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I'm the targets
U try so hard to
Get it bullseye
Yet each time u
Throw the dart
The sharp
End feels like
Its piercing my heart
 Jun 2016 Axle Avatari
children in the sand
                       heads lost in
                                      the blue expanse
                                     two paper boats down
        by their side

                                         there came the tide -- in
                   each other they confided
  the ocean had decided
                              let the current take you home

An excerpt from a song I wrote last year. Isolating this verse, I thought it had good feels. I hope you enjoy (:
 Jun 2016 Axle Avatari
Stay -- your hands
                         My dear
                         My friend
Stay -- your hands
                   My friend...*

I know times have been better --
                    The crops have been wetter
Our hearts have been lighter and
Our bonds have been tighter

    But I want you to know --
    That some flowers it’s
    In the dessert they grow
*So stay -- your hands
       My friend.
The start of a song that I'm working on and thought I'd share.
 Jun 2016 Axle Avatari
Remember the day when we
Spent all our time to be
Wholly lost in the breeze?

The warmth like a heater
The grass smelled sweeter
Weaving our way through the trees

We ducked and dived
Never felt so alive
Until roots formed 'round our feet

The world got meeker  
The hills got steeper
****** in a ditch of deceit

I breath to breath you
Do I need to need to?
I should take my chances and run

I'll lose my mind
Trying one more time
To fight a battle that cannot be won
 Jun 2016 Axle Avatari
 Jun 2016 Axle Avatari
Every breath is desperation
for your sensuous, silken skin.
There's no room for separation
in this cozy, satin twin.

The glint of your pearly whites.
Your desire to be admired.
I am blessed with you.
Obsessed with you.
Never growing tired.

Your lips are matched by nothing else.
Warmth greater than a cabin's hearth.
I could forsake a thousand's wealth
and still not match their worth.

You are Beauty.
You are Divine.
You are much like those gentle morning winds
rustling through the chimes.

*"You are mine, my own,
my precious..." *Sublime
for now and for always.
Forever. Through time.
 Jun 2016 Axle Avatari
Your features are flawless,
Sculpted from perfection into
Something more remarkable.
      Your skin is like that of a goddess,
      Outlining a sedulous smile
      That says your up to no good.
The wit you displayed on a turn of a dime
Certainly helped us pass our time together.
You spoke with sophistication.
Your goals lofty, but achievable.

               I wonder if I could withstand
               Never having the upper hand?
               Reaching has never been my style,
               Though, surely it would be worthwhile
               If it ushered in the beginning
               To an end, worth spending
               Time to attend to.
 Jun 2016 Axle Avatari
"Don't you recall?"                                     
  This seems important
  As your shoulders fall

  "Do you even remember?"                    
  No, Dear
  Nor the fifth of November

  "What do you feel?"                                                           ­           
  *I feel like you ask too much of a broken mind
  Can't we both forget the forgotten
  One more time?
 Jun 2016 Axle Avatari
"It is in its pursuit" -- they say.
Is this the only way, I wonder.
Are there greater riches to plunder
Without weathering the hull
To be torn asunder?

"No victory without strife" -- ?
Yet I feel joy with you, my wife.
Although we both settled for less,
When we merged our family crests,
We are both comfortable and in love.
The solitary sailor shall decree
To always want and need more
Is a flagrant disease.

My happiness will never cease.
Even when these creases
Finish meandering across my wasted body,
My soul will be a vessel of my love for you.
Evidence that our happiness was pure and true.
 Jun 2016 Axle Avatari
I forgive you for all
Of the changes you never make,
The blame I've had to take,
The broken promises that fostered doubt,
The nights of my heart being strewn about.

I forgave the friend with whom you left.
I forgave you for leaving him bereft.
I forgave your cowardice in the face of guilt
And my trust in you being sound as silt.

The shrapnel in your wake, left for me to sift,
Has created rift, after rift, after rift, after rift.
Although I duck love's fists anew,
I forgive you ***.
It's not for you to undo.
I related to a beautiful poem by Rose. Thus, I was inspired by:  --- Check it out!
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