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 May 2016 Andje
 May 2016 Andje
Little bird, this nest isn't big enough for you.
Fly on and find your tools to start anew.
Sing to the skies, let the world hear your hurt.
Pick at the ground and find your fuel.
Travel far, searching for your reason.
Give life to the world and leave it to grow alone.
Start your cycles over until you can no longer move.
Let yourself decompose, the others will feed off of your brittle bones.
 May 2016 Andje
 May 2016 Andje
I'm walking but I don't know where to,
It's a winding road that I've been on for what seems like years.
Lay down to rest my head, give my body to nature.
Stuck in the soil, sprouting slowly, but the rain comes and the lightning strikes.
I'm dead, but what's the difference?
I didn't stand a chance anyway.
Reborn; a cloud in the sky, I'm forming a tornado, touching ground, rapidly spinning and destroying everything in my path,
I'll gather everything around me and tear it up, drop it and dissipate.
I just want to be pure
 May 2016 Andje
i blame you for my mistakes,
because i can't become face to face,
with the realities of the issues,
on the ground are tear crumple tissues,

your soo good to me,
it's almost hard to believe,
i yell at you when i'm angry,
almost want you to let me leave,

but i'm glad you don't,
and i know you won't,
you love me and that's it,
like a puzzle piece, we fit,

i hate how i treat you some times,
i feel guilty like their crimes,
and i am sooo terribly sorry,
and i know you worry,

i don't deserve you,
and i always knew,
you would be here forever,
and you won't leave me, never.
 May 2016 Andje
Alisha Isabell
Don't worry if the shoe fits
**You can always walk barefoot.
I saw her crying in the window
It is none of my business to ask why
I guess it is the reason you are here
Drinking your sorrows at this bar, my friend

I've known you both for so many years now
Neither of you have ever had a cross word
You are the heart and soul of what is love
Drinking to hope it goes away never works

I'm guessing all that pressure at work you have
It is getting you and it is dragging you down
But as a man, you believe you have to carry that burden
To never share it with her to cause her to worry

Dry those tears that are starting to fall, my friend
You know she will forgive you, go and talk to her
You married through good and bad, share it now
She is the one keeping you strong, be strong for her

Remember that she loves you, she always will
You love her for she is your World, my friend
Remember that she loves you, her heart is yours
Go home to her, hold and kiss away the tears she cries
copyright Chris Smith 2010
 May 2016 Andje
Belle Victoria
maybe it was drugs maybe it was love maybe it was something else

I kissed you that day but I blame you for being gorgeous
everyone is addicted to something, you were mine addiction

the kids were a mess and everything was dark, a good kind of dark
I was cold but you always kissed me, even that forbidden night

nobody was patient and nobody was fine and nobody knew love
we were loving to each other when the others weren't watching

this love was bad, you were bad, I was bad, the world was bad
you could turn an angel into a demon without even trying

and I saw you staring at me again that night, I notice everything you do
it was the same look again and I couldn't do anything to handle myself

maybe I hugged you and it was wrong of me to do that
maybe you kissed me on that midnight street and it felt right

this fairytale isn't finished yet and everything will end up destroyed

so maybe it was the drugs or maybe this is all made up in my head.
fake fake fake non fake fake not.
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