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 Oct 2016 Rachel Keating
Rae Anne
I can't stop
Thinking of you,
How your breath would feel
On my skin.
I imagine the taste
Of your sweet mouth
And my hearts races,
My nerves tremble.
Just the simple thought of you
Causes me to want you...
So much,
I ache.
Holds me down
Keeps my feet
On solid ground
Grabs me tight
Both night and day
So I don't fly
Too far away

And me hand in hand
Keeps the beat
In this hold down dance
Spinning through
The atmosphere
Is what keeps me here
 Oct 2016 Rachel Keating
I walk into the well known abyss
The hole with no limits
As I panic under the sun
Of its beaming temptation
In my small black hole
Of fixation
Addictions a serious matter.  Be sure if you or someone you know is struggling.  Help them.
Sweet sounds of waves softly lap
On flecks of sun dipped copper sands
With gentleness the water swirls
In a kiss of frothy love on land

Splash of oars on a cobalt sea
While songs of sailors wane and fade
Aboard the ships of destiny
A cruise on an ocean's serenade

The sea gull swoops, oh hear the cries
Flap of wings fluttering the dock
Ferries roll on routes of spice
Midst the clap of waves on rocks

Crests of water heave and ebb
Touched by scales of coral scents
Whispers born in the wind
Sing of pirates, silk legends

In murmurs 'twixt rippling waves
Dreams float 'neath a setting sun
Whisked like boats in a river's flow
That sail across to meet oceans

Love notes of romance in the waters
Rhythm at feet, soaking wet
Dancing waves stir the heart
In a melody from the ocean's breath

In cadence pleasant when tis dark
On a night when moon and stars are laid
When the sky shines with silver light  
The breeze plays music of mermaids  

Though now no storm, 'tis serene
Soon the winds will ravage, rave
On this quilt of aquamarine
In a cacophony of thunderous rage

But for now, 'tis the conch, the shell
That sings those songs of the sea
I close my eyes and drift away
Swept by its magic and mysteries
in the morning
just after you wake up
or the evening
perfected with makeup

in jeans or a skirt
silk blouse or t-shirt
hair up or hair down
bright smile or a frown

inside and out
with nary a doubt

you are one of the most beautiful women
I have ever had the honor of knowing
 Oct 2016 Rachel Keating
 Oct 2016 Rachel Keating
It is hard to imagine
Seeing a whole person
When the mirror shattered
And left shards in the same shape
As the scars on my arms
That divide me into two people.
one I wish I could escape
one who refuses to give way
To anything other than
Unwelcomed recollection
On times of skin fairer, clearer, kinder
Beads of sweat ,
Breath down necks,
And the prayer
That this is destiny
For more than a few minutes.
Perhaps at least two of us
Will outlive our teenage lust
And find out what it means to love.
The rest of us
Will all stay stuck
And marry some pretty face
Belonging to a person
We will never know.
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