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 Nov 2014 Aditi
 Nov 2014 Aditi
as fragile
as a songbird -

her hands

knotted and spotted
from many winters

november came one last time -
i held her hands in mine - gently

- gently, she flew away
to where songbirds go
when it's cold in the mountains.

r ~ 11/18/14
For my mother, Betty Taylor Richardson (8/9/1935 - 11/18/2013).
 Nov 2014 Aditi
Natalie Hart
the boy with scars and pain rubbed in his palms
the boy who fought for years and years and struggled inside
the boy who was offbeat and out of touch with his classmates
the boy who just wasn't strong enough to make it
he was there for months and i never noticed
my teacher said his name and i was zoned out and heard nothing
he got up and left the classroom and i saw nothing
he sat two seats away and i never realized
until it was too late.
maybe there were no words i could have said to fix him
maybe there was nothing i could do to change the outcome
but now i sit and that seat two to the left is empty
and i can't help but feel responsible
for my ignorance, my blank face that looked past him
could have been just another knife in his chest
i can picture him walking and seeing me and me not seeing him
and how he must have felt invisible
and i know how i feel that way sometimes
i never wanted to worsen anyone's conditions
but now it is too late.
i wrote this poem about a personal experience i had last year when i lost a classmate. maybe i should have forgotten about it by now but it's still with me and i am still filled with deep remorse every day.
 Nov 2014 Aditi
kaylan joseph
She is my everything
if i wanted to get her a wedding ring  
i would have to sleep on it
she has supported me though the rough and the bleak
comforts me and watches me sleep  
but people wonder how i can have a relationship so discreet
with girl who only talks in creeks  
only loved when in these sheets
she's felt every inch of my body
witnessed me do any hobby  
and even though im a little sloppy
she waits to lay with me
and even though ill go from ocean to cactus
across the globe and threw the atlas  
you will always be
My love  
My dear  
My mattress
 Nov 2014 Aditi
Kapil Dutta
The One
 Nov 2014 Aditi
Kapil Dutta
"The only thing
that I don't like
about this world
is the fact that
You & I
exist in two separate bodies
when we could easily live
in just One."

- KD || The One
Follow me on Instagram for more such quotes : @duttakapil
 Nov 2014 Aditi
Joshua Haines
Her voice is strained.
Her skin is fair.
Her ******* lay on the countertop.
I **** her until my thoughts stop.

She rejects the notion of love for all,
as she leans against my kitchen wall,
with a cigarette and an unbuttoned blouse-
she wants to be homeless in my house.

She keeps me in her necklace's locket,
and I keep her in the wallet in my pocket.
Her toes kiss the linoleum,
she walks like she's made of helium.

She mumbles that I taste like mint chocolate chip,
as she rubs against my hip.
Her breath smells like Malboro Lights,
and I hope she decides to stay the night.

Milky Ways and Vanilla Cakes,
she likes the way my body shakes,
as we lay and eat our troubles away.
Hurried words slow the day.

She asks me about my stretch marks and scars,
and if I've ever been hit by a car.
And I say no, but I've been hit by love before,
and it feels like getting your hand caught in a door.

Hurried smiles and bathroom stalls,
she likes the way my family never calls.
The words escape between her plump lips,
as my hand travels between her hips.

We move until we forget
that the world is moving faster.
 Nov 2014 Aditi
Dear earth when I told you I liked her more, I wasn't kidding

Dear earth, time stopped  whenever I saw her.

Dear earth, tell her if I could go back and change everything I would

Dear earth, the pain is real, the pain is so much real I can't even breathe this words out

Dear earth, your so strong and patient, I wish I could be like you

Dear earth, they say wisdom comes with age, mine came with pain

Dear earth, I would have loved to love my father

Dear earth, what happened to heaven on earth. All i see is hell on earth

Dear earth, am melting into lava

Dear earth, you've swallowed kings and the mighty, be gentle with me

Dear earth, am still holding onto this dear fragile life

Dear earth, why is this poem so empty

Dear earth,say something
 Nov 2014 Aditi
Natalie Neo
 Nov 2014 Aditi
Natalie Neo
Your explanations -
Truthfully dishonest.

Your rationality -
Crazily sane.

My character -
Recklessly patient.

My feelings -
Despairingly hopeful.

Our love -
Simply complicated.
 Nov 2014 Aditi
Lena Bitare
I got down
And see the street lights
The cars passing by
Stuck in the headlight

I've seen bestfriends become lovers
We've eaten their left overs
What's left with us,
Is the piece of junk way back past.

I've watch lovers love
Like I did before
I've watched them fall apart
I've felt their beating heart

Baby there's no ticket to the past
There's nothing you can do
We didn't make it last
Just throw your love to the past
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