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Jul 2018 · 419
The moon is akin to you -- and I
I follow your brilliance through the night sky
You draw up my waist with your high tide
And the love we share has only one side

For you're a million miles away.
Aug 2017 · 183
You cowardly lion,
Sink your teeth into me.
Dec 2016 · 796
The Lost Hallelujah
Well, baby, I've been here before,
Jonathan snuck out my door.
You know, I never meant to ***** ya.

I loved him good and I loved him well,
There's nothing more that I have to tell.
He's nothing like my brother, hallelujah!

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
May 2016 · 575
Ode to Peace
Let it entomb you. Let the thing inside you rot and grow and brown. Let it fester there unencumbered. Let it chip away at your very being. An ocean against the weary foundation of your mind. A cancer in the soft flesh of your soul. A drought in the storm of your imagination. Let it well up within you. You are not a Man. You are not a corpse. You are not a tomb or a stone or flesh or a storm. You are only this. For a moment, give yourself wholly to sadness. Let it be.
Jan 2016 · 500
My arms are aching
Not from excess, but from a lack
I do not touch

I do not touch you
Something stops me every time
I do not touch

I do not touch you
But I can't stop wanting
I do not touch

I do not touch you
I do not touch
I do not touch I do not touch

But my arms are aching
I am sore from a lack of reaching
I do not touch.
Dec 2015 · 777
Yesterday he gave me that look.
He furrowed his brow with deep concern
To tell me how proud he was
Of me.

Yesterday he drunkenly hugged me
And when I pulled away
He grabbed me again
And whispered,

"I'm not done with you yet."

Yesterday I wished he would be
Done with me yet.
But only just
Sep 2015 · 386
Untitled 5
I swore I'd do a life cleanse before I saw you again.  But here I am at your door.
Sep 2015 · 4.2k
The Asymmetry of Longing
You know that I want you. I'm sure of it.
But still the little tortures come.
Your cheshire smile glowing brightly.
Your hand holding mine to your side.
Your unbridled compliments and playful digs
Each with their subtle symptom of love.

But you don't love me. You just love being loved.
And I'm tired of writing poems about you
And screaming to the heavens that I am yours.
Sep 2015 · 652
Love is something given
Not something you earn
Do I struggle remembering
When I'm with you while I
So hard to be what and
You're looking for.
Aug 2015 · 806
I've fallen in love with a hurricane
With death and danger
A natural disaster
I've tried so hard to make it work
To calm that storm
Raging in him

But today I let it go.
Aug 2015 · 228
Untitled 4
Sometimes just leaving
Is easier than saying goodbye
Aug 2015 · 212
Untitled 3
The world of your body
Is the air I breathe
Aug 2015 · 260
Untitled 2
His arms feel strong
But they make me so weak
Aug 2015 · 309
I never understood the color hazel
Until I looked into his eyes
Aug 2015 · 336
Two-Ton Freedom Machine
This is my ode to the nation I hate. Gluttons for war. Haters of women. Priced out and maxed out and imprisoned and impoverished.

Here's to the wide open spaces that make my heart sing and my soul fly as I ****** the earth in a two-ton death trap waiting to ensnare me. Here's to the freedom to spit on the homeless; accuse the downtrodden; shoot the black. Here's to limitless dreams forged in minds that don't know any better.

God bless the open road. God bless each and every freedom we ignore. God bless the Dow and our hopes of a better life.
Aug 2015 · 304
Nothing is more than you imagine,

For truth is everything.

Nothing is more than she says,

For silence is the answer.

Nothing is more than she appears,

For black is her pigment.

Nothing is more than she seems,

For who are you to judge.
Jul 2015 · 753
an unwelcome awakening
you spend your life smiling. sleeping. unfeeling.
you dream away the days without notice
you think yourself out of reality

and then
just for a moment
you don't

you discover the rich desire of being wanted
and you crave that **** carnal curse
and you let him in and you let yourself out

you stand there

and you can never ever ever go back.
Jul 2015 · 270
Silent Battles, Lost
Slither away from me, my love
Run and hide and slink

Your yellowish eyes
Cool under the rock or couch
From which you perch

And never say a single word

Climb the stairs, quickly
While I'm at the door

Come down for dinner
And nothing else

Be cold and silent
And maybe I'll forget you

A manifestation
Of what we have lost
Jun 2015 · 280
Shedding Scales
I remember when touching you seemed impossible. When kissing you seemed the most exotic thing in the world. As if "no" was a dare I couldn't refuse.

And I couldn't refuse it nor could you.

But now we're here and I'm lost and I've found you. Found you to be something else. Unexpected even for you.

And I can't pretend I haven't seen you. I can't.

There is no truth but alcohol. It's all we know. It's shed your skin. It's shown me flesh.

And I cannot return. Cannot return. Cannot not stop knowing you.
Jun 2015 · 280
Rust splinters off my fingers
As I once again grasp
For that most sacred and desperate
Solution.  Salve.  Serenity.
My poems are cracked with feeling
I am longing and needing.
Needing to be heard again
And to hear myself remembering
That most ancient, intrinsic
Scream. Scorn. Salutation.
It says hello to me again,
And threatens to destroy me.
Jun 2015 · 776
We are hidden in public.
Safe for maybe the first time.
Away from home and friends and ties.
And you say my eyes are beautiful.
No one else has ever noticed.
I think yours are sweet like a honeycomb,
But I'm not brave enough to say that yet.
I am brave enough to kiss you,
But you beat me to it. Again and again.
You're all over me.
Are you the victim or am I?
I think both. And then neither.
And then me again.
But you say the deepest words
Flushed with Patron and sincerity.
You say you love me.
I'm compelled to say it back.
I do again and again and again.
You say it more, but that's not all.
You say you would kiss me every day
I almost want that to be true.
I almost want this all to be real.
But all crowds part eventually,
And soon we will be home.
We will be found.
And the honeymoon will be over.

— The End —