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Dec 2021 · 379
Peace by the shadows
Graham Dec 2021
I want to sniff out peace by the shadows
Take in those heavenly dust
As frostily as they come
I want my pain to swim with the needles
Flowing down the connected vines
And ease the sins of thy children
I want to be addicted to ecstasy
To feel the surging push of emotions
Let my eyes see further than the truth
Whilst zoning out in pursuit of happiness

Don't swap your drugs for peace
Dec 2021 · 276
Shooting your shot
Graham Dec 2021
I don't know if my pen would say the truth
I would be lying if I said I was too
Honestly, my heart has been slow to booth
A lifetime of cupid's has seen me through
Arrows aloft have passed through me
Do not try to pour out those fizzled words
Screaming "I wanna know what love is"
Do not ignore the warning signs
Please do not trespass
A lifetime of hurt would be your teacher
Pin your heart desires to the public library
Let them learn of heartbreak & the pain of it all
Oct 2019 · 187
Feelings in the shadow
Graham Oct 2019
Feelings in the shadow

Don't look down
There's an empty between what you may see
Darkness prevails so I'm blinded
But not from the tinglings you may feel
I'd go numb to forget
But nah, I love the feeling
But the feelings are intertwined with darkness
The shadows may be an illusion
What to do, I'm burnt
Between a mountain to conquer
But when conquered do the fallen rise again?
Do they feel within the shadows?
I'll just shine the light from my heart
Give thy life in my breath
To bring me back to life
To feel again what the butterflies once showed me
I'll embrace rather than shy away
In a land far far away
Happily eve after way, I'll tread
Atlast, I can see
I can see the light at the tunnel
Through your eyes
Through your heart
Your soul
Through your every touch..
Oct 2019 · 168
I told someone
Graham Oct 2019
I told someone
I wouldn't cry today
I lied, I had already started
Only she could not see
It was terrifying
I'm scared
In so much pain
I'm filled with sadness
I'm broken
I lost hope
My faith had vanished
There's no will left in me
If the devil had whispered into my ear
I would have listened
I had become the disappointment I envisioned for myself
It was terrifying
I'm scared
In so much pain
I'm filled with this darkness
Even the devil wouldn't get close to this broken vessel
I've lost all hope
There's no will left in me
I wouldn't cry today
I told someone.
Oct 2019 · 167
I soon fell in love
Graham Oct 2019
Death craved my heart
She loved the scent of me
She moved to my every rhythm of thy beating heart
Death sent herself to me
She was beautiful
I played the long game
Hard to get; she smiled
Death to wrote love letters of condolences to me
Bringing me flowers in the process
Death tried to woo me with accidents
She even seduced me with suicidal thoughts
I struggled to get the thought of her out
She was beautiful made
I finally gave in..
Can I have this dance? She asked
With the undertakers theme song playing..
She took me out bungee jumping with a noose
And I soon fell in love.
Oct 2019 · 165
The tears
Graham Oct 2019
The tears

My heart became dark
Loosing every ounce of redness to it's pump
So it became heavy
The thunderstorms were the aches that pained right through
The tears broke down my face
As every drop of storm was just the beginning
It poured and poured till there was no more
Till I became sickled to end the storm
There was gon' be light after the storm had passed
A symbol of hope I guess
But my heart had stopped
Underneath the storm I was..
All that was left is the cold I feel.
Oct 2019 · 121
Graham Oct 2019
I felt his death
As he died in my arms
I could feel the thunder in my eyes
Assembling with the lightning
The tears waved through
Storming my eyes
Overflowing past my cheeks
I felt his death
As my heart became slow
I could feel the sadness brewing in my mind
Assembling with distraught
The pain waved through  my entire body
Overflowing down back to my bones
I felt his death
As he took his last breathe
I feel his body go cold
Assembling with no motion
The part he told be he'd be fine
Storming through my head
Overflowing towards my mind
I felt my death
As it stung a thousand times
I feel the tears of my loved ones
Assembling with the notion "Why couldn't I have seen it?
The part I always told them that I was fine
Storming through their heads
Overflowing towards their numbness
They felt my death.
Oct 2019 · 245
All he ever wanted
Graham Oct 2019
All he ever wanted

