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 Feb 2015 Jake
third degree harvesting and dreaming of things that will never happen
stuck in skin-tight suffocating thighs
closing with sighs, opening up for this guy is redundant,
but it doesn't have to be
 Feb 2015 Jake
 Feb 2015 Jake
Please understand that when I say these things it's not really me talking, it's the concrete in my stomach, it's the staples in between my toes, it's the zip ties around my wrists, it's the scars around my wrists, it's the coals in my throat, it's the liquor in my throat, it's the liquor in the cabinet my mom never had to put a lock on until I started hiding in it, it's the noose around my neck, it's the smoke in my eyes, it's the bullet in the barrel, it's the gun in my dad's closet, it's the gun in my hand, in my mouth, when I say these things it's not really me talking, it's all these things trying to get out.
Thou Create Spaces
Within Thou
Barren Fields
It is born
Many trees
And do Thou
A mistake,
When thou plucks
The Flower
From the tree

The lesson of
Moves you to
Open Sky
Into the waves
Of Sea
Into the Black Shale
Of Paleozoic
And reach the
In the home
Of Star

Now thou have
To count Stars
Move to
Get beyond,
Of which
May be found
The Edge
Of the Spaces
One Day
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
edge of the spaces/
That  discover the destination
 Feb 2015 Jake
SG Holter
I am a man against violence.
See my own blood spilled, rather
Than that of any other.

But I have a wall full of knives.
I've collected them my whole life.
Still do. Tools of war.

Tools of craftmanship.
I know the story behind every
Blade, Bowie or handmade

Russian letter opener.
I am not a man of religion.
I see God in every thing.

Worship all; therefore none.
But I collect rosaries.
The one on my desk, I bought in

Vatican City. The one above my
Bed was brought to me from

I know the story behind each
One. I may seem confused at
Times; contradictory.

Construction working poet.
Heavy metal loving meditator.
iPad wielding viking.

I collect interacting opposites.
Wear snakeskin boots with my
Funeral suit.

Shave only my head at times.
Warrior monk. Knives and rosaries.
Stabbing at

Gods. Praying
For my
 Feb 2015 Jake
SG Holter
An ant before God.
I am a humble soul within
Humble flesh,
Yet at times ignorant, like a
Baby kissed by a president.

Sometimes you are the most
Womanly woman I have
Ever felt.
Pure feminine.
Venus mirrored.

I am snake to your swan.
Turtle to your cheetah.
When you ask me to hold you,
My arms embrace the
 Feb 2015 Jake
To fill the emptiness with hollow things

To speak through our teeth only in whispers

To find remorse in the beautiful memories

To pour the milk ourselves

To walk away from that which we hold closest

To clog the drain with pebbles from our shoes

To hate those who love us

To hate those who cannot

To dog-ear the pages in borrowed novels

To hide lies beneath our skin

To lie thorns beneath the bedsheets

To forget to say hello

To forget to say good bye
 Feb 2015 Jake
Who am I?
 Feb 2015 Jake
Hiding behind a facade
It's not me
It's never me
Who am I
I'm still figuring things out
Personality's change right?
 Feb 2015 Jake
 Feb 2015 Jake
I tripped and fell
Where did I go?
I cannot tell
I fell
 Feb 2015 Jake
 Feb 2015 Jake
sometimes when you're delirious, shirt off, still looking at the ceiling instead of at a screen,
you suggest things we could do
and sometimes i mistake the suggestions for things you think we should do,
so now i try not to take coulds too seriously
because ideas are not plans.
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