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 Aug 2014 Aditi
Wash Away
 Aug 2014 Aditi
Now let the rain fall down
Just as my tears use to
And let the oceans rise
Wash away the thoughts of you

Take away the memories
Of all the things you said
Of all the things we did
Erase them from my head

As long as you're still here
I'll spend my sleepless nights
Plagued by the image of you
And all those senseless fights

Replace your velvet voice
With the thunder claps
And blind my sight to you
With the lightning flash

I'm moving on now
With the crashing waves
So let the waters flood
And send me to my grave
 Aug 2014 Aditi

She saw him in the distance,
mistook him
for a man
she hoped he would be

As he stood before her
she still saw him
as he was in the distance

She didn't notice
all the tell tale signs
of a man
she hoped
he wouldn't be

She continued
ignoring the flaws
or was it just
'loving him'?

She may never know
until it's too late

 Aug 2014 Aditi
Sarah Gartner
This year it has rained countless times
But the most during the summer
When I was missing you
I can no longer cry
So I let the sky do it for me
It took all the water I had in me
To flush you out
And even now that you're gone
My lips are cracked
And my throat is drier then the Sahara
So I welcome the sweet taste of summer rain
I soak it up into my body
Through my hair
Through my toes
I'd like to think that God was doing me a favor
He gave the Sahara a rain season so that life could flourish
And I'd like to think that he saw me cracked and broken
Only a few tumble weeds and scorpions inside me
He decided I deserved the rain to wash away my pain and fill me up again
Now I can sprout my leaves
And maybe my beautiful tree
Can give shade and rest
To those like me
 Aug 2014 Aditi
 Aug 2014 Aditi
Weepy is my heart as it mourns hard this day
Muddled is my head with thoughts all amuck
Muffled is my voice with the words I try to say
Stifled are my screams as they try but all seem stuck.

Tense are my shoulders with the load that I bear
Wet are my eyes seeing everything so blurry
Heavy is my chest as it sighs and draws its air
Tired is this body with so much it attempts to carry.

Weak is my strength, fending off oh so feebly
Uncertain are my hopes to see the light at the end
Outstretched are my arms reaching and grabbing constantly
Tested is my resolve, how much further can it bend.

Lonely is my soul yearning greatly for it's other pair
Drunken are my senses, almost losing all control
Desperate is my being wanting love that's not here but there
Clouded is my future, totally obscured is my goal.

Two-sided are the fallen words I have listed before
Strained is my mind as I try to view the good
Mirrored are these feelings, they bear so much more
Enlightened is my will, I shan't mope and brood.

Relieved is my heart when I think of the other that beats
Serene is my head when I separate fear from fear
Loud is my voice as it clears for the love it greets
Redundant are my screams for I don't need them here.

Relaxed are my shoulders, still fueled to continue
Wide are my eyes for the sight they can't always see
Lifted is my chest for the love it wants to pursue
Upright is this body, to get to where it wants to be.

Rejuvenated is my strength when I accept that I am strong
Restored are my hopes, I'd still keep them alive
Faithful are my arms, still reaching for what they long
Strengthened is my resolve with plans it'll contrive.

Contented is my soul for the mate it has found
Heightened are my senses, embraced by feelings so keen
Centred is my being, keep my bearings on the ground
Bright is my future, in my dreams they have been.

Empty are the words for I won't let them linger
Focused is my mind; on my prize no matter how far
Embraced are these feelings for they only make me stronger
Steeled is my will; to be one with my love, angel and star...
 Aug 2014 Aditi
Megan Hoagland
She is emptiness.
She is disappointment
and cigarettes
hiding under breathe mints.
She is hollow
and resentment resounds,
and vibrating
her core.
She is anger
and grief.
She is mourning
and sorrow.
She is hopeless
nothing to look forward to,
not even the promise of tomorrow.
She is loneliness
and guilt
for letting perfect love
just sit there and wilt.
She is the morning after
a night of alcohol.
She is the memories
she desperately tries
to drown in another
cacophony of music
and sounds.
She is depression
that she tries to throw to the wind
as she throws another handful of pills
down her mouth.
She is hate
and it eats away
until there isn't much left
to say.
She is you.
She is me.
She is everyone
but no one.
She is.
 Aug 2014 Aditi
Majd Al Deen
I closed the door
And sit on the floor
Looking through the window in the wall
To the tree leaves in the fall
To the kites that fly and soar
Suddenly, the wind started to roar
And gently went through my soul
Whistling in my ears like a call
Talking, as it referring to us all

Saying: please no need to fear
I am just looking for someone to hear
All those houses humans tear
All those children that can't bear
All that blood, all that fear
Or that killing atmosphere
Children are killed with joy and jeer
They are helpless and got nothing to wear
Why they can't veer
And live along with cheer
Why justice can't appear
But after all that, children never sear
They still stand and rear
Defending themselves without a gear
Please do something my dear

Its breeze was clean and cool
Dancing with paper and wool
Playing with water in the pool
Whom I kidding, I am not a fool
All that children, all that poors
I wrote this poem for the children that are slaughtered and killed in Gaza...may God be with them <3
 Aug 2014 Aditi
Arik Fletcher
He read each status update and the comments that were shared,
Left a comment of his own to show that he too cared,
Then scanning through the profiles of each like that he received,
He found a kindred spirit that he hoped could be believed.

They spoke most every evening and shared jokes throughout the day,
No matter what was posted they just knew what words to say,
Their friendship quickly blossomed and future plans were set,
A promise to meet up for real with no worry or regret.

He found his quarry easily by check-in time and date,
No need for a routine when it's served up on a plate,
The days of stalking people just a story from the past,
Now everything you need is on the webpage they viewed last.

The address wasn't far away and not that hard to find,
He laughed at how the internet was built with this in mind,
Walking through the neighbourhood like home was just ahead,
No one could suspect what he had planned to do instead.

He peered into the window at his target unaware,
Lost in a realm of binary without a worldly care,
Staring deep into a glowing screen that held a phrase of dread,
"Close that Facebook window and look up at me instead!"
 Aug 2014 Aditi
Victoria Ruth
 Aug 2014 Aditi
Victoria Ruth
I used to sing in the shower
Dance like I was in the rain
Watch all of my worries
Be washed down the drain

I’d use all the hot water up
The mirror covered in steam
So the bathroom was foggy
Like on a cloud, in a dream

I’d wash my body with soap
That smelled just of a daisy
So I was clean and sweet
Then I’d shampoo like crazy

I used to sing in the shower
But that was when I had him
When he left I was drowning
And he knew I can’t swim

So now I sit in the shower
No dancing like in the rain
Because each time I cry
And I remember the *pain
"Before I met him, I would dance in the shower. When he was in my life, I would think about showering with him. After he left, I would sit on the ground in the shower and cry. When I got over him, I showered so quickly there was no time for dancing, fantasies, or tears. Someone can invade the smallest parts of your life, you won't even realize it until you dance in the shower again and wonder why you ever stopped."
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