All he ever wished for,
Was a friend
Someone he could share his silence with
There was no need for the daily consumption of socialism
He was involved between aloneness and loneliness
He was part of society's misgivings
He wasn't part of anything
Nothing was part of him
Not until she came along
A dark beautiful being
All he ever wanted
She whispered sweet nothings
Reminding him to forget
Making all happy thoughts expirable
A free wind ready to take me away
All he ever wished for.
Oct 2019 · 104
Till whenever
Graham Oct 2019
Till whenever

I'll hold you till whenever
When we stare into each others eyes
And see no fault in our stars
We clearly shouldn't be five feet apart
For the space between us would be the end of the ******* world
For in my arms I'll hold you tight
Till whenever
You'd always be picture perfect
With memories of your imperial smile
I'd always be in pursuit of your happiness
Hoping to sweet serenade you in my imaginative fantasy filled head
Till whenever
Walk to me like a whisper,
A quiet place for our hearts to sync
Lean into me and find my lips.
Come closer and be held.
Lay your head on my chest
And hear my heart
Play your music
We'd make love with crazy abandonment
Twists n Turns as we forget about tomorrow
Cos' till whenever
We'd hold the memory of tonight.
Oct 2019 · 117
Before the walls
Graham Oct 2019
I wish I could go back to the days
Before the walls came up
When I was still a child
Discovering what love feels like
Bouncing through definitions untold
Where rainbows and fairy tales were promising
Not now though
Not now,
Where I'd beg for one more day to be with you
I wish I could go back
Before I had this atom of courage
When I was still terribly shy
When I still used to hide myself away when girlfriends came to visit
And I'll give myself a good laugh afterwards
Simpler times for me
I wish I could go back to the days
Where heartaches were still a myth
And the butterflies in my belly were still caterpillars ready to blossom
And I know not the time to put in a perfect rhyme
Before I became the writer in distress
I wish I could go back
Before the demons came to play
Just then,
Before the walls came up.
Oct 2019 · 92
Take me back to the night
Graham Oct 2019
There I was
Laid bare on my death bed
With tearful eyes watching over me
Praying, hoping & wishing for an extra life
But I knew my game was over duly
With a ripper by my side for comfort
And only my thoughts
To keep the warmth
Take me back to the night
Where we fell in love
For that was when I felt truly free
I could easily have 13 reasons why (
I envisioned myself on my death bed writing to a girl i loved/love
Oct 2019 · 119
Domino effect
Graham Oct 2019
I have walked this path before
It wasn't the beginning of an end
But it had a domino effect
It had set up the opening for a broken piece
I have walked this path before
I know the road to heaven isn't pretty at all
And hell isn't as wide as proclaimed
I have walked this path before
I have lived in trust
Where secrets are whispered to the wind for another ears turn
And I know how disappointment works
We're pretty much close
I have walked this path before
I know how courage and confidence works
They're intertwined
I have drowned myself in words I couldn't speak
I have hidden in the shadows for I know eyes could not see
And I have deemed myself not good enough to be worthy
I have walked this path before
I have dreamt about death plenty a times
I know how the noose is *******
A perfect sequence
To a journey beautiful at first
I have walked this path
And I know there's no going back.
Oct 2019 · 121
I know someone
Graham Oct 2019
I know someone
Who's just like me
Who hides in the shadows of fear
Made by an unnameable company
Wary of his own demons
And so smiles a lot too
A mirage of own being

I know someone
Who's just like me
Who feels the pain of the broken
Wary of the own million pieces
But still pretends as if made whole
A fabled fabric of elasticity

I know someone
Who's just like me
Who feels the hate within himself for herself
Wary of the anger & resentment
Behold the grudge with disappointment
In search of serenity
A lighthouse of hope in the desert

