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craig apogee Nov 2023
The icy winds of dawn dig in their nails
Daylights first break tempered

For the light only scatters along the horizon
But does not yet kiss your skin

As her nails dig in, a familiar pain takes grip
Familiarity is a fickle friend

If progress is measured in wounds healed
Then taking shelter is Apollo

For you see what's in front of your eyes
It's beautiful, and it's coming to you
Sometimes new love is nothing but a false dawn. The familiar feelings of hurt are there but you are better prepared. Chin up
craig apogee Nov 2023
From a place of emptiness
You filled my heart to brim
Possibility within

The bubble has burst
But as the light catches the scattered mist
Red to indigo
Your easel

So while your palette remains sombrely tinted
Azure shades and golden hues emerge within your brushstroke
First post in years. Needed the pen
craig apogee Jul 2017
the chill of the early morning
thaws within your sprawl
as you lock me tight with an angled thigh
and delicate paw

as your chest pulsates ever so slightly
in its gentle ebb and flow
i nestle in ever tightly
comfort in your refusal to let go

while my thoughts stir
a wake from hibernation
i concede to life horizontal

a stroke to your side
a moan and a sigh
one fleeting moment
as we stare, eye to eye

then your lip curls upward
and your eyes slant
as i take in the gaze
of the only girl i'll ever want
craig apogee Sep 2015
patience and desire
eyes on the prize
even though it seemed lost
true gold lies deep in the glow of those hazel eyes

a tale that threatened with tears
and the dread of heartfelt slips
veers towards the tessellation of your body
head-to-toe with my lips

overwhelmed by fears of turbo-charged love
and at which stops this train may be calling
yet trepidation is drowned by exhilaration
as this new adventure is dawning

hips on hips and longful gazes
hearts singing unheard notes
your hand in mine, side by side
we sail forth on our choice of cupid's boats
craig apogee Jul 2015
this game of to and fro
ebb and flow
come and go
yes and no

its driving me to the depths of a sea of confusion
where i drown myself in doubt
blacking out and going towards a light
that appears to be unimaginably beautiful

so much so that i can't even recall it
a reality draped in a shroud of my own creation
a potential happiness that has been empowered
before it has even taken its true form

the empowerment of a blind emotion
much like russian roulette but with a dart in the chamber
which has either come straight from cupid's bow
or its dipped with poison of a familiar cardiotoxicity
craig apogee Jul 2015
shed the care
she can bear
universal pain
while you stay sane
take care of your own
chase joyful overtone
live wild and free
be who you need to be
An old poem sitting in my drafts from a good few months back
A bit light hearted approach to the way I had to stop trying to care for someone who caused me pain. It really is something that will keep you in that dark place. A lap dog for someone who tossed you away
craig apogee Jul 2015
i have revisited the thought of revisiting thoughts of you
for our memories hold nothing
just a vast empty space that your insincerity made
emptying out anything that i held dear from each photo frame

i love the music that played, our soundtrack, so sweet
but the music reverberates far deeper, in my veins and bones
than the meaningless, shallowness and airbrushed harmony
which was a year-long facade and a full-blown emotional felony

the ability to untag, delete, block and look away
has gifted me with the modern miracle of digital amnesia
and if i wanted, i could look back and reminisce
but with such sweet beauties on the horizon, this amnesia is bliss
a reminder to myself why i have removed someone from my life
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