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Ayeshah Jul 2015
Why am I

sitting here



I've come

to be here,

I don't understand


I've allowed

myself to end up here.

I didn't want to

be in this situation

not again,

I've given so much...




I've accepted

this fate

without a


I doubt

I've got it within me

to fight anymore,


didn't I say

I wasn't "his type"  


here I am

plunging deep


swirling watery



I've no way out.  

I'm ashamed

to admit or even say;

I have no inclination,

no answers


I don't even




what I'm doing!

I can't fathom


I've allowed you in


all I've wanted was to be free,

I didn't take any of my

walls down...




head first into em.

I feel like   such a fool,

Oh,  No,


no one else and never can be again

hold me like you do,  

  allow me to filter my regrets,




I sip this wine.

I'm sitting here



I've come

to be here,

I don't understand....


I'll Stay!

Always Me Ayeshah ™ ®
         K.A.C.L.N ©
     All right reserved ®
Copyright 1977 - Present
Ayeshah Apr 2015
I knew how I've felt
and its not your fault...

You did love me best,
but I thought all wrong.

I didn't have faith enough to believe-
you'd really do
all you've promised me.
I didn't know the magnitude
of your feeling for me,
nor could Imagine
someone like you
can really want to be with me.

Forever you'd say & I never understood,
couldn't fathom it,
not after all the bitterness in my life.

Someone like you
whose always looking at the positives,
I've only focused on the negatives.

I didn't know
that you'd show me
all the possibilities
there was to being loved
so completely!

My hurt consumed me,
I never saw you,
not in the way you've
needed me to.

Too consumed in
my own bitter resentments
to reflect on the agony
being inflected upon you
so much so,
that I've dissipated whatever it were
we could of be and had!

All I could do was
hoard the love you've given,
selfishly cling to it and store it away.

Never did I allow myself
to return the favors of your endearments,
I wasn't able to,
my blindness and hurtful neglect
wouldn't allow me to cave in.

You knew,

I came broken,


lonely & so used

knew too,

I'd been dealt poorly & left beaten,
well as out,
I couldn't risk another let down or set back.

My mind,
nor my heart
wouldn't be persuaded,

I allowed my body to feed off your energy,
allowed you to manifest

within my flowery walls
a safe heaven of ****** bliss.

While I was retaining
the very best parts
- away .....

Away from your longing soul

and your

beautiful wondrous heart.

I didn't know

how to let go of my past,
I didn't understand
the beauty of all that you possessed,

someone like you

wanted me for
everything that I am,

good, bad & the very worst

parts of me.

You didn't worry,

long as you had me

all the fibers of my being--

ie (YOU)
only wished to see me happy,

in love and by your side.

I can't blame you
for letting go,
I can't forget
all the good times and memories
we've shared.

It may just be too late,
yet I'd like to think one day,

maybe next lifetime


For now

I'll say,

how very

sorry I am

because even
as the words left your lips,

I failed to agree or really understand.

Truth be told
it couldn't be help.
So I hope you'll forgive me,

for I truly,




- apologetically

Didn't Know!

Always Me Ayeshah ™ ®
         K.A.C.L.N ©
     All right reserved ®
Copyright 1977 - Present
this'll be 1 of my biggest regrets, forgive the bad thats happened and move fwd, big plans and steps towards a new life and new me, i alowing love to shine in and stay awhile. i can never gain loose someone so dear to me. past be ******! pray someday im forgiven if not i forgive myself! thanks for reading  i hope you're loved far greater than i ever could. now i know what I've failed to ever understand and see.
  Apr 2015 Ayeshah
Olivia Kent
Dressing in raindrops and wearing the wind.
Naked flowers are windswept, the petals their fell bare.
Bare naked as lovers exposed on first date.
Exposed as true love that created such hate.
The raindrops are tears, they got caught in her hair.
Making her smile and he's unaware.
Her body cold, naked it's very unfair.
Wasted time apologies, once born ochre kisses, that bought her to her knees.
He needs to grovel,to bow and scrape, for an empty relationship holds no escape.
Sexless ,loveless, honourable in temper.
The falling from grace of the arrogant emperor.
Injustice accidental.
Love is life , life is mental.
Once upon a time a fairytale began.
Once upon a time there was a man....
(c) Livvi
  Apr 2015 Ayeshah
Callum Hutchings
Feeling sober in a drunk world
Contact to the unseen
Crowds oblivious
Things lurk in eye corners

Upsets and pain coat the streets
Like Graffiti of fear
My eyelids like glass
Consciousness more a nightmare

Panic in a busy town
To those who wear masks
Fake people
The modern monsters

Conversations like banshees
The sound resonates my head
Left numb to life
Body fatigued from the brain.
  Apr 2015 Ayeshah
Muggle Ginger
Sometimes depression looks like you
Depression can look like me
it can also look like nothing
Depression is not something you see
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