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Don't tell me I'm pretty
Tell me that I'm passionate
That I have drive
Tell me that I make you laugh
That I know how to make your day better
Don't tell me I seem nice
Tell me that I'm kind and compassionate
Tell me that I'm not afraid to dream and to dream big
Don't tell me I'm perfect
Tell me the you love me despite my flaws
That you want to spend the rest of your life with me
Don't tell me I'm beautiful
Tell me that you'll be faithful and forever true
I melt
when your desire speaks
as you wrap yourself around me
like the night…

I lose myself
as I swim in the pool of your eyes
moving my finger’s oh so light…

Passion devours me
when you say my name
as it rolls off your tongue so very fine…

Ecstasy falls on me
like the sparkles of fallen stardust
covering me until I glisten and shine…

Delight fills me*
as I become mesmerized by sweet sensations
as eyes are blazing bright…

I melt
when your desire speaks
as you wrap yourself around me
like the night…..

I melt*
In the presence of your love…
I kept chasing
you, as if
you were
a distant dream.
But dreams
are not always
Sometimes, we have
nightmares too.
When did those dreams turned into nightmares? When did I stop believing in the magic of dreams?
Light in color,
Mild in scent.
A fragile flower
is what he sent.
A shade of purple
that I've always liked.
His heart so humble
makes mine smile wide.
A sign wished for
and granted now
by this unknown author
and a lad's avow
This flower of faithfulness
will never wither,
and affection changeless
will last forever.
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