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Miles Graves Jun 2020
In quiet days that hold me
With a pulse so gentle, declining,
I can’t find my final outcome.

When days are trembling, and hours are out of place,
I look for faces that aren’t in sight
And for those warm rays that were somewhere mislaid.

As the day breaks apart, as the night is all I know,
I shall imitate that smile I once bore, that life tore away.
As discomfort reigns, I shall let my memories suffocate as they fade.
rhymes aren't intended. forgive me.
Miles Graves Jun 2020
A feeling that developed long ago,
Now surfacing to encumber my hope;
Confusion born from derision, those looks
So foreign - a language life would not endow.

I just shut my eyes to the glare of life.

I walked in a sea of gazes, flailing
In a world bereft of understanding;
In this place, my existence is entombed -
A piece that won’t conform to their puzzle.

I just wait, weightless, until life subsides.
This was rather hastily written.
Miles Graves May 2020
In this daze I stay, breathing shallowly,
Waiting for my friends to send me away.
In this barren space where thoughts interlace,
I accept the past as my resting place.
In this ruined form that ceased to belong
Was a child’s plea so starved of life, soon gone.
Miles Graves May 2020
This vessel to which I am bound, it wakens
To a world where misery lays, profound;
In its path are broken smiles, forsaken,
And trailing hands that tell of unheard sounds.

Lost in this place of wretched lights blaring,
I hear words of comfort and derision -
Voices that are lost to senses failing.
To the scream that follows, none shall listen.

Musings, dreams - they come and go, ebbing so;
Waves of grey that **** me in, detained colour
Washed ashore a beach with sands that swallow.
Here, those thoughts beset me: now, forever.

As the haze falls, the memories beckon me,
Hands now numb as they reach for nobody.
Miles Graves May 2020
Sometimes I wish to slip away, unknown,
Fall away from everything that I know;
I would etch pain into every last bone
And cast the fire out to dwindle and go.

Sometimes, in an hour that becomes daunting
I wish to banish my mind away to nought
And lose the cold thoughts taunting, following.
But the cold - it will never leave these thoughts.

Sometimes, when my will gives in and topples,
The fear hastens as the anguish thickens
And that feeling fastens, the cold throttles -
Choked words are lost to voices so hidden.

As warm colours merge to grey, distorted
I  see a world so distant and thoughtless.
Miles Graves Nov 2019
My mind spinning, insanity brimming
From the voices that chant their tune;
In the glass, a husk, sanity leaving,
Cast from its remnants, discarded too soon.

Incessantly, the vultures devour me,
Gorge on this fractured mind, let it expire.
And that feeling consumes - the agony,
And that feeling burns - the scream of liars.

The fire has died, now a dullness looms;
The vultures but a cry, leaving me here
With an emptiness that all but consumes.
Consumes until the voices chant their tune.
Not my favourite, but there we go.
Miles Graves Nov 2019
In the dark, I am no longer taken,
No more pursued by those judging gazes.
Absent from this world I stay, forsaken,
But existing - hiding from dead faces.

In the dark I am suspended, frozen
Forever in this world which feigns to care;
Time has been lost, the days and weeks broken.
I stand still, decaying into nowhere.

In the dark, I waken to the calling
Of one too many thoughts pulling me down.
This place of solitude - it means nothing,
Not when tomorrow's the day I will drown.

In the dark, I can hide for no longer,
Those dark thoughts grow forever stronger.
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