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 Apr 2018 Beatrice Adrian
I haven't seen myself in the mirror for a while,
I m scared of what I'll look like..
The dark circles around my eyes,
Knows all the secrets of my sleepless nights...
Nights I spend wondering...
Did I even matter to you?
Did I even matter to you?

Oh, how much I want to escape from you..
Maybe some morphine, that'll do
No, I won't think about you..
No, I don't want to think about you!!!!!
Cause I know while I m in bed thinking of you
You are also in bed about to get laid in just one, two...

For once, I wish this was untrue
For once, I wish you knew
This pain that I m going through
You left me saying that I deserved the world
But I just wanted to deserve you......
Don't call my love one-sided,
Cause I wouldn't have fallen for you,
If you hadn't made me believe
That you'd catch me when I do!!!
What other kind              of creature could divide        
        Each different thing             into its different sides                
  With chaos versus             order, dark and light
The stark duality of         wrong and right
We even split the very        world in two
With human versus human,       we and you
But still no matter how much      we divide
Each thing has infinitely many      sides
My love
is lonely
my loneliness
is breathing
my breath
is free
my freedom
is sleeping
my sleep
is Me
finding myself
amidst a
bunch of
leaves or
souls that
fell in
love once
and never
recovered from
the fall
or falling.
Don't fall in love.

You just ended a two-year
relationship with somebody
you were practically married too.

You moved to the city
and told yourself that you'd focus
on work and fun and anything
but falling in love.

You were down to meet boys.
Hang with boys.
Kiss boys. Go on dates with boys.
Maybe date a boy.

But then, he was there.
& he had been there
for a few weeks,
and you had the inkling,
and you being you,
you had to find out,
and now, look at yourself.

You're looking at him.
You're looking at him
like he's the next five,
ten, fifteen, sixty
years of your life.

Don't do it.
Don't do it.

— The End —