I know someone
Who's just like me
In pursuit of happiness
Who feels suicide is inevitable
Wary of living a life in the abyss
I know someone
Who still holds on
There's a tiny noose still
Who feels there's this tiny little love left to grasp.
Oct 2019 · 114
Graham Oct 2019
A walk through time
A walk through dust
Leaving no trace
No footprints to be seen
A visitor in my own mind
Who makes the decisions?
Is it I or is it you that is me
Who would get the blame?
If fingers were pointed
Who would stumble when the path was chose wrong?
Would it be me or just you that is also me
Go back forth, push through time
The good, the bad and the ugly
Which memory would in turn be mine?
Would you at least share the darkness with me
And throw a pinch of happiness in my direction
Do not forsake me for I plead
I have walked through time
Swam around the dusty ocean
No footprints to be seen
For now I know not
The visitor in my mind.
Oct 2019 · 539
Graham Oct 2019
If I had three wishes, they'd all be for the benefit of someone else
Oct 2019 · 120
It wasn't true
Graham Oct 2019
It wasn't true
I didn't want to believe
I was searching for a particular reason
On why you had done it
I had most of you listed as friends
Yeah, that's write I have friends
I shared memories with them
And in truth
I lived a life
I was always lonely
Always on the outside looking in
I didn't want to believe
And I really did try to fit in
No one really sees you
When you're invisible
So I walk the roads of life and social media
Hoping someone paints the picture
And sees me with a smile drawn
Perhaps it could have saved my life
I know it sounds cheesy
A simple hello, Really?
So there I was searching for a particular reason
On why I had done it
Cos' I made my family feel lonely
And I passed the pain
I didn't want to believe it
How can I live now?
When I'm already gone.
Oct 2019 · 271
Graham Oct 2019
{Based on true events}

There was a war
An intense battle
My friend was fighting
She always felt an excruciating pain
And she smiled a lot to cover it up
I know this cos we've been friends since childhood
We practically became one
My very own person
Sometimes she felt like giving up
But I wouldn't let her
So I decided to fight with her
The only way I could have
By being the most annoying person she could've ever loved
I showed up, "Always"
At least for a while I think I made her forget bout it all
A truce would be made during those hours
For she was at peace
On a good Friday
She told me she wanted to dance
And I was like "hell no, you don't know how to dance anything"
She laughed.
I whipped out my phone played "Mirrors by JT"
May I have this dance mi'lady?
We both laughed.
Slow dancing our way through the moment
"I don't wanna lose you now
I'm looking right at the other half of me" ♬♬
She started crying
Emotional hazard like me, I started crying too
Then wey hugged like we'd never before
Then we kissed
For the first time
I kissed my best friend
And also for the last time
For there was a war inside her that was made of her.
Nov 2018 · 166
Beginning of the end
Graham Nov 2018
"There were days I died"
Killing myself with hands that lost control
The ink washed through my bloodstream
Not a drop you dare take
The ink became a nightmare
As the paper became true to the ink
I wrote bout Love
Seemingly thriving for fairytales
The fairytales soon never had happy ever afters
As the rainbows became grey
The Love once felt changed to Hate
As with my own hands I tore my heart out
That was the beginning
I wrote about hope and of the fabled tunnel
How the tunnel always gives a ray of Light
Knowing at the end of it all; you'd be OK
I watched as my hands wrote parables
The darkness became clearer at the end of every tunnel
"Whispers of hopelessness" my hands gave it a good title
I wrote bout euphoria
My hands knew well to dance to the word Dysphoria
I watched as my face drew blank
Numbness my hands wrote
The beginning of the end for me.
Nov 2018 · 159
Late night disaster
Graham Nov 2018
Heads tumbling
Decisions left undecided
Wagers of whats to happen
Hearts intertwined with hasty beats
Terrors far fetched from eyes within
A late night disaster
The questions left unanswered
How could anyone?
How could she?
Was she saying the truth when she said she wasn't love?
And she couldn't give me her all
But infact fragments of broken harmony that lies within
Oh dear one, words were left unsaid
And the final decision was...
I love you but.
Jan 2018 · 307
Don't stare me down
Graham Jan 2018
Don't stare me down

Look at me
Look me in the eye
And tell me if all you feel is hate
Or rather still
The love, fairytales could make
I don't deserve you anymore
Even cupid won't take another chance with me
I messed something real that's now out of touch
If only one was not conflicted
Let your heart feel what mine feels
You'd know how my heart hates my brain
I write this with a broken pen
And a deep shaded heart
Look at me, please
Look me in the eyes
The way you used to
If you will, one more time
And tell me if all you feel is hate
Or rather still love
Jan 2018 · 321
Graham Jan 2018
If only

