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Jonathan Moya
“Are you okay?”,
my wife asks
when I cough.

“No. I’m fine.
Yes. I’m not”,
I respond,

stumping her
in the poetic irony
of words that

encompass the
yes and no
and the in between.

She flips the finger
at me and I return
the bird to the nest.

We go back to our life
and our tablets,
the drip, drip of my chemo
and I wonder about okay.

“No.  You’re fine.
Yes. You’re not.”,
the bag stares in response.
Heavy Hearted
The time it takes
to curate a reality
The eyes of a hostile reflection
Don't contribute, but consume- the moment's prison of littleness...
Is it not possible? To escape eternity's hour's ceaselessness?
is too short;

we perpetuate-
it takes shape.
we preform,
then placate.
Carefully removing posters from the wall
But the tape always catches
And rips at the edges,
Never careful enough
And like the tape
I never escape
Without a piece of them
Always with me
Emma Peters
No matter what I do
The loneliness comes in
She peeks through the window
And lifts up my chin.

No matter what I do
The loneliness is there
She looks at me sadly
And doesn’t seem to care

No matter what I do
The loneliness gets more
She wraps her arms around me
While I lay motionless on the floor
Trying to get back into writing
The door is slowly opening
I can hear the hinges creaking
As it is forced to move.
What pagan wind invades
The solace of this silent chamber
To move what has grown stationary
In the effort to hold back
The machinations that are
Fluttering like brazen banners
On the brightly gilded lances
Of the mavens of decay
Don't ask me- I just write 'em  - I don't get paid to understand 'em.
I regret everything.
I regret falling in love.
I regret leaving.
I regret opening up.
I regret hurting so many.
I regret being desperate.
I regret changing.
I regret running away.
I regret staying.
I regret turning away.
I regret meaning everything.
I regret feeling unsafe.
I regret playing games.
I regret loving.
I regret caring.
I regret it all.
Imaan Asif
before I die,
i wish to take a breath again
People say:
God's evil, or that He doesn't care,
but im contrary to them,
for everytime I pray, or when I cry, or when I call out to him,

He is there.
In the room.
Offering comfort in my soul and assuring me that everything's
going to be alright

He's the voice in the wilderness that says
'come this way to be sheltered from the storm'
I go gladly and I shelter myself
from my worries
Wishing Well -
make a wish
and it buries itself
Em MacKenzie
I’m alone stuck in my head
we both lost track of what was said.
Here I write but you haven’t read,
please just come to bed.

Lost in translation starts a fight,
another disappointing night.
Not sure of much but sure we’re right,
come to bed and turn off the light.

Mind’s running laps but in a line,
avoiding barbed wire and land mine.
Determined to stay up to greet sunshine,
come to bed and it will be fine.

I’m alone stuck in my head
an impending sense of doom and dread.
I write in blue but you mark in red,
please just come to bed.
I'll drop to my knees for you;
You don't even have to ask.
Just let me do this simple task -
let me hear those shuddered gasps.
Donall Dempsey

You were always
the bit

where the map creased & tore
leaving us unsure

looking through a hole
at our own big toe.

You were always
the bit

where the map was folded in four
and had to be awkwardly unfolded

just to see
where you were.

You were always
the bit

that was just off this map

ending in mid air...

...see next map:

...the missing map!

You were always
the lost map.

You were often
the wrong map.

The map that there was... map of:
Abi Winder
i got a paper cut
and i picked at it
until its corpse
become a permanent headstone
on my skin.

you hurt me,
and i picked at it
until it began to scar,
until it began to
tighten the skin.

i will never be able to escape the ache of you.
never be able to revive myself.
or be able to relieve the pain of the skin pulling.

but i will always try to heal it,
even if it is no use.
Ciel Noir
my heart was an open book
full of blank sections
and searching for meaning
I filled it with questions

I looked for connections
or some explanation
I looked for letters
and I found punctuation
Francie Lynch
Speak truth to power,
And don't dismiss the facts.
Why insipidly focus on polls
Like the failing Times,
The Murdochian lies
And the Hedge Fund huskers
CNN is rudderless.
The media is fascist,
Bending facts to fit the frame.
There is no Venn Diagram
For comfirmative circles.
Don't treat the true and the false,
The outrageous and the normal
As glossed over good people on both sides.
The sides are not equally valid
Because the Post opines it so.
Jia En
My sister made
A little rainbow out of clay,
It sits on my desk;
I look at it every day
Though its colours did fade.
It reminds
It’s just a matter of time
Before I’ll be able to see
The dust, the grey on everyone’s
Face, as if they’ve misplaced
Their joy and fun.
Still, I’ll wish that my
Rainbow will look Age in the eye,
And just have a good laugh.
My colours will stand
Through every wash, by machine or hand.
Won’t be whitening my hair.
Unfortunately, we're all getting older...
The nature’s mistake is I was born.
My mistake is I am still living.
Author: Zhanar
Vange Cain
Imagine a life where you're truly free,
Trusting yourself, letting go with gracefully.
No more doubts holding you back,
Just courage to follow the right track.

Believe in your strength, believe in your worth. Embrace each moment, cherish your birth. Let go of fears that weigh you down,
Rise above, don't let them get you down.

