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  Dec 2016 Colleen Mary
Franz Bartolome
We were the seasons,
and you happen to be the rain,
I happen to be the open leaf on its roots, waiting for you in vain

My umbrella's not broken,
yet I'll shut if off
To feel your moist within my skin,
having you falling so soft
To welcome you within my lips,
within my cheeks,
for I have missed you all
those lonely, summer weeks

We were the the seasons,
and you happen to be the rain,
I'll let you fall,
I'll let you wet my shirt and
leave some stain
As long as you'll let me feel you
You, and your underlying, falling pain.
Colleen Mary Dec 2016
september 2016
four-and-a-half months of almost nothing besides the comforting grey fleece of yours that I ashamedly clung onto, foolishly thinking that would freeze everything between us that once was.
now I can't help but feel stupid when I look back that I missed the signs I was just playing your next victim.
**** it, it just felt nice to have someone who cared and you barely had to put any effort in but it was enough to keep me radiating with happiness.
and now I am sure that it is merely the idea of you that haunts me almost five months later, because the presence of present you sure as hell isn't the same version of the you that's stuck in my head.
you know that I wanted you and to do you good at that, but of course you had to push me away because who has time to care let alone be cared about?
ha, caring
not a thing about how it used to be makes sense in the now, but I know I'm just wasting my thoughts away thinking about that.
you're still playing this game though and I wish you would stop.
I'm playing this game back but we both know I don't stand a chance.
a simple "What are you doing" and "Come over?" and BAM, I'm all yours.
except, just this last time something was real different that I don't think I'm going to be able to shake.
ran around for an hour in the rain trying to meet up with you as I still didn't want to let you down despite all of your *******.
when my teeth- chattering, soaked from head-to toe self finally made it to you and laid beside you in bed, it felt just like old times for a split second or two.
it was then that I reminded you that I still had your hoodie.
you barely remembered that I still had it and acted as though you couldn't even remember why you let me borrow it in the first place.

december 2016**
**** it, another 3 months came and went and i never built up the nerve to throw your hoodie back at you and walk out of your life.
every time i went to do so you crept back in as though you had missed me, i knew better that you hadn't but i wanted so badly to believe it.
i don't understand why i can't shake the good times we've shared in the past and why i just can't seem to move on.
back in september i couldn't even sleep next to you because i barely recognized the version of you lying next to me. guilt consumed my entire being and i had to get up and leave your embrace. lying alone in my own bed had never seemed more appealing in my life. with that thought, i left your side at 5 am that crisp September morning and ran across town to my apartment and vowed to never put myself in that predicament again. that predicament, of course, being your faux caring embrace, your toxic kisses, and your complete naivety. i like to tell myself that you are just naive to how much hurt you have truly caused me, because otherwise some of what you have done (if intentional) should be a **** crime. it ***** feeling as though i am not enough for you, i don't know why i care but that's all i've wanted to be. as the weather got colder, i got weaker. although i promised to give you up, i still wanted you near me. after a few too many drinks, i seem to continue to become a mere thought in your mind. stupid me, i seem to always get this confused as you actually giving a flying **** about me. if i said that i want more than anything to leave you in the past, i'd unfortunately be lying to myself. i know this needs to be done, but all i can hope for now is that sooner rather than later- the flicker of hope that i still have extinguishes itself.

to be continued.........
So essentially I really **** at letting go of people that I allow myself to get close to and although it ***** a lot, it gives me a lot to write about. I actually wrote the first part of this back in September and e-mailed myself a draft and then was reminded about it when I was going through old e-mails earlier today. I wrote the second part right now on the spot and although I realize I'm terrible at getting over things, I think it captures a lot of emotions that others can quite possibly relate to.
Colleen Mary Oct 2016
the leaves fly rapidly off the trees,
specks of color visible as they
swirl and hover above the ground.
just as the leaves are whisked off the trees by the slight breeze;
i was whisked off my feet by your sweet kissing.
you tasted as sweet as my pumpkin coffee, which has become my newest addiction in order to help fill your void.
sure, the falling for you part felt great
but now i can't help but shutter at
the twisted fate of the leaves falling to the ground.
when the leaves are in mid-air, i think of the spontaneity and spark we felt when we met.
as they hover above the ground just before they touch it, i think about the confusion i felt when you began to pull away.
when they hit the ground, i think of everyone that'll destroy their beauty by walking all over them.
i feel as though i was your favorite leaf for a short while and now i'm one of the many you're crunching beneath your shoe.
no idea where this came from but have been feeling super nostalgic this fall season and this just kind of happened.
  Oct 2016 Colleen Mary
One day
I'm going to meet someone,
And they are going to make me forget about every heartbreak,
Every game,
Every lie that's been said.

That somebody is going to make me forget about the boy I once loved.
The ones who come crawling back to me.
The ones I saw a future with.

I can't wait until that day comes,
Because I'm honestly so tired and I can't breathe.

My eyes are bloodshot.
My heart is cold.
Everything I feared is happening.

But one day, it'll be okay.
I'll have forgotten about you and the memories we shared.
I'll be loved, in a way no one has been able to before.
And I'll be okay.

One day.
Written 9.21.16
  Oct 2016 Colleen Mary
Sarah Caitlyn
it's the end of a less than
five minute conversation
some mumbled
excuse about exams
and a sighed okay
don't speak your mind
you know the repercussions
then that dreaded question
"are you mad"
at you?
at myself?
at whatever being is
somewhere in
the universe?
I don't know.
But not you.
no, it's never you.
yeah, I know it *****
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