If only this photograph's could tell tales
Tales of how happy we were
If only I wasn't blindsided
To the illusion that I was broken
If only my eyes could show you
The love I had always felt
Whenever I saw you..
If only I truly knew
The beautiful soul I had around me
I wouldn't be writing this
But instead a love poem
Craving all of you
If only I had a time machine
To go back in time
To say the words I truly wanted to say
If only...
If only I pulled you closer
And held you tight in my arms all day
If only I could say
I didn't ***** up big time
But I did.... Big time.
Jan 2018 · 231
Emotionally Conflicted
Graham Jan 2018
I felt it last night
With a broken heart
The beaming light at the end of my darkened heart
My emotions were sky high
It was true
I could feel the rush of esctasy going all through,
It was real
You made me feel numb all over again
After all the lies I told myself
Its not worth it, I'm not wor-
If only the pieces could fit once more
I'm trying so hard,
Not to be alone
But its not enough
Its hard to find love in my throat
When hate is all I can conjure
All an act of pretence
I felt it last night
With a broken heart
I could feel its pieces inside me
How am I to fight this emotions?
Jan 2018 · 281
Graham Jan 2018
At this point
I feel so much more
My emotions running wild
The echoes of my loneliness
Becomes a widespread karaoke

At this point
My feelings becomes vague
No clear tone to my emotions
The bass of the broken
Becomes a favourite to those who understands...

At this point
There's no point hiding in the shadows
Insomnia, depression, you name it
I know it all

At this point
I'm damaged
And this is my mayday signal.
Jan 2018 · 286
Fantasy to Reality
Graham Jan 2018
I know its short
It might not be what you expected
You ordered for tall & handsome
Yet you got short & weird
This is unprecented too
I know words can't cut the deal
How can they?
Beautiful can't begin to come close
To what my eyes can see in you
I believe God rested on the seventh day
To see how impeccable you were
I love every little thing bout you
Down to the tiniest bit
If only I had a chance to love you outright,
But I don't, cos in my head
I could never have you
If only I could live in my fantasy
But thats where my chapter ends
Cos every time I try to move forward
Thats when my head is wide awake
To my very own reality.
Jan 2018 · 199
How could I?
Graham Jan 2018
How could I have known?
That every part of me was in pain
How could I?
When all that was, all that is
Is a boy whose numb
How could I have known?
That my heart was in pieces
How could I?
When all that was, all that is
Is a boy whose all but broken
How could I have known?
That I could ever taste success
How could I?
When all that was, all that is
Is a boy who knows failure up close
How could I have known?
That it was a show of love
How could I?
When all that was,  all that is
Is a boy that sees the hate of the world

How could I have known?
Jan 2018 · 184
Should've said
Graham Jan 2018
"We need to talk? "
In this scary moment
My heartbeat's off completely
All I've done was leading to this
To this exact moment
Where I could feel every breathe of you
I could feel the anxiety kicking in
How could?
Now I understood my tears
How it feels like a river deep in my eyes
The headaches from crying too much
The pain of rejection
I understand now
What it means to love someone than they did you,
Please stay my dear
I would love you
Till I cease from time
All this time I've missed you
But am just back-dated
A race against time
I wish you had said "I Love you, But".
Dec 2017 · 628
The proposal
Graham Dec 2017
I went crazy when I first saw you
I was this young, dumb, weird-ish looking guy..
[Maybe a lil bit handsome]
I was completely mind blown by your insane beauty..
Soon, I felt I could actually fly
With so many butterflies
Right there beautiful, I felt ecstasy
You made me feel ecstatic
I love the way you laugh with your face
And when you try to dance funny
I love it when you say my name in a **** way & then giggle afterwards..
I love it when your eyes glow with so much grace
That enlightens everyone around you
I love that you're perfectly imperfect
I love every little thing bout you
I promise to try as hard as my heart can beat to make you the happiest woman all day, everyday...
Even when the days are grey
Lemme save some for the future date
I love you
So much my heart can't hold
[Goes down on one knee]
Would you do me this greatest honor
Will you......................??
Nov 2017 · 332
Graham Nov 2017
I have this voice in my head.
Like a siren calling out to me
Her voice is enchanting
Saying take this knife slit your wrist
And you will feel no pain
All your worries will be gone
Everything will be okay

