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Mystic Ink Plus Dec 2020
If you think
You are in the darkness
Yet see your
Still you are in the light
A night like that
And that light will
Lead you

A journey to endeavor
Genre: Inspirational
Theme: The grace of the moon
Himani Dhaka Dec 2020
If you can't be the only one,
Be the best one...
angelique Nov 2020
do you ever just realise you are going to miss people? miss their words, their advice; miss their support and their love and their presence?

and all they have done for you, you try to describe it in terms that you cannot just simply define; in words that have an intangible meaning but simultaneously hold the weight of the world.

and then you have that realisation, that epiphany that burns cold and clear. it isn't until near our end when we truly start to value all the passing people in our little lives.

and you realise that nothing matches the exact mood and time; whether you feel utterly amazing or utterly ****, whether your mind is all over the place or you are completely sane. let that dawn on you, let it seep in and let it
wash, wash, wash
back over you.
you can't ever get that moment back.

please, it is important to let others know how much they have inspired you. how much they have guided you. don't hold back. tell others how you feel, in the midst of all madness and meaning.

and if you are lucky to see them again, all these memories will come flooding back; everything and anything and everything.
it all will.
and it will all be glorious.

and you will find it to be an emotional release in the beautiful swirling catharsis of it all, fluidity and freedom, all meandering within and throughout the ripples of time.

it is a release, a pure release.
rendering all things equal.
-elixir- Oct 2020
The lush green blades,
pierced me with shades
of heaven, as they swayed
in the wind. I stayed
to see their dance,
and with every glance,
my heart rejoiced
as they carried on, poised.
so this is something that I got inspired as I was drawing for the Inktober challenge the other day. The prompt was blade, so I took blades of grass as my take on it.
TG Sep 2020
I can´t wait
for the hurt
to finally go away,
waiting for the day,
that i´d wake up without
thinking about you,
without thinking about the day you left me
without any explanation

When that day comes,
I´d celebrate & say
I will never let
anyone in,
Becaus you caused me dirt,
you did a number on my health,
You diminished my confidence
My self love,
My life purpose,
My importance wandered away.

But when my pain goes away,
I´ll be stronger than ever,
I´ll be focussing on me,
I won´t let anyone in,
Will not chase anyone
My life will be priority,
Because I´m done with loving too much
caring too much,
for someone, that wouldn´t love back
or do the same

When that day comes,
I´ll rise
It´s been a month and I´ve been living with pain. Pain because I´ve been tricked. I´ve been letting someone in that turned out to be another person in the end. Someone that easily forgot me and left me me alone without any explanation. Just disappeared, after all these promises and loving words. Someone twisting his perception so easily without any reason. I invested all my trust, en faith, my heart into this person and he throws it all away, Leaves like nothing ever happenned. Don´t invest into a conncetion if you are planning to leave afterwards. I´ve learned my lesson and will never risk my health by giving my heart to someone else.
is Sep 2020
Do not waste a second worrying about the details of every situation. If you let yourself get caught up, you'll miss out on important and definitive moments. Do not waste a second wishing you could change times that have already occurred. The decisions you proceed to make should be your only focus.  Do not waste a second punishing yourself for when you are wrong or when you hurt someone. Forgiving yourself is the first step to living a happier, healthier life. Focus on making yourself better. Do not waste a second getting caught up in the drama that entices and intoxicates every person around you. Do not waste a second being full of insecurities and doubts. Love yourself. Trust yourself. Take the risks you want to take without worrying about the consequences. You will deal with those as they come. You can handle any problem that comes your way. You are powerful and capable.
Kenny Anthony Sep 2020
you can only walk so many miles,
until the miles you were walkin' for,
no longer add up.
the destination you were searchin' for already sprung up.
step back,
take a look,
kickback and unhook.
the miles are done,
your feet are tired.
now unwire,
and inspire all that you desired.
Mystic Ink Plus Aug 2020

Let me
Treat you
A piece of art

A living art
A moving art
A breathing art

Genre: Inspirational
Theme: forever
Author's Note: So mute, yet so loud.
Nothing Worth Doing is Easy

an impossible

luminesce In,
from obscured
higher frequencies

swapping saffron compliments
with proud Susan, while
sitting on the thirteenth pedal
circling her black eye

Reflecting our diaphanous flight,
through this garden of stars

Worth Doing Is Easy
As a guide of Mindfulness, often Allowing is a challenge. Simply Being vs Doing is a challenge, indeed. How easy is it, to just watch a butterfly and realize we are fine without the striving. Everything comes.
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