today i put sheets on my bed not a big deal to most today i picked clothes up off of my floor not a big deal to most today i put clothes in the hamper not a big deal to most today i washed my blankets and clothes not a big deal to most today i washed my hair and face not a big deal to most but today i made progress today i took care of myself today i broke through two months of brokenness today i took a step to recovery today was a big deal to me
haven’t had sheets on my bed in two months. but i cleaned my room and made my bed and felt good.
When is it my turn? 19 and living on borrowed time... where is my happiness, my success? Where is my devotion and love? Where is my someone to hold me through the nights and support me through the days?
When will my future come? For years they promised I'd look back on these "glory days" with nothing but fond remembrances, but what if I want to forget?