Then the voice of my mother
Don't listen, it's the darkness speaking
I know you feel lost in the dark
Trust me you'll soon bask in the light
Remember son
Am always with you

I had this voice.
Nov 2017 · 238
Would you?
Graham Nov 2017
Would you love me more?
If I became an open book
Telling you everything from A - Z
Would you protect my secrets?
If I revealed them to you
Telling you everything from good - bad
Would you glue me back whole?
If I showed you how broken I am
Telling you where all the pieces fit
Would you drag me into the light?
If I told you I was in the dark
Telling you everything bout my demons
Would you heal my wounds?
If I showed you my scars
Telling you everything bout my battles
Would you still feel butterflies?
If I told you how scared I am
Telling you bout my insecurities

Would you still love me?
Nov 2017 · 227
Dear Someone,
Graham Nov 2017
Dear someone,
Don't take this the wrong way
You need only pray
Pray, this suicidal thoughts go away
But all my dark clouds are out to play
That depression soon joins the fray
Dear someone,
Listen, am screaming at the top of my lungs..
But they make it sound like thrash filled with junks..
So to you its like ping - pong
So, you take me less seriously than usual
If only I could show that I can stand tall like king Kong..
Will you then hear the beats on my chest?
Dear someone,
If I..
Know it's not your fault
The light In me was too dim to fight the darkness..
All you saw was a smile
A smile that told different stories
It could've been different
If only the moonlight tale
Was an epic fairytale.
Nov 2017 · 234
The green light
Graham Nov 2017
All my life
I've been in search of the light
Being stuck in the tunnel is no joke
It's total depression
Something darker than darkness resides within..
You can see the scars made from every pain quite clearly in the dark..
All you can hear are the echoes of your teardrops..
All my life
I've had glimpses of the green light
A sequel of paradise
Where your body & soul is at peace
And life feels good
It was wonderful
But it was just a glimpse
As it's still dark
But am hopeful,
Hopeful, I will get to see the light at my tunnel..
And actually see the green light
Which means my "Happiness".
Pursuit of happiness
Nov 2017 · 304
Graham Nov 2017
Everyone knew
What we couldn't see
They placed bets
On what we couldn't feel
They were interventions
On something problematic we couldn't solve..
They had already chosen
What our hearts couldn't choose
They  saw you & I as "Us"
We saw us as just "You & I"
They said we were complicated
But we were just simply weird
They said we're In denial
Ya, we already knew deep down
You fell in love
As did I
They said we were perfect
That was true, for you
But not me
Your heart's a rockstar
Mine was in a million pieces
Everyone saw the light in you
As I lurked in the shadows
Everyone gave up on us
But not you
You believed in our fairytale
Everyone saw a ghost in me
As did you
I was soon too fade away
Nov 2017 · 251
You love him
Graham Nov 2017
You love him
You felt butterflies whenever
He was weird and all, "you thought"
But you still loved him
He was your dose of ecstasy
All seemed like a fairytale
Until his face didn't show care
He was getting complicated to understand
You stayed still
Waiting patiently on the sidelines
Until he was no longer..
He became a ghost in his shell
Yet deep down you loved him as a ghost
You couldn't still see through his heart
He finally became a ghost
Seeking life again
But you needed fresh air
So you let him go
But as your heart beats
You will always love him
Nov 2017 · 208
You Love Her
Graham Nov 2017
You love her
Her love was all you wanted
Her smile was all the grace you needed
She was your dream come true
Your life was a bit of a mess
Till your eyes grazed hers
You were broken in ways so many
Until she came with her superpowers
She was your superstar
She was your beautiful fantasy
With her you grew up
In ways only she could have helped
She was your passion
She was...
If only your emotions were visible
And not just shades of poetry
You would have told her
How you really felt
That you truly loved her
Deep down you still love her.
Nov 2017 · 463
Don't look at me like that
Graham Nov 2017
"Don't look at me like that"
Thin or Fat
Why should you get to body shame me?
So as to get fame
And feel like u've conquered someone who wasn't armed..
Am human just like you, with legs & arms
But you don't get to see that
You see only what you wanna see
The flaws that makes you tick
Don't look at me that way
Yeah those are my scars now
Made by your claws
They clawed deep into my inner being
Leaving a scar too deep to be seen
With a sword depression battles in
I yield
Am like a broken glass now
Too shattered to feel whole
All because you looked at me that way
No one is perfect
But we are close to perfection in our own way...
Am awake now
No more in the nightmare you built me
Don't look at me like that
For I am beautiful.
Be real, Be original.... Don't just stare with
your killer eyes
Nov 2017 · 456
I still remember
Graham Nov 2017
I still remember
I still remember the first time
The first time I saw you
There was no butterfly in my belly
But I knew something wonderfully made was bout to start..
I was simply attracted to your pretty face
And that hazel eyes of yours...

