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i’m too much,
too much to handle,
and yet simultaneously,
i’m not enough
I’m trying hard,
not to think you’re unkind
But your footprints in my heart
have left me scars in my mind.
I want to write
to feel all right.
I want to bare my soul.
But I fear I bared it all
a long, long time ago.

I want to write
to feel all right--
to not bear it all alone.
But I am crushed by all I've borne;
There's no more of me to know.
today i put sheets on my bed
not a big deal to most
today i picked clothes up off of my floor
not a big deal to most
today i put clothes in the hamper
not a big deal to most
today i washed my blankets and clothes
not a big deal to most
today i washed my hair and face
not a big deal to most
but today i made progress
today i took care of myself
today i broke through two months of brokenness
today i took a step to recovery
today was a big deal to me
haven’t had sheets on my bed in two months. but i cleaned my room and made my bed and felt good.
I loved you


but it was wrong

and I learn now


to be strong
pretty girl,
the boys are out to get you
they'll take away your flower
they want what's only yours

pretty girl,
blossom slowly,
stay in your cocoon for now
for summer can only last so long
and soon it will be over
(Sitting on Santa's lap)

Me: "I want a dragon"
Santa: "Nope, too dangerous"
Me: "Ok, then I want a boyfriend"
Santa: "What color dragon?"
a last Christmas piece *sigh* back to TOTALLY boring soon
When is it my turn?
19 and living on borrowed time...
where is my happiness, my success?
Where is my devotion and love?
Where is my someone to hold me through the nights and support me through the days?

When will my future come?
For years they promised I'd look back on these "glory days" with nothing but fond remembrances,
but what if I want to forget?
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