Take a leap of faith, spread your wings wide. Fly high, with confidence by your side.
Embrace the freedom, embrace the light,
Shine bright, with all your might.

So imagine a life where you're truly free,
Trust yourself, let go and just be.
You have the power, you have the key,
To live a life that's happy and carefree. Love Vange
I have a ___.
It smells like ___.
My ___ is ___
And isn't ___.

When I feel ___,
I ___ a rose
Or ___ a ___.
Go ___ ___ ___!

marc rios
I took the hand of a false prophet
'Cause I know i found happiness
Even for brief moments
Tomorrow i might suffer the consequences
But since then, i know pain
Like i know my own name
Might not be a friend of mine
But a company is a company
And it is so much better than being empty
Now that I can walk no more
Chasing pipe dreams could stop
I failed
I give up
I will surrender

It has been a long journey
Lived on a stolen time
Filled with heart aches
A few moments of stolen joy
And for that I am grateful

The time has come
To bag my broken bones
And my lonely heart
Say my goodbyes to no one
And limp towards the light
Step by step
With no questions nor regrets

Now that I can walk no more

Arlo Disarray
my toxic trait
i see beauty
in everything
One day I’ll wake up and the wounds will just be scars
The love will still be there, but it won’t be my whole heart anymore,
Just one little corner,
for him forever
my trouble is I analyze life instead of living it.
I recognize that I live now and only now, and I will do what I want to do THIS moment and not what I decided was best for me yesterday.
next time I will...
from now on I will...
what makes me wiser today than I was yesterday?
isolation has its familiarity,
as happiness is a drug
yet not as addicting as
god forbid this feeling of deserving this suffering.
Jimmy silker
I shook hands with Joe Gideon
And high fived the shark
After a forest performance
In which they had rocked hard

The beauty of his voice and words
The slickness o her grooves
Soaked into me sonically
And caused the earth to move

Their world is so inviting
As at the barrier i stand
They'll take you on a journey
To learn the ways of man.
Apollo Vadavian
coming to see you
i'll wear rat skins
stapled carefully
to my buttocks
nothing else
just fine pelts of waxy blue
as i walk
David P Carroll
I'm standing holding
Hands with you
And this love is
So pure and true
And in this moment
I declare my love for you.
True Love 💞💞
Santiago A
When we were born,
we were afraid of the unknown.
The monsters, ghosts, and creatures.

We grew up.

As children we imagined
and believed in the fantastical,
The pixies, wizards, and dragons.

We grew up.

As teenagers we found connection
and believed in the supernatural
The demons, devils, and angels

I grew up.

And you continue believing in
demons, devils, and angels.
ex-christian now atheist. Sad my religious ex left because I don't believe in what she believes.
Not looking to debate, just writing my thoughts.
Anonymous Freak
So darling,
In the moments
You turn around
And catch me staring at you
Wide eyed,
Know that I’m drinking you up.
Carefully filing everything you do in my memory
So I can pull it out
On lonely walks in the park and down the street,
So I can think of you
On cold nights laying in bed.
Because it won’t last,
But I want to remember
Every second.
Salmabanu Hatim
Visitors give me pleasure,
When they depart.
My lover has the hand of an artist,
The heart of a poet,
The brain of a genius,
And the ear of a musician,
The most rare mix of beauty and tragedy.
Was it necessary?

To call me in the middle of the day

To remind me what could’ve been if i stayed

To tell  me all the lies before we parted

To make me realize none if it was okay
all my stress
my shortness of breath
there's not one day i don't think about you
you are my flu
       Predict, predict, predict,

Songs were on the low-fi,
We would listen all night,

     Try, try, try,try, try


In the Time of Creation,
But there, for the love of God go I,
Songs were on the low-fi,
We would choose the most high.
I dont know, Tuesday poem time.  Why not?
Taru M
the moon is the grand architect
feel her pull in high tide
             feel her push when unsure
  on dark nights
  in urban scapes
   surrounded by artificial light

she still shines through
her blueprints are mystery
especially when ideas are new
   she is a slow reveal
     an inspired temptress
                    lean into this
press fingers into her curves

as she undresses
visibility is not always the goal
but when light reflects
it is inevitable

while we question her cycles
she is not afraid of the rebuild
       the versions we hold of each other
       died many moons ago
Not yet,
Thy laugh, still a melody to my ears,
Thy voice, still a gentle wind I breathe,
Thy compliment, still my favourite poem,
Thy face, still a moonlight on the ocean in my eyes;

How can I?
Thy existence were like;
Pouring a cup of espresso,
Filled the emptiness of the cup
With the warmth, the taste and flavours.
look at her, they say.
so polite and hardworking.
I reply with an okay-
and try to be like her.

look at her smiling on the stage, they say.
shining with a grade 8 in piano.
I reply with an okay-
and mold myself into someone they'll like.

look at her grades, they say.
getting top marks in every subject possible.
I reply with an okay-
but I'll always be inferior.

and they say, that's just how life works. </3
      may have tricked me,
                                                    but i
                              fooled myself.



                                          these things

The Best
                                                         in the end.
To my own regret
I've made my bed
It's a shame we met
While I lost my head
The Red Woman
i opened my window
and the wind blew in
turning over a page
telling me
that it was time
to start a new chapter
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