Oct 3 · 218
magnet poetry
Decayed garden green
must look red
where my heart was devoured
my love is dead

Sacred magic rhythm
warms and heals
my torn heart feels
your spirit still haunts

— The End —