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And I am tortured by regret,
things I've not done yet.
Thinking this defines me.

And I cannot deny
that I'm terrified
of fading to black.

I used to cherish every doubt--
now unsure in what I've found:
my instability was transparent
and now it's apparent...

And I now keep the lights on,
lay in a cold bath until warm.
My lips, so purple and svelte,
have sealed all I have felt.

And I stay a static transplant,
a homely nomadic infant,
stumbling towards the abyss,
thinking it's what I've missed.

I used to utilize the past,
stretching time, but at last,
the only fire I've consumed
will soon fade to black...
 Apr 2016 Beau Scorgie
We hang
by the lies
we present as truth.

Dispensing tainted words
we thought inconsequential.
Ill-conceived notions
we sowed and nurtured.

But now we dangle
by the skin
of our fingers over this cliff...
Desperately clawing
to find purchase...
And gravity is a
mean *****.
 Apr 2016 Beau Scorgie

You could...

Let the universe decide...
If it has space for you.

Let life decide...
If it has a future for you.

Let God decide...
If He has amnesty for you.

Or you could...

Let yourself decide...
To fight for a place
where there's always a tomorrow,
blessed with opportunities
to seek forgiveness.


A collapsed lung.....
wires and cotton thread sheets
caress naked flesh....
Hands fragile and frail
blood trickles down the lip...
a half eaten fruit cup sits by the bedside,
and a malnourished body slowly rots....

Flowing black hair swaying in the open breeze
tall and slender, body engulfed in a sea of red silk.....
Eyes beaming turquoise and sapphire
face, smooth to the touch
hands, nimble and delicate....


A lump on the breast
shivers, chills, and shakes
yellow phlegm, projected from the throat....
Sedation..... prescription pills, and fatigue
a touch of pneumonia.....


Air, slithering into a closing throat
flickering eyes, parched lips,
and a dry tongue...
frigid steel, pressing against tender flesh
stitches and staples,
breast and body.... separated...


***** on the sheets, blood on the pillow
brain, comatose and body, numb
spirit and body.... separated....
I was swimming in a sea of *******, hickies
and cherry lipstick....
The most awkward five minutes of my life.
 Apr 2016 Beau Scorgie
I wrote you a poem and all you said was “I love you!”
and I need a whole lot more than that  

Did you know Marilyn Monroe was borderline too
and what did that leave her besides a suicidal mess I do not look up to?
But I guess she did **** JFK so there's that

Today is valentines day and I didn’t say anthing to you about it
because I know you hate February 14
because 2 years ago you had that major surgery

You didn’t talk to me until 4:20 today
and that was only to laugh about the timing
and it's really hard for me to not tell you that I wanted to **** myself today but instead I wrote 5 poems and drank too much coffee

and **** I would really **** for a cigarette right now that
I have to use my charm to get
because im only 17 but somehow
I always “forget” my ID and wear a low cut shirt
and flirt openly with the 40 year old indian guy across the counter
just so I can get my illegal nicotine

I wonder what my mother would say about that
 Apr 2016 Beau Scorgie
I'm itching your name off like sun burnt skin, these days without you... are something I cannot explain in words, these days without you feel as hollow as the ones with you. See, I know you aren't a substantial lover or the kind of lover I need. You are able to subtract your feelings from the equation whereas mine stays forever constant. I never did well in math, I never thought I would gaze upon us with the same eyes I look upon an equation, one I cannot solve. You, now a resented chapter I pass in the pages of my textbook, I watch as the pages fall effortlessly onto one another, collapsing within itself. With pain I pass your pages, to start a new.
Our chapter is done, but I wish it wasn't. You were my favorite unit to learn.
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