I still remember
The first time you said "hello"
It was as if a melodious tune was set to play..
I was completely shy up, down to my knees

I still remember
The first time you smiled at me
It was ruins up in my head
Cos' the lil guys up there couldn't find the perfect reply..
So I graciously gave an awkward smile
But right there I felt a butterfly

I still remember
The first time we touched
I felt a spark
A passionate firework
Ready to burst deep in my heart
That day all them butterflies I felt in my belly.
There's always that feeling inside and you know, you just know
Nov 2017 · 183
Graham Nov 2017
Dear heart,
Am sorry
I cheated on you
Am sorry
I was the one to break you
I gave you less attention than I did "Mind"
He was more interactive
That he captivated my thoughts
He was a thinker
That he could solve my problems
Without showing too much emotions
So I believed
He sold me different ideas on life
He became peculiar
Little did I know he was soon to start playing tricks on me..
That he called "mind games".
Nov 2017 · 865
I grew up
Graham Nov 2017
Am not the boy I used to be
I grew up
But what makes me.. me
Still intact, just with few modifications
I've seen life a bit
I've felt a few things too
"Love, heartbreak, panic attack, disappointment but deeply loneliness..
I learnt how to be alone
And I've seen depression in the dark
I've come face to face with my demons
I understood me back then
But now, just a few
I've understood what sorry really stands for
I've tasted the bitterness of being hurt
I really grew up
I've seen the bittersweet of things
The good, the bad & the extreme
I was once whole
Filled with ecstasy
Eye's filled rainbows
But now it's mostly grey
The rainbow's lost in my darkness
And I know not what to do
That's how broken I am
I grew up, didn't I?.
Feb 2017 · 619
Heart to Mind
Graham Feb 2017
The loving is real
All through the Nightingale
Beaming wild in our joyful eyes
No question of doubt
For the girl who loved
For hers is real
And it sinks deep in thy heart
Mind to heart
Heart to mind
It runs through
In just a beating second
We find the passion
For his eyes could tell tales of love
For his love is real
The love of two wild souls
In a monstrous world
And still surviving
No question of doubt
The loving is real
Jan 2017 · 287
Graham Jan 2017
Leave me out blind
I'll be dancing in the wind in time
Leave me out to love
I'll be on a bended knee
Stand with me on the aisle
With epic vows from your troublemaker
I want to be yours & you mine
I'll be your forever till we ghost

Leave me out blind
I'll follow your scent through the maze
All day, everyday
I'll draw you a smile
The one that fits your perfection
Through thick 'n' thin
We'll be scared together

Leave me out with a pen
I'll be with every version of dictionaries
To help define my love
But even words aren't enough
A word never tire of saying
Just keep following the heartlines
It's your way home
To your Forever & Always.
Jan 2017 · 371
Graham Jan 2017
Beneath everything
Every try to be "Almost perfect"
Despite  the daily criticism
I'm still breathing
Breathing through my deep scar
Underlining my super flaw
Everyday I try to be someone else
Just to please someone else
My scars run deep
I gradually fade away
Underlining my super flaw
Every try to be "Almost perfect"
Despite my daily critics
Diving deep into my scars
I still breathe

In a moment of madness
There was a fist fight with the "Inner me"
And He said;
Beneath your scars
You!  Yes you
You are almost perfect without trying
"No one is in control of who likes who"
Learn to love your scars
It's made you

In just a fist fight
Beneath the crazy
Despite all odds
We became one
Scars to my beautiful
Be who you are, you are an amazing person, always believe that.
Jan 2017 · 262
Graham Jan 2017
A word I couldn't utter
When our hazel eyes first met
Right there...
Just right there
I watched u secretly
I knew..
U'd be my "miracle from heaven"
Just right there,
As beauty grows
Urs grew with perfection
You became my Muse.

Hello again
Is it alright knowing you?
Cos knowing u brings ecstasy
"Love to a bestfriend"
A tale of epic moments
Chapters upon chapters
A never ending tale

Hello there beautiful
Am thinking of our days of troubles
The planned "pillow fights"
And the picture perfect smile u'd give while reading.....
We are yet to dream the dream we dreamt
But we take it as it comes
The pain
Being wild ones together
We survive.

Hello there gorgeous
It's the last but not the least ☺
This part tells you how much i adore you
How i jump inside when i hear your voice
You became perfection to me
Jan 2017 · 290
Graham Jan 2017
I broke a heart
That was once mine
It hurts knowing am not the one bleeding
Young & stupid I was
I took away what I had cherished
Now am perished
In my own tears, drowning away
Hoping for some sanity
From the perfect start to a perilous end
How did she feel?
If I felt like this
Collecting pictures from what we used to be & what we became...
The lovers that went
Apologetic I am until my last breathe
I broke my heart
The part that beats for you
I broke a heart
The one I will always love.
Jan 2017 · 410
Graham Jan 2017
Two feets standing on a principle
Two hands longing for each others warmth
Two hearts beating for each others love
Shying away
Day by day
From the principality of feeling the warmth  of each others love
Nov 2016 · 249
Graham Nov 2016
For some minutes i searched for a pen
In those minutes my mind was filled
Wanting to write out my feelings
Now with a pen and a paper
Loneliness drags me farther away
I hold in great anticipation but i felt empty
In those minutes my mind was blank
Memories fading
Loneliness greatest deception
Sometimes we want to be alone, but those times it kills us inside, it drags us away from everything we love.  It tells us we have no one, that no one cares, but it's all a lie. Loneliness greatest deception
Nov 2016 · 519
Fight or Let go
Graham Nov 2016
Am in love
With someone who knows not who I am
Am in love
Only listening to what my heart's gotta say
I don't know who's right
My mind says it's own thought;
"You're right in front of her but invincible to be seen..
Why does it hurt?  I cried
You are in love son, mind said
What do I do?
You have two choices
Fight for her or..
Walk away..
So this is how love is
No son, this is just the bittersweet
To be in love with someone  who doesn't see you..
If she's  worth it, then you fight
But if not, you let go.
Nov 2016 · 332
who we are
Graham Nov 2016
As a poet
We write bout what we feel
The pain, tears, love & laughs
As a poet
We need a muse
The one person that's gives us the inspiration..
As a poet
We have emotions to put in the ink, placed on a paper..
To get a clearer picture of what is..
As a poet
We are poet for the sake of amazing poetry
As a poet
Poetry is who we are..
Nov 2016 · 476
Special moment
Graham Nov 2016
That one day
Every second, minute and hour
We have that opportunity to say how we truly feel..
"to see her all alone in corner, swooping in to make her laugh"
Just that second, minute & hour
Feels like forever
Seeing her smile
Feels like mission accomplished
But we just that one day
To say it all
Oct 2016 · 345
Picture perfect
Graham Oct 2016
You have no idea how i smile when i think of you
Just to have you picture perfect in my head
Gives me the blush
To place my hands on your cheeks & give you the fairytale kiss..
Happiest day of my life.
A tap on my leg
I find myself hugging my pillow
I had fantasized bout u before going to bed
It was all a dream..
All day, all night
I have you picture perfect in my head
No filter, just you
Smiling at the beauty that caught my attention..
To place my hands on ur face, kissing ur forehead,
Knowing quite well you're mine & am yours
It was all a dream
A sweet dream indeed
All day All night
I have you picture perfect in my head.
Oct 2016 · 316
Graham Oct 2016
With words I find redemption
Granted mercy for a "second chance"
"To be consumed by Loneliness"
A Long Long story
In time i make amends
For all my Guilty pleasures
Damaging to my cause and to others
Memories in a storm
Love lost
All my friends in a quake
Will i be alone I said in a loud whisper
With words I found redemption
Forgiven for my Guilty pleasures
Granted mercy for a "